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what are human rights
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Human rights are fundamental rights and freedoms that every person is entitled to simply because they are human. These rights are universal, inalienable, and protect individuals' dignity, freedom, equality, and well-being.
What are the traits of human rights?
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unalienable, universal inherent inviolable natural indivisible
How many generations of human rights are there?
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3 gen. 1 gen most important right to freedom life and property 2 gen - social economic riand culural rghts 3 gen collective right to belong in social groups
What moment led to the creation of the modern system of human rights protection?
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declaration of independence of ameica 1776 and the declaration of the rights of a man
What is the most important document regarding the protection of human rights worldwide?
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universal declaration of human rights
What are the controversies regarding human rights?
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Free Speech vs. Hate Speech: Balancing expression with preventing harm.
What does an individualistic society think about human rights?
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they focuse more about proctecting people as induvdualistic ex right to speeech
What does an individualistic society think about human rights?
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they focus more abt the weel being of the whole group eg helping the poor
What are the governmental organizations devoted to the protection and monitoring of human rights?
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council of europe european union and osce
How to describe the American system of protection of human rights?
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The Constitution lists basic rights (like free speech and fair trial) in the Bill of Rights. Courts and checks and balances make sure the government follows these rules and protects our freedoms.
How to describe the African system of protection of human rights?
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Focuses on collective rights and social duties but has weak enforcement.
What is the distinct trait of the African system of protection of human rights?
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african sytem focus more on colective rights and duties
What is the distinct trait of the Asian system of protection of human rights?
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It is regional, based on cooperation among ASEAN countries, and focuses on guidelines rather than strict enforcement. It also allows for different national interpretations of human rights.
What is the state of the Asian system of protection of human rights? Is it weak or strong? Why?
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Lack of participation from key countries (China, India, Japan). No strong enforcement – only guidelines, no strict consequences. Different interpretations – each country applies human rights in its own way.
What are non-governmental organizations (NGOs)?
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non profit orgANIZATIONS
What role do NGOs play in the international system of human rights protection?
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thay put pressure on the goverment and monitors the situation
What are the most important NGOs involved in human rights?
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human rights watch, amnesty and red cross
How to describe the European system of protection of human rights?
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its the most effective due to europe long tradition to right and freedom
What are the three main organizations involved in the European human rights protection system?
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osce coe un

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