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Frage Antworten
ile kosztuje pokoj o podwyzszonym standardzie?
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how much is superior room?
ile kosztuje pokoj z widomiiem na morze
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how much is sea view room?
pokoj z widokiem na gory
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mountain view room
moja klimatyzacja nie dziala
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my air conditioning does not work
czy moglbys to naprawic?
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could you fix it?
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fix repair mend
moja klimatyzacja nie dziala
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my air conditioning is not working
ile kosztuje przedluzenie doby hotelowej?
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how much is late check-out?
gdzie jest pokoj na bagaz
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where is the luggage room?
gdzie jest pokoj w ktorym mozna sie wykapac?
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where is shower room?
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kapac sie
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gdzie jest sejf
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where is safe box?
chce zostawic paszport w sejfie
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I want to leave my passport in safe box
chce zostawic aparat, kamere i bizuterie
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I want to leave the camera, video recorder and jewelry
ile kosztuje sejf?
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how much is safe box?
chce dostawke dla mojego dziecka
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I want an extra bed for my child
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co moze zepsuc wakacje?
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what can spoil holiday?
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1. illness 2. sickness 3. disease
czy jet szansa?
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Is there a chance?
jak mozemy dotrzec do pokoju?
Lernen beginnen
How can we get to the room?

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