EViU | Chapters: 26-55

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Lernen beginnen
to offer good value for money
when you may stay somewhere overnight before continuing to your destination
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a stopover
a bed in a cabin with other people
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a berth in a shared cabin | berth = kuszetka
to escape your daily life and routines
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to get away from it all
wagon osobowy (w pociągu)
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carriage / coach [BrE] or car [AmE]
get off one train and on to another
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to change trains
a train which takes you directly to your destination
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a through train = a direct train
to travel to different places (informal)
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to get around (e.g. car hire is another way of getting around)
go where you want when you want
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to come and go as you please
if you do your own cooking during holidays
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a self-catering holiday
a small cottage or cabin specially built for holiday-maker
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a chalet
urlopowicz, wczasowicz
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holidaymaker [BrE] / vacationer or vacationist [AmE]
a small, relatively cheap hotel
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a guest house | pensjonat, domek gościnny
similar to a pub but also offering accommodation
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an inn
usually breakfast and one other meal
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half board
all meals included
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full board
go where there are not many people
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to escape the crowds
go to places tourists don't normally go, somewhere different or unusual
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to get off the beaten track
extremely beautiful
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showing good judgement, esp. about style and quality
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discerning | wymagający, wytrawny
a crowd, in a negative sense
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a horde
a large amount of...
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a wealth of...
to get back your energy
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to recharge
areas of land protected in order to keep safe the animals and plants that live there, often because they are rare
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nature reserves | rezerwaty przyrody
are of land (collocates with large, vast, huge)
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a tract | obszar, przestrzeń, połać ziemi
wzbudzający podziw, zbudzający respekt
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a long, pleasant walk but not too demanding
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a ramble [BrE] | przechadzka, spacer
a more demanding walk, suggesting more difficult terrain
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a hike
a walk that usually spans over several days over wild country
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a trek
the business of organising holidays in a way which helps local people and does not damage the environment
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the inland areas furthest away from the sea or from borders with other countries
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on the edge of the sea or of a river
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tending to have a particular negative characteristic
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prone to
area in the north with no trees and permanently frozen ground
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plant life
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trees that are evergreen (= in leaf all year round) and produce cones
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coniferous | iglasty
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trees that lose their leaves in winter
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deciduous | liściasty, zrzucający liście, ale też mleczny o zębie
ząb mleczny
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deciduous tooth
umiarkowany (o klimacie)
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flat grasslands in Canada and Northern US
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prairie | preria, step północnoamerykański
a field planted with rice growing in water
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paddy field | pole ryżowe
to take care of sth
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to tend sth
producing goods in large numbers
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in an important position regarding something
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to be at the forefront of sth
existing naturally in that place
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indigenous (e.g. tribes)
to make your home somewhere
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to settle somewhere | osiedlić się
cold (adjective, provide synonyms)
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chilly, freezing, nippy
hot (adjective, about weather, provide synonyms)
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boiling, sweltering, roasting
windy (adjective, provide synonyms)
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blowy, breezy
what does a climate of distrust mean?
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a general situation of distrust
to cloud something
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to confuse something (e.g. to cloud one's judgement)
mgliste wspomnienie
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a hazy memory
1. existing at a particular time or in a particular place, 2. attitudes or types of behaviour are the ones that are most common or have most influence
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parny, duszny (o pogodzie)
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oppressive, sultry, stifling, heavy, close (e.g. It's close today. I can barely breathe.)
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downpour, deluge, it's pouring
leje jak z cebra!
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it's chucking it down!
wilgotny (w nieprzyjemny sposób, głównie o pogodzie)
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humid, muggy. clammy, sticky
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unfriendly, unwelcoming (e.g. sth is met with frosty reception but also frosty tone, frosty look)
with your reputation damaged because you may have done something wrong
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under a cloud (e.g. he left the company under a cloud)
rapid, moving quickly in other words
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whirlwind (e.g. a whirlwind romance)
1. neither very great nor very small in amount, size, strength, or degree, 2. reasonable and avoiding extreme opinions or actions
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moderate (e.g. moderate increase/loss/growth)
to moderate
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to make less extreme
lots of hard, unpleasant things that one can't stop or escape from
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a hail of something
to praise sb/sth in a way that will increase expectations of them
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built sth/sb up
to make relationships more solid
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to cement
to meet a barrier (metaphorically)
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to come up against a brick wall
a limit to sth
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ceiling (e.g. they put a ceiling on the number of planned redundancies)
used about prices, to increase in a rapid, uncontrolled fashion
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go through the roof
to get very angry
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hit the roof
a chance to do sth special
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window of opportunity
(usually about a quality or idea) to depart
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go out (of) the window
not to know about the unpleasant or ordinary thinks that happen in life
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to live in an ivory tower
1) to be outstandingly tall, 2) to be outstanding in some positive way
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to tower above sth/sb
to give an opportunity to get somewhere
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to be a gateway to
to do sth unofficially
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do sth through/by the back door
to do sth in secret
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to do sth behind closed doors
to provide the starting point
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to lay the foundations
to go back to the place where your family came from
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go back to your roots
roots suggest the origin of sth
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e.g. the root of a problem
to settle down and make your home in one place
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to put down roots
when an idea becomes known or accepted, it...
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takes root
to stop sth before it develops into sth
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to nip sth in the bud (= zdusić coś w zarodku)
to weed out
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to get rid of
to cut/limit sth
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to prune back
to become smaller
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to fade
to get results from sth
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to reap the rewards of something
to experience the logical results of your actions (usually used in negative contexts)
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to reap what you sowed
to dig up
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to discover
to germinate
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to begin to develop
to lose energy
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to wilt
to appear quickly in large numbers
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to sprout up
first signs of sth happening
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green shoots of sth
to grow/develop well and successfully based on sth
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to thrive on sth (e.g. stress)
an animal that eats a diet that is mainly or exclusively meat (or grass/vegetation)
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carnivore (herbivore)
an animal that feeds on dead animals which it has not killed itself
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behaving very gently (about animals)
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not afraid of humans, usually because of training or long involvement with humans (about animals)
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extremely violent or wild
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behaving aggresively
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preferred natural place for living and breeding
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natural habitat
to die out / to become extinct
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areas of land where animals are protected from hunting
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game reserve / game park
a place where stray cats, dogs, etc. are given food and a place to live
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animal shelter
sports whose purpose is to kill or injure animals
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blood sports
the selling of animal furs. for coats, jackets, etc.
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fur trade
people who hunt animals illegally
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polować na coś
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prey on something
kampania na rzecz czegoś
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campaign for something
places where animals live and breed which are decreasing in size
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shrinking habitats
variety of different types of biological species
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in danger of no longer existing
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endangered species
zmiany klimatyczne
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climatic changes
balance of natural relationships in the environment
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ecological balance
unrestricted destruction of forests
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uncontrolled deforestation
getting rid of waste
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waste disposal
poisonous waste materials
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toxic waste
reputation for positive support of the environment and for making policies that reflect this
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green credentials
steady rise in average world temperature
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global warming
coal, oil, etc.
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fossil fuels (paliwa kopalne)
to put great pressure on something in other words
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to exert severe pressure on something
limited that will eventually run out / be exhausted
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finite resources
forecasts about the population
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demographic projections
ability to ensure that a population has safe drinking water
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water security
people who always make the most depressing and pessimistic predictions about the future
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prophets of doom and gloom
development of industry, etc. which doesn't damage the environment or social and economic stability, and which can continue over a period of time
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sustainable development
toksyna, trucizna
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to listen, take things seriously and act
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be responsible to sth
willing to understand and help
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accommodating | uprzejmy, uczynny
willing and happy to do things for somebody
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być na gwarancji
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to be under guarantee/warranty
to be available in a real, physical store
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to be in-store
lacking a personal element or feeling of human warmth
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poor quality (of services or of goods)
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below the standard expected
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not supportive, unwilling to work together
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phone number where you can get help if you have problems
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a helpline
make sb wait
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put sb on hold
alphabetical list of contents of website
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site index
a form with personal details and date of arrival
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landing card
form showing how much money and what goods you're carrying
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customs declaration form
paper proving you have had the necessary health injections
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vaccination certificate
rules about who can enter a country and for how long
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entry regulations
checks done as a sample rather than checking everyone or everything
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spot checks (on sth, e.g. baggage)
specially trained dogs who locate specific items using their sense of smell
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sniffer/detector dogs
to request permission to stay in another country to avoid persecution back home
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to claim asylum
make people obey the law
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enforce the law
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safety/speed camera
tv system sending signals to a limited number of screens
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police who don't wear uniform
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plain-clothes police
tricking people on the Internet to give up personal information
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a person who supports a particular idea or party
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an adherent (of)
a person who's taken on a new set of beliefs
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a convert (to)
sb with a very strong belief that something is great (often disapproving)
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a fanatic
sb who believes there should be extreme change, often political
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a radical (verb. to radicalise)
sb opposed to change or new ideas (disapproving)
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a reactionary
a principle on which a belief is based
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a tenet
a person who publicly supports an opinion
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a proponent (of sth)
a way of thinking about a situation
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a viewpoint = a point of view
not wanting or able to believe sth
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influenced by beliefs or feelings rather than facts
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przypisać coś komuś
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attribute sth to sb
accept that sb is telling the truth even though it's not certain
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give sb the benefit of the doubt
do not totally believe what you're told
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take sth w/ a pinch of salt
100th anniversary (200th anniversary)
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centenary (bi-)
serious, heavy and sad
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extremely colourful and exaggerated
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very noisy
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respect and remember officially
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to commemorate (= upamiętnić, uczcić pamięć)
a group of countries ruled by a single person
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beginning (in other words)
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when sb or an army defeats and takes over another country
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a conquest (podbój)
very small amounts
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soldiers on foot (uncountable)
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soldiers on horseback (uncountable)
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a military leader who controls a country or, more often, an area within a country
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warlord (gubernator wojskowy lub watażka)
collective term for people of the highest social rank in a society
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the nobility (arystokracja)
to be influenced or controlled too much by something
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be a slave to​/​of something
extreme poverty
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a place to live that is protected from the weather
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weak or ill because you do not eat enough or do not eat enough of the right foods
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conditions and processes relating to people’s health, especially the systems that supply water and deal with human waste
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sanitation (= warunki sanitarne)
money is tight
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there's not much money
range of income with upper and lower levels
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income bracket
not having the things that are essential for a comfortable life
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deprived (e.g. deprived home - ubogi dom)
categorised at in other words
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labelled as
provide a synonym for 'wealth'
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to have a life with many dangers and risks, especially because you like to behave in an extreme and unusual way
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live on the edge
to be extremely poor
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live/be on the breadline
have enough money to buy all you need
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to make ends meet (wiązać koniec z końcem)
affected by poverty
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poor, without much money to live on
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impoverished (zubożały)
with no money or possessions
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destitute (adjective)
to have just enough money or food to stay alive
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to live from hand to mouth (= klepać biedę)
try to influence the opinions
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to lobby
a law, or a set of laws
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period after a proposed law has been discussed by Parliament when it's looked at in detail by a group of people
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committee stage
a committee that checks and reports on some aspect of government work
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select committee
to look very closely at something
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scrutinise (szczegółowo badać, analizować)
a large political meeting or demonstration
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rally (zbiórka zwolenników lub przeciwników czegoś)
if something is down to somebody, it's...
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the responsibility of that person
opinia/zdanie w sprawie czegoś
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opinion on something
the official record of debates in the British, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand, or South African parliament.
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someone who lives in a constituency and is allowed to vote in elections
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constituent (= wyborca z danego regionu) | constituency = okręg wyborczy
when sth is substantive, it's...
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of significance
a set of plans or actions agreed on by a government, political party, business, or other group
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to cross departmental boundaries
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to deal with different departments
a statement that someone has done something wrong or illegal even though this has not been proved
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allegation (bezpodstawne twierdzenie, insynuacja)
a conduct (of sb) - what does it mean?
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just behaviour of someone
to follow closely to see how a job is done
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to shadow the work of somebody
covering many subjects, diverse
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special skill or knowledge that you get from experience, training, or study
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expertise (in something)
a full set of laws of a country
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to form (e.g. an organisation)
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to constitute
to try to achieve
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to pursue
to set up (provide synonyms)
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to establish / to put in place
pokazać komuś, gdzie jego miejsce
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put somebody in their place
to show that you support something such as an idea by what you say or do
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to uphold
involvement in a difficult situation in order to improve it
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to accept that something is true or important OR to accept the authority or status of someone or something
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to recognise (e.g. This credit card is recognised all over the world.)
niezaprzeczalnie / niewątpliwie
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undeniably (syn. certainly)
to promise to do sth (formal)
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to undertake to do something (= zobowiązać się do zrobienia czegoś)
powszechny, zwyczajowy
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customary (e.g. It's customary to tip the waiter.)
break the law/rules in a way that's considered not to be very harmful
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to bend the law/rules
to break the law
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to contravene the law / to infringe the law
to make a formal statement saying that a person in public office has committed a serious offence
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to impeach a president/governor
to make an official request that a previous judgement should be changed
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to lodge an appeal
to say that a previous decision in court was correct/incorrect
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to uphold/overturn a verdict
someone who is determined to succeed and who works hard to achieve this.
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to try to influence the result of a court case, especially by preventing the true facts about a crime from being known. Perverting the course of justice is also referred to as obstructing the administration of justice.
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to pervert the course of justice
to change a previous official decision that someone was guilty
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to quash a conviction (= unieważniać skazanie)
to take legal action against sb
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to sue sb
to give one parent or adult the main responsibility for a child, esp. after separation or divorce
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to award/grant custody to sb (= przyznać opiekę nad dzieckiem)
to declare that sth no longer exists and never existed
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to annul a(n) agreement/marriage/law/contract
to say that sb has done sth illegal without giving proof
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to allege (zarzucać coś komuś, pomawiać kogoś)
to make changes to a law
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to amend a law
unfair treatment on grounds of sex, rate or nationality
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discrimination against sth
stealing money that belongs to an organisation that you work for
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embezzlement (= defraudacja, malwersacja)
putting undue pressure on sb
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lying under an oath
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perjury (= krzywoprzysięstwo)
illegal buying and selling of shares by sb who has specialist knowledge of a company
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insider trading/dealing
moving money obtained illegally so that its origin cannot be traced
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money laundering
following sb or giving them unwanted or obsessive attention
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going onto someone else's land without permission
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take the law into your own hands - what does it mean?
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you do sth illegal to punish sb bc you feel the legal system will not punish that person
to refuse to behave like everyone else, or to believe you can do whatever you want to
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to be a law unto oneself (idiom, = stanowić prawo dla samego siebie, robić cokolwiek się zechce)
to say with great force what you think should happen
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to lay down the law (idiom, = rozkazywać, rządzić się)
activities concerning the relationships between governments
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official order such as the stopping of trade, taken against a country to make it obey
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people injured or killed that who are not members of the military/police
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civilian casualites
remove someone from power using force
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disagreement or fighting between groups
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when sth is all-out (e.g. a war), it is...
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complete & total
finding a way to end conflict and the negative feelings between groups
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conflict resolution
to start to use a plan or idea so that it becomes real and has practical results
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put​/​bring​/​carry something into effect (= wcielić w życie)
having existed for a long time
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longstanding (e.g. a tradition, arrangement, agreement)
fight a war against sb in other words
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wage war on someone
to attack unexpectedly from secret positions
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to ambush
an agreement to stop fighting for a period of time, especially in order to discuss permanent peace
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a ceasefire (= zawieszenie broni)
a planned group of military activities
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a campaign
people fighting against their government
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a rebellion
głęboka bieda
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deep/abject poverty
give to be used for a particular purpose
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to allocate (e.g. funds)
what is a development grant?
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a grant awarded, esp by a government, to a person or company in order to fund the development of a new product OR a grant paid by a government to a company choosing to set up in an area suffering from unemployment and economic depression
to get rid of something completely, especially something bad
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to eradicate
what does an ailing economy mean?
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an economy in a bad state
what does a double-dip recession mean?
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it's a recession which ends and then begins again after a short time
give the economy a lift
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to boost the economy
the placing of unfair restrictions, e.g. limiting imports
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restrictive practices
restrictions on what a country may import/export
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what does it mean to lift restrictions?
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to cancel restrictions
a war-torn economy has been...
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badly affected by war
znaleźć się / wyjść z recesji
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go into recession / come out of OR emerge from recession
a serious fall/collapse in prices
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slump in prices
poprawić dostęp do czegoś
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improve access to something
to have no money left
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to be broke/skint
to have lots of money
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to roll in it (informal)
when your finances are not good
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things are a bit tight
to need cash and have very little
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to be strapped for cash
a regular automatic payment
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a direct debit
movement of money online between two bank accounts
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electronic transfer
annual percentage rate of interest
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card where the money is taken directly from your bank account
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debit card
credit card issued by a store/shop for that store
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store card
to take money from your account (synonyms)
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to get some money out / to withdraw some money
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ATM = cash machine = cashpoint
karta zbliżeniowa
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contactless card = tap-and-go card
a single, large payment
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a lump sum
a large payment to sb on leaving a job
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a golden handshake
a combination of investments of different kinds
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a share portfolio (= portfel akcji)
money saved over many years
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life savings
descriptions of the lives of people who've just died
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a newspaper article expressing the editor's opinion on a topical issue.
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an editorial (= artykuł wstępny, wstępniak)
a short advertisement that you put in a newspaper, for example so that you can sell something
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classified ad
a separate magazine included w/ the newspaper
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supplement (= dodatek)
an article or set of articles devoted to a particular topic
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a feature (on sth)
sections in a paper or magazine that deal with readers' private emotional problems
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agony columns
a person who answers letters in the agony column
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an agony aunt
grzbiet książki
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a spine of a book
prowadzić dziennik
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to keep a journal
the use of small computers to produce newspapers, magazines, or professional documents
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desktop publishing [= publikowanie zza biurka (przygotowywanie tekstów i ilustracji do druku)]
a number of copies sold by a newspaper or magazine
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a circulation (= nakład)
a regular report with information for people belonging to a particular group
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to access sth illegally
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to hack sth
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screen out = filter out (e.g. screen out spam = prevent it from reaching you)
unsurpassed - what's the meaning?
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it means 'the best there is'
to be much better than any other / pozostawić daleko w tyle
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to leave sb/sth standing (e.g. our dishwashers leave other models standing)
make sth seem insignificant
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to put/leave sth in the shade
extremely low / na najniższym możliwym poziomie
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rock-bottom [adj] / rock bottom [noun] means the lowest possible level
to slash prices
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to dramatically reduce prices
to treat yourself to something luxurious
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to pamper yourself / dogodzić sobie
to let yourself do or have something that you enjoy but which may be bad for you
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indulge yourself with something
impressive, expensive, and of high quality
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sumptuous = opulent
designed by studying people and their working or living conditions, esp. in order to improve effectiveness
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ergonomically designed
to be noticed (= wyróżniać się w tłumie/z tłumu)
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to stand out in/from the crowd
to turn heads [idiom]
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to attract a lot of attention
words written in the sky using smoke from a plane
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advertising posters hung at the back and front of a person, who then walks around a busy area
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sandwich boards
what does it mean 'to plug' in marketing?
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it means 'to advertise'
what does broadcast journalism include?
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TV and radio
where ordinary citizens use social media to report, photograph and share news with others
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citizen journalism
people trying to influence what other people think about a particular issue
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pressure groups (= grupy nacisku)
what does it mean to 'air your view'? [idiom]
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to express your opinions
to want to reach a wider audience
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to seek publicity (= szukać rozgłosu)
a short comment by a politician or other famous person that is taken from a longer conversation or speech and broadcast alone because it is very interesting or effective
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a soundbite
to present a story in your own way
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to put your own gloss/spin on a story
what does it mean to monitor?
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to regularly check
polować na coś
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hunt for [idiom] = look for
nagłośnienie, uwaga, zainteresowanie (mediów)
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media coverage (news about something on television or radio or in the newspapers)
a newspaper (suggesting it's not of very high quality)
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a rag
what does 'gutter press' mean?
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it's a disapproving term used about the kind of newspapers/magazines that are more interested in crime/sex than serious news
iść do druku
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to go to press
previous issues of a paper
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back copies
a story that's only to be found in one newspaper
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an exclusive = a scoop
oszczerstwo, zniesławienie, potwarz
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a libel (also: to libel as a verb) OR a defamation
the practice of looking for and publishing evidence that a famous person has done something wrong
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muckraking (= ujawnianie skandalu, pranie brudów) | muckraker - sb who looks for scandals
[legal] the crime of saying something about someone that is not true and is likely to damage their reputation
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slander (also functions as a verb 'to slander')
what's primary care?
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provided by the doctors or nurses who the patient goes to first when they have a problem
a doctor who does the job of another doctor who's ill or on holiday
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a locum
what's acute condition?
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one that's severe and sudden in onset (onset = nadejście)
what's secondary care?
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provided by specialists in special clinics or hospitals
być skierowanym do specjalisty (od swojego lekarza)
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to be referred to a specialist
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what's a surgery?
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a small centre offering primary care run by a single GP or a group of GPs
what's a clinic?
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a centre which specializes in treating a particular condition or group of conditions
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what's alternative/complementary medicine?
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approaches that differ from conventional western approaches
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chiropractor (= people who treat patients by pressing joints in places where two joints are connected, e.g. the spine, or backbone)
być opłacanym z podatków
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be paid for through taxes
tax paid by most working adults which covers the costs of healthcare for everyone
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national insurance
finansowane przez państwo
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state-funded / state-financed
what does it mean to go private?
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to choose private healthcare
provide four expressions that mean "not well, but not seriously ill"
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1) off-colour (to look off-colour), 2) feel out of sort, 3) feel under the weather, 4) feel poorly
to try to get rid of a cold
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to fight off a cold
to catch a disease, usually a non-serious illness
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to go down with (e.g. the flu) / if you're talking about yourself, it's more common to use 'come down with, e.g. the flu
what does it mean to suffer from something?
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to have more long-term health problems
with a high temperature /fever
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feeling that you want to vomit
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what does it mean to get over (e.g. a virus)
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to recover / get better
what does it mean to recover from (e.g. an operation)?
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to get better, used for more serious illnesses
what does it mean to be on the mend? [idiom]
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1) to be getting better after an illness / 2) to be improving after a difficult or unsuccessful period
persistent, low-level pain
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an ache (also a verb 'to ache')
to give pain, stronger than 'to ache'
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to hurt
what does 'aches and pains' mean?
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a fixed expression, refers to minor problems (e.g. I'm fine apart from the usual aches and pains)
what does 'cuts and bruises' mean?
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fixed expression, refers to minor injuries
a sudden, burning pain
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sting/stinging (= kłucie)
beating w/ pain (e.g. about headache)
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throbbing (e.g. my head is throbbing)
pain & difficulty moving your neck round
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to have a stiff neck
a. feeling that you're spinning round and can't balance
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dizzy (adj)
what does 'bunged up' mean (about your nose)?
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bunged up = blocked (about your nose!)
what does 'to be over the worst' mean?
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to be past the most difficult period (e.g. of a sickness)
to be fully healthy again
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to be back on your feet [idiom] (= stanąć na nogi)
what does it mean to have a past history of a disease?
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to have a record of medical conditions a person has experienced
an illness or medical condition in other words
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disorder (= zaburzenie / choroba)
an illness of the stomach or digestive passages
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gastrointestinal disease (żołądkowo-jelitowa choroba)
przewód pokarmowy
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gastrointestinal tract
a tube that carries solid waste out of the body
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bowel (= jelito)
what is a bowel movement [formal]
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what are adverse reactions?
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unwanted results
what is a condition (medical term)?
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an illness or a physical problem
what's a prognosis (medical)?
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how experts expect an illness to develop
a rash of sth
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a number of similar things happening at the same time (e.g. a rash of burglaries)
a point of very high intensity
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at the fever pitch / to reach fever pitch
what does 'jaundiced' mean?
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1) yellow-looking skin because of a liver problem 2) unenthusiastic or sceptical because of previous bad experiences
what does it mean to carry the scars of sth or to be scarred by sth?
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to be permanently affected by a negative experience
trzymać rękę na pulsie (to be conscious of new developments in a situation)
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to have/keep one's finger on the pulse [idiom]
na czas trwania czegoś
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for the duration of something
what does 'to impede' mean?
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to slow down or make difficult
unwanted substance that forms on the surface of the arteries
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plaque (płytka miażdżycowa, ale również osad nazębny)
to make sth to become blocked
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to clog
to cause a problem
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to pose a danger
what does 'cardiovascular' mean?
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it relates to the heart and blood (= sercowo-naczyniowy/krążeniowy)
a hormone that controls the level of sugar in the body
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good at or keen on sports
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the rate at which your body digests food
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what does it mean to be intent on sth?
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to be determined to do sth
quick & energetic (e.g. about a walk)
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to try to gain an advantage but make things worse rather than better
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to score an own goal
what does it mean to move the goalposts?
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to change the rules
what does a level playing-field mean?
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a fair situation / a situation that is fair for all the people involved
to be seriously considered in other words
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to be in the running for sth
what does 'to skate around' mean?
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to not talk directly about sth (e.g. to skate around the subject)
to do something, or to deal with something, very easily (sailing metaphor)
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sail through something
industry that uses large heavy machines to produce materials such as coal or steel or large objects such as cars or ships
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heavy industry
technology that involves the most modern or advanced methods, especially electronic equipment and computers
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high technology
extremely modern and advanced
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cutting-edge (e.g. technology)
the sale of a business or industry that was owned and managed by the government
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industry in which small goods are produced, for example things that you use in the house
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light industry
when industry is owned by the government
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state ownership
what does it mean to nationalize
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if a government nationalizes a large company or industry, it takes control of it and owns it
training people for new jobs and teaching them new skills
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big companies with operations in many different countries
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what is a cost-cutting exercise?
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an effort to reduce costs
what's a public-private partnership?
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partly state-owned, partly owned by private industries or businesses
money/grants which enable an industry/business to stay in profit
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an investment from foreign companies
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an inward investment
be only paid for the amount your produce
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be on piece-work (= być pracownikiem akordowym)
what does it mean to work on zero hours contract
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number of hours you work each week may vary, or there's no work, so you don't get paid (=umowa zero godzin (typ umowy o pracę w Wlk. Brytanii)
a union that negotiates wages and conditions for the people it represents
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trade union representation
what does it mean to switch production?
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to move the centre of manufacturing to a different place

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