حلقه 23

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He is in good health.
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i eat healthy food
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not healthy
Junk food is not healthy for you.
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غير صحي
He went to visit his ill mother
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He is French but be careful, he has German blood in him
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إنه فرنسي ولكن كن حذرًا، فهو يحمل دماء ألمانية
High blood pressure
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ضغط دم مرتفع
Low blood pressure
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ضغط دم منخفض
He has a bleeding
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We need to lower your blood pressure. It is really high!
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نحن بحاجة لخفض ضغط الدم لديك. انها عالية حقا!
Lower you voice, please
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اخفض صوتك من فضلك
I have a sore throat
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What seems to be the problem?
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ما المشكله
I have a bad cough and a sore throat. I also have a headache
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أعاني من سعال شديد والتهاب في الحلق. أنا أيضا أعاني من الصداع
How long did you have these symptoms?
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منذ متى وأنت تعاني من هذه الأعراض؟
About three days now and I’m really tired, too
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حوالي ثلاثة أيام الآن وأنا متعب حقًا أيضًا
It sounds like you’ve got the flu. Take aspirin every four hours and get plenty of rest
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يبدو أنك مصاب بالأنفلونزا. تناول الأسبرين كل أربع ساعات واحصل على قسط وافر من الراحة.

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