Extremely simplified grammar - Veľmi zjednodušená gramatika

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The accent in Slovak is always on the first syllable.
grammatical genders
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There are three genders in Slovak - masculine, feminine and neuter. They're used not only for people, but also animals, objects, plants, etc. To use a noun correctly, you need to know its gender.
soft pronunciation de, te, ne, le, di, ti, ni, li
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When consonants d, t, n, l are followed by the vowels e, i or by the diphthongs ia, ie, iu, their pronunciation is soft (ď, ť, ň, ľ), except for words of foreign origin. In modern-day language, L is usually pronounced hard, even in this position.
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"Slovak: day 2"
(Insgesamt 262 Datenblatt)

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