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Frage Antworten
I hope that.../I hope to...
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Mam nadzieję
I am under the impression that/ I get the impression that.../ I feel that
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Mam wrażenie
I get the feeling that/.../ I feel that.../ I have a feeling that
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Mam przeczucie
I want to... / I would like to.../ I feel like+ing/ I would love to...
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Mam ochotę
I am going too.../ I intend to.../I plan to.../ I want to.../ I would like
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Mam zamiar
I am right/ You are right
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Mam rację
You were unlucky/ You were out of luck/ You ran out of luck.
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Miałeś pecha/Nie miałeś szczęścia/Zabrakło ci szczęścia.
I stand a chance of.../ I got a chance... getting promotion
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Mam szansę

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