expressions 15

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w dodatku
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at that
He managed to buy a car after all—and a nice one at that.
w niezgodzie
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on the outs
Harry is on the outs with his girlfriend again.
wszystko się może zdarzyć
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all bets are off
w obecnej sytuacji
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as things stand
środki lokomocji
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means of transport
z przeróżnych powodów
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for a variety of different reasons
Ireland is particularly accent-rich for a variety of different reasons.
na dobre i na złe
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through thick and thin
There are also those who hold on to their original accents through thick and thin and wear them as a badge of honour.
jakby to powiedzieć
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shall we say
Your son's behaviour at school has been, shall we say, "difficult"
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not least
The documentary caused a lot of bad feeling, not least among the workers whose lives it described
wziąć kogoś z zaskoczenia
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catch someone off guard
mieć upadki i wzloty
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have your ups and downs
They have their ups and downs but they love each other very much.
a jeszcze lepiej
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better yet, better still
Why don't you give her a call or, better still, go and see her?
jeśli okoliczności na to pozwolą
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if circumstances permit
You can use a jumping rope if circumstances permit.
w każdym razie, tak czy inaczej
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in any case
mimo to
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that said
po raz kolejny
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yet again
Yet again, a show I was leading opened huge and got canceled.
w zależności od
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depending on
The documents you need are different depending on whether you are employed, self-employed or getting a social welfare payment.
mieć czegoś potąd
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have it up to here
pasować do czegoś jak wół do karety
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stand out like a sore thumb
dotrzymać obietnicy
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deliver on a promise

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