Everyday Language

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Lernen beginnen
to get rid of doubts
Lernen beginnen
allay doubts
having the power to do anything
Lernen beginnen
taking a risk, being confident while doing it
Lernen beginnen
ok, I understood everything👌
Lernen beginnen
Roger / Roger That
can you stop making these gross sound of eating?
Lernen beginnen
can you stop smacking?
something suddenly appeared on my screen
Lernen beginnen
something popped up
left something for the time in the future after something
Lernen beginnen
to leave sth over sth
a place where wild animals live, sometimes in the ground
Lernen beginnen
so extremely complicated that your minds goes numb
Lernen beginnen
slightly wet
Lernen beginnen
constant and quiet low background noise (N)
Lernen beginnen
the butterfly of night
Lernen beginnen
it brings an advantage
Lernen beginnen
it pays to
having not enough weight
Lernen beginnen
in practice it's harder than in theory
Lernen beginnen
easier said than done
extremely unpleasant, horrifying
Lernen beginnen
to walk with difficulty, becouse of the damaged or hurtful leg
Lernen beginnen
to limp
it's something easy and unimportant
Lernen beginnen
it's (merely) a triffle
to look really bad, untidy or dirty
Lernen beginnen
to look like something the cat brought in
used to express the ease with which a task can be achieved
Lernen beginnen
... and Bob's your uncle
fucking cool
Lernen beginnen
to be expectionaly spoiled
Lernen beginnen
to be spoiled rotten
be absolutely inexperienced when being new member of community
Lernen beginnen
to be just off the boat
to be very sexualy attracted to someone
Lernen beginnen
to have the hots for someone
to be in the bad mood
Lernen beginnen
to be / feel out of sorts
to preserve the water from pouring out of a battle by putting a cap on
Lernen beginnen
to put / screw the cap (back) on
commit oneself to a course of action about which one is nervous
Lernen beginnen
to take a plunge
doing something and not caring about it
Lernen beginnen
doing something with abandon
to be mentally strong and positive about the future
Lernen beginnen
to be in a good spirit

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