Frasi di viaggio

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Vorrei due birre per favore
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I'd like two beers please
può tenere il resto
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can keep the change
quanto costa?
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how much?
Vorrei comprare una collana
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I would like to buy a necklace
può aiutarmi a trovare la scarpa
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can help me find the shoe
avete sandali Rossi
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you have red sandals
ho bisogno di questo ma di una taglia più grande
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i need this but one size bigger
Sto cercando i camerini
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I'm looking for the dressing rooms
Dov'è la banca più vicina
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Where is the nearest bank
é questo l'autobus per il centro
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this is the bus to the center
Mi scusi sto cercando il numero civico 15
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Excuse me I'm looking for house number 15
vado a dritto fino alla fine della strada poi giri a destra
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I go straight until the end of the road then turn right
troverà la banca vicino al supermercato
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you will find the bank next to the supermarket
può portare il conto per favore
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can you bring the bill please
devo andare adesso
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I have to go now
avete delle camere disponibili
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you have rooms available
Quanto costa una camera doppia
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How much does a double room cost
posso vedere la camera prima
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I can see the room first
c'è qualcuno che parla inglese chi
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there is someone who speaks english who
può parlare più lentamente
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can speak more slowly
non capisco
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I do not understand
può tradurmelo
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can translate it to me
lo scriva per favore
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write it down please
Pronto Sono il signor Gomez
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Hello. I'm Mr. Gomez
Vorrei parlare con il signor Jones
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I'd like to speak to Mr. Jones
mi sono perso può aiutarmi per favore
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I am lost can you help me please
mi lasci in pace
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leave me alone
chiamerò la polizia
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I'll call the police
ho bisogno del tuo aiuto
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I need your help
non mi tocchi
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Do not touch me
Mi sento male Ho bisogno di un dottore
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I feel bad. I need a doctor
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posso usare il suo telefono?
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can i use your phone?
sono qui in vacanza
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I'm here on vacation
sono qui con la mia famiglia
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i am here with my family
questo autobus ferma in centro
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this bus stops in the center
Quanto costa andare a Londra
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How much does it cost to go to London
ha una sigaretta
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has a cigarette
Sto cercando la stazione dei treni
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I'm looking for the train station
Dove posso trovare un supermercato
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Where can I find a supermarket
Ci vediamo dopo
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See you later
vuoi ballare
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Would you like to dance
una solo lingua non è sufficiente
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one language alone is not enough
non sono incinta sono grassa
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i am not pregnant i am fat
Sono un turista ho difficoltà a parlare la sua lingua
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I am a tourist I have difficulty speaking your language
posso usare il suo WiFi
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i can use its wifi
conosce qualche posto carino per divertirsi
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knows some nice places to have fun
c'è una biblioteca de queste parti
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there is a library in these parts
Da dove vieni?
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Where are you from?
sono chi per un semestre all'estero
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I'm who for a semester abroad
lavoro qui
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I work here
rimarrò chi per un mese
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i will stay who for a month
la mia famiglia vive qui
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my family lives here
sono qui con la mia ragazza
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I'm here with my girlfriend
non bevo alcolici
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I don't drink alcohol
sono allergico alle noccioline
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I'm allergic to peanuts

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