H Idioms

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hand in hand
I saw them walking hand in hand in the city centre a few days ago.
Lernen beginnen
trzymając się za ręce
hand in one’s resignation
I handed in my resignation today and I will cease to work in my current company in two weeks.
Lernen beginnen
złożyć rezygnację
hands off!
Hands off! It’s my bag!
Lernen beginnen
ręce przy sobie! precz z łapami!
hang around with somebody
I like to hang around with my older brother and his friends.
Lernen beginnen
zadawać się z kimś
hang in the air
A bad atmosphere hangs in the air. Something is definitely going to happen.
Lernen beginnen
wisieć w powietrzu
hang on!
Hang on! You forgot to take your wallet!
Lernen beginnen
happen to do something
If you happen to be in the city centre any time soon, come over and visit!
Lernen beginnen
przypadkiem coś zrobić
happy birthday!
Happy birthday! I can’t believe you’re turning 22 already.
Lernen beginnen
wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin!
hardly ever
I hardly ever go to the cinema. I much prefer DVDs.
Lernen beginnen
rzadko kiedy, prawie nigdy
have a breath of fresh air
Let’s have a break. I need to have a breath of fresh air.
Lernen beginnen
zaczerpnąć świeżego powietrza
have a clean record
He has a clean record.
Lernen beginnen
nie być karanym
have a command of three languages
Anna has a command of 3 languages: she is fluent in Spanish, French and German. And now she’s learning Chinese.
Lernen beginnen
władać trzema językami
have a day off
I need a day off on Monday to go to see a doctor.
Lernen beginnen
wziąć wolne, mieć wolny dzień
have a fear of doing something
I have a real fear of flying so I’d much rather go to London by train.
Lernen beginnen
bać się coś zrobić
have a good night’s sleep
I need to have a good night’s sleep; the past week has been really exhausting.
Lernen beginnen
dobrze się wyspać
have a heart!
Have a heart! It’s Christmas next week and we are all stuck here till 8 pm every day! I am sure some of the work could wait till the New Year.
Lernen beginnen
zlituj się!
have a high opinion of somebody
I had a very high opinion of my English teacher. He was always well prepared and very competent.
Lernen beginnen
mieć o kimś wysokie mniemanie
have a rough night
I’m ill and had a really rough night. Now I’m struggling to stay awake.
Lernen beginnen
mieć ciężką noc
have a safe journey!
Have a safe journey and let us know when you get back home!
Lernen beginnen
szczęśliwej podróży! szerokiej drogi!
have a sharp tongue
Sarah has a really sharp tongue and she often finds it hard to control herself, so often says unsuitable things at work.
Lernen beginnen
mieć ostry język
have a sweet tooth
I could eat chocolate all the time, I have a really sweet tooth.
Lernen beginnen
lubić słodycze
have a temperature
I am afraid I have a temperature and won’t be able to come to work today.
Lernen beginnen
mieć gorączkę
have a voice in something
I really need to have a voice in that case; I am the managing director in the end.
Lernen beginnen
mieć coś do powiedzenia w jakiejś sprawie
have a way of doing something
Matt has a very unique way of painting that is easy to recognise.
Lernen beginnen
mieć na coś sposób
have a weakness for
I have a real weakness for chocolate; I could eat it all the time.
Lernen beginnen
mieć słabość do
have a wide selection
We have a wide selection of excellent wines. Do you prefer sweet or dry?
Lernen beginnen
mieć szeroki wybór
have a word with somebody
I am not sure if Mike is all right. I need to have a word with him.
Lernen beginnen
zamienić z kimś słowo
have a working knowledge of something
I only know basic Spanish but have a working knowledge of French.
Lernen beginnen
mieć praktyczną wiedzę na temat czegoś
have an early night
I’d rather have an early night tonight, I am absolutely exhausted.
Lernen beginnen
wcześnie położyć się spać
have an off day
It’s one of my off days. I simply can’t do anything right.
Lernen beginnen
mieć zły/pechowy dzień
have clean hands
I really haven’t done anything wrong. I have clean hands.
Lernen beginnen
mieć czyste ręce
have every reason to
You have every reason to complain about the package. It really was different from what you were originally sold.
Lernen beginnen
mieć wszelkie powody, aby
have fun
We really had fun in Portugal. I just wish we could have stayed longer.
Lernen beginnen
dobrze się bawić
have it all worked out
Sam always has it all worked out in advance, so I am sure he’ll come well prepared this time too.
Lernen beginnen
mieć wszystko dokładnie opracowane/zaplanowane
have mixed feelings
I have mixed feelings about this new girl. I am not sure if I like her yet.
Lernen beginnen
mieć mieszane uczucia
have nerves of steel
David has nerves of steel, is never afraid of anything and you can dare him to do the most challenging things.
Lernen beginnen
mieć nerwy ze stali, mieć żelazne nerwy
have no choice
I have no choice but to say yes – you’re extremely persuasive.
Lernen beginnen
nie mieć żadnego wyboru
have no equal
You have no equal when it comes to cooking.
Lernen beginnen
nie mieć równego sobie
have no head for something
I have no head for it today. Is it really that urgent or can we wait till tomorrow?
Lernen beginnen
nie mieć głowy do czegoś
have no manners
Try and behave for once. Do you really have absolutely no manners?
Lernen beginnen
być źle wychowanym
have nothing to hide
I have absolutely nothing to hide. Ask whatever you like.
Lernen beginnen
nie mieć nic do ukrycia
have one’s hands full
I have my hands full of work at the moment so I would only be able to do it for you in two weeks.
Lernen beginnen
mieć pełne ręce roboty
have other ideas
I really don’t like the first suggestion but I’m sure Tom has some other ideas he could show us.
Lernen beginnen
mieć inne plany
have somebody in one’s pocket
I have no choice but to do what he asked me; he’s got me in his pocket.
Lernen beginnen
mieć kogoś w kieszeni
have somebody’s blessing
Mother, we’re getting married and wanted to ask for your blessing.
Lernen beginnen
mieć czyjeś błogosławieństwo
have something in view
Have you got anything particular in view or are you just talking in general?
Lernen beginnen
mieć coś na uwadze/celu
have something on the tip of one’s tongue
I’m sure I know the answer. I have it on the tip of my tongue.
Lernen beginnen
mieć coś na końcu języka
have the courage to do something
Have the courage to tell him your decision.
Lernen beginnen
mieć odwagę, aby coś zrobić
have the support of somebody
You have my full support whatever you do.
Lernen beginnen
cieszyć się czyimś poparciem
have thick skin
I don’t worry about what he says – I have thick skin.
Lernen beginnen
być gruboskórnym, niewrażliwym
have trouble doing something
I have serious trouble learning foreign languages.
Lernen beginnen
mieć trudności w robieniu czegoś
have you considered that
The flat is really expensive. Have you considered that the prices on the property market have fallen drastically?
Lernen beginnen
czy wziąłeś pod uwagę, że
having said that
I have been learning German for about 10 years and I can speak it well. Having said that, I must admit I haven’t used it for awhile. As a result, it has got a bit rusty.
Lernen beginnen
chociaż z drugiej strony, jednak
he is sure to do that
Paul is sure to pass the exam. He is really well prepared.
Lernen beginnen
on na pewno to zrobi
heads or tails?
"– Heads, you wash the dishes, tails I do.
– Heads or tails?
– Heads."
Lernen beginnen
orzeł czy reszka?
heaven on earth
This is a real heaven on earth. I wish I could stay here forever.
Lernen beginnen
niebo/raj na ziemi
he’s doing fine
He still needs to fit in, but it’s normal when you are a new student. Overall, he’s doing just fine.
Lernen beginnen
świetnie mu idzie
history repeats itself
Be careful before making any decisions, history often repeats itself.
Lernen beginnen
historia lubi się powtarzać
hit below the belt
In the pre-election period, politicians won’t hesitate to hit below the belt.
Lernen beginnen
uderzać poniżej pasa
hit the bottle
After breaking up with his girlfriend, Sam started hitting the bottle.
Lernen beginnen
często zaglądać do kieliszka
hitch a lift
I missed my last bus, but managed to hitch a lift home without any problems.
Lernen beginnen
łapać okazję (autostop)
hold a seat for somebody
Don’t worry if you run late. I will hold a seat for you.
Lernen beginnen
zarezerwować komuś miejsce, zająć miejsce dla kogoś
hold down a job
He’s so unreliable that he can’t hold down a job for more than a few months.
Lernen beginnen
zachować/utrzymać posadę
hold office
The president will hold his office for three more years.
Lernen beginnen
sprawować urząd
hold one’s breath
He held his breath when he saw her wearing the wedding dress for the first time.
Lernen beginnen
wstrzymać oddech
hold out hope
The recently developed treatment holds out hope for the breast cancer victims.
Lernen beginnen
dawać nadzieję
hold somebody in high regard
I hold my maths professor in very high regard.
Lernen beginnen
darzyć kogoś wielkim szacunkiem
hold your tongue!
Hold your tongue! Have I not taught you language like that is rude and inappropriate?
Lernen beginnen
trzymaj język za zębami!
home sweet home
Home, sweet home! It feels so good to be back.
Lernen beginnen
nie ma to jak w domu
how are things?
Sarah, how are things? I feel like I haven’t seen you for ages!
Lernen beginnen
co słychać?
how are you getting along?
How are you getting along? How much work have you got left?
Lernen beginnen
jak sobie radzisz?
how can you tell?
How can you tell if he’s done it on purpose?
Lernen beginnen
skąd wiesz?
how dare you!
How dare you speak to me like that! I am not your friend. I am your mother’s friend!
Lernen beginnen
jak śmiesz!
how do you feel about
How do you feel about the current situation in the Middle East?
Lernen beginnen
co sądzisz o
how do you know?
How do you know that Sam and Sarah are getting married? Did they tell you?
Lernen beginnen
skąd wiesz?
how do you mean?
"– They won’t let you in even if you have a ticket.
– How do you mean?"
Lernen beginnen
nie bardzo rozumiem, co masz na myśli
how far is it to
Excuse me. Do you know how far it is to the nearest bus stop?
Lernen beginnen
jak daleko jest do
how much do you charge?
Excuse me. How much do you charge for 15 minutes of Internet access?
Lernen beginnen
ile wynosi opłata? ile to kosztuje?
how was I to know?
How was I to know that we were not allowed to enter after 4 pm? I have never been here before.
Lernen beginnen
skąd mogłem wiedzieć?
how’s it going?
How is it going? Any news?
Lernen beginnen
jak leci?
human nature
Jealousy of someone else’s success is simply human nature.
Lernen beginnen
natura ludzka
human relations
Conflict has always been a big part of human relations.
Lernen beginnen
stosunki międzyludzkie
hurry somebody up
Hurry Tom up or we’ll be late for the bus.
Lernen beginnen
poganiać/popędzać kogoś
hurry up!
Hurry up, Sam, or we’ll miss the bus.
Lernen beginnen
pospiesz się!
hurt somebody’s feelings
You really hurt my feelings by saying I was rude to Tom.
Lernen beginnen
zranić czyjeś uczucia
hurt somebody’s pride
I think Laura really hurt Rory’s pride by telling him he wasn’t right in front of all his friends.
Lernen beginnen
urazić czyjąś dumę

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