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scigac kogos
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go after
The policeman went after the thief
odbywac sie zgodnie z planem
Lernen beginnen
go ahead
Although several members were absent, the board meeting went ahead as planned
wyjeżdżać, odejsc opuszczac
Lernen beginnen
go away
If you take an aspirin you headache will go away
nie zrobic czegos co sie obiecalo
Lernen beginnen
go back on
Although she had promised to help us, he went back on his word
postepowac wedlug
Lernen beginnen
go by
You shouldn’t go by what he says
zachorowac na
Lernen beginnen
go down with
John has gone down with the flu
zaatakowac/ostro krytykowac
Lernen beginnen
go for
A big Alsatian went for my little dog
probowac cos zdobyc
Lernen beginnen
go for
Why don’t you go for this marketing job?
wziąć udział w zawodach
Lernen beginnen
go in for
she went in for the baking competition
wybuchnac eksplodowac
Lernen beginnen
go off
The bomb went off killing 10 people
wlaczyc sie (o alarmie, dzwiek w urxidzeniu)
Lernen beginnen
go off
When the alarm went off, she woke up
zepsuć się (np. o jedzeniu)
Lernen beginnen
go off
The milk has come off it smells terrible
Lernen beginnen
go on
go on, finish what you were saying
dziać się
Lernen beginnen
go on
A large crowd gathered to see what was going on
przestac sie palic/zgasnąć
Lernen beginnen
go out
put some coal on the fire before it goes out
Lernen beginnen
go over
The police went over the evidence many times trying to come up with something
Powtórzyć, ponownie sprawdzić
Lernen beginnen
go over
go over the details again please
wystarczyc (o czyms)
Lernen beginnen
go round
there is enough food to go round
rozprzestrzeniać się
Lernen beginnen
go round
The news went round very quickly
Przejść przez trudny okres
Lernen beginnen
go through
She went through a painful time when her mother died
Przejść przez proces
Lernen beginnen
go through
has the sale of your flat gone through yet?
Lernen beginnen
go through
They went through his suggestions again before making a decision
iść w górę, wzrastać
Lernen beginnen
go up
The price of cigarettes went up again yesterday
Pasować do czegoś
Lernen beginnen
go with
This jumper really goes with your skirt
Obejść się bez
Lernen beginnen
go without
since they had run out of lemonade, they had to go without

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