grupa A-G zad 1-3

 0    5 Datenblatt    rosswilliiamulbricht
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3 p.m.: I’m tired, because I’ve been working in the garden since noon. 7 p.m.: I was tired, because
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had been working in the garden for
Monday: Let me show you the dress I bought yesterday. Tuesday: I showed her the dress I
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had bought the previous
2010: I’m happy, as I’ve been hoping for a grandchild since your wedding! 2015: I was happy, as I
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had been hoping for a grandchild for
We first talked about moving in February but we didn’t actually move until October. We moved in October after we
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had first talked about it
I was living there from the beginning of January until June. Mark moved in at the end of April
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had been living there for

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