idioms angielski

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If you sratch my back, I'll sratch yours
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One good turn deserves another
Your work hasn't been very good recently
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Turn over a new leaf
I have to leave early today
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Turn a blind eye
You're very good looking
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Wouldn't turn any heads
Children, they will come back soon
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Don't know which way to turn
Mrs Ranscombe hasn't got any idea how to run this company
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Talk out of turn like that
Your living room is a mess
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Turning this place upside down
I've done everything I cold to help you, but I fell I've done enough
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Turning your back on somebody
I've been unemployed, but I've got 2 job interview next week
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Your luck is on the turn
For 2 years we didn't get a pay rise, but then our salary is doubled
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Turn-up for the books
How do you like yor steak cooked
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Done to a turn
I'm sorry to hear that your boyfriend cheated
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My whole world has been turned upside down
Boo It's me!
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Gave me a right turn
I don't like this. It tastes horrible
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You shouldn't turn your nose up
I'm really fed up with my job
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Try turning your hand to
Were you frightened when the man pulled out the knife
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I didn't turn a hair
This year I exceeded his sales by 50%
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Turn the tables on someone
Heavy metal group made a cover of mozart
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Turning in his grave

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