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Lernen beginnen
a womans bag
Lernen beginnen
to be strange, uncommon or unexpected
Lernen beginnen
the strips of hair above your eyes
Lernen beginnen
the act of pasing the tongue over something
put away
Lernen beginnen
put something back in its original place
Lernen beginnen
something is gross when we find something disgusting or unpleasant
unclog the drain
Lernen beginnen
remove something to blockage the passing of water through a pipe(drain is a channel of pipes that carry off liquid waste)
Lernen beginnen
the quality of having unlimited power
What about you?
I'm from the USA. What about you?
Lernen beginnen
Used to ask somebody's opinion/choice/information in response to information already presented
A wish
One day I wish to speak Mandarin
Lernen beginnen
Something you have a strong desire or want for
Coś, czego bardzo pragniesz lub chcesz
My dad's always embarrassing me in front of my friends.
Lernen beginnen
to make someone feel ashamed or shy
go ahead
"Can I borrow your book?" "Yes, go ahead."
Lernen beginnen
to start to do something / something that you say to someone to give them permission to do something
catch up
Lernen beginnen
to move faster in order to reach the person on vehicle
I have no desire to have children
Lernen beginnen
a strong feeling that you want something
have a crush on someone
Lernen beginnen
to have a secret and strong attraction for or desire to be with another person
get out of
I promised my niece to take her to the zoo and I can't get out of it now.
Lernen beginnen
to aviud doing something that you're expected to do
to be straight with someone
She; s always been straight with you
Lernen beginnen
to be honest with someone
to trip someone
Lernen beginnen
to couse someone to fall by putting your foot in front of the other person's feet
Lernen beginnen
the joint between the foot and the leg
She snuck out of the house late at night when her parents were sleeping
Lernen beginnen
to walk quietly
to deal with something = handle
How do you intend to deal with this problem?
Lernen beginnen
to take action in order to achieve something or in order to solve a problem:
During vacation she was uptight about an exam
Lernen beginnen
isn't able to relax, is alway worrying about somethin and getting upset over small things
That"s okey. I'm not judging you
Lernen beginnen
to form an opinion about something or someone
Her dance moves are so graceful
Lernen beginnen
with elegance / in a skillful manner
look out for something
If you continue down this street, look out for the dog
Lernen beginnen
Used to tell someone to pay attention at his or her surroundings in order to avoid a particular danger

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