Everyday Language 2

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a charitable or helpful person (with reference to Luke 10:33)
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good Samaritan
when something went terribly wrong (vulgar)
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and it all / everything went to hell
everything went terribly wrong (more polite)
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and it all went sideways
to move to the first place
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to take a lead
used to an advantage over someone (sport)
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to be (unit of measurement) ahead of
in a good state of health or in a good condition
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to be in good shape
an awkward state of affairs
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a fine / pretty kettle of fish
a really stupid person
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moron / you moron!
to make something colder
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to cool
to wash or clean something quickly and carelessly
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to give (something) a lick and a promise
to pay for our bad actions
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expiate for something
used when somebody forgets about something
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it slipped (my) mind/memory
popular polish dish
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meat-stuffed cabbage
according to what is generally assumed or believed (often used to indicate that the speaker doubts the truth of the statement)
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to to stand silently with the body stiff and straight, the feet together, and both arms at the sides
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to stand to attention
(of a loud noise) be repeated several times as an echo.
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to reverberate
be replaced or superseded by
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to give way to
noisily release air from the stomach through the mouth; belch (inf)
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to burp / to belch (f)
is lucky that
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it is/was a good job...
I have no money
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I'm brassic
to phone someone
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to give (someone) a bell
I'm tired
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I'm knackered
to fall asleep, for a short period of time
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to doze off / to nod off
a big disappointment
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a bummer
very rarely
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once in a blue moon
sth makes me bored, angry, annoyed
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(sth / sm) drives me round the bend
sth annoys me
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(sth / sm) does / doing my head in
to feel sick / not well
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to feel under the weather
to feel sick
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to feel rough
to feel extremely happy
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to be over the moon
in the end / before giving the final conclusion
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at the end of the day
behave! / get some self control!
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get a grip!

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