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Lernen beginnen
W liczbie pojedynczej "kostka" to również "die". "Dice" może oznaczać zarówno jedną, jak i kilka kostek.
When throwing one dice, the probability to get a certain outcome is 1/6. Roll the dice to see who starts the game.
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
oparty na rywalizacji, wymagający rywalizacji
Lernen beginnen
(adj) involving competition
competitive sports a highly competitive industry
(gra w) strzałki
Lernen beginnen
(n) to say that something is not true, especially something that you are accused of
Lernen beginnen
(n) to say that something is not true, especially something that you are accused of
He never denied that he said those things. He denies murdering his father.
Lernen beginnen
(n) the sport of fighting with thin swords (= weapons like long knives)
Lernen beginnen
(n) the sport of fighting with thin swords (= weapons like long knives)
wycieczka piesza, turystyka piesza
Lernen beginnen
skok o tyczce
Lernen beginnen
pole vault
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
wygrać za wszelką cenę
Lernen beginnen
win at any costs
jak dotąd, na razie, do tej pory
~until now
Lernen beginnen
so far
~until now
So far, we haven't made much progress. He's written three books so far. This mystery thus far has remained unsolved.
o ile mi wiadomo
(informal) used to say what you think is true, although you do not know all the facts
Lernen beginnen
as far as I know
(informal) used to say what you think is true, although you do not know all the facts
As far as I know, they haven't reached a decision yet.
śmieci, odpadki (wyrzucane w parkach, na ulicach, itp.)
(~waste) pieces of paper and other waste that are left in public places
Lernen beginnen
(~waste) pieces of paper and other waste that are left in public places
skorzystać, przynosić korzyści
Lernen beginnen
The film benefited from the excellent acting by its stars.
zarys, szkic (najważniejsze informacje, bez szczegółów)
(n) a general explanation or description of something, which does not give all the details
Lernen beginnen
(n) a general explanation or description of something, which does not give all the details
I only presented an outline. I can go into details, if you want.
uwodzić, kusić
Lernen beginnen
przejmować coś /kontrolę, zastąpić
(pv) to get control of or responsibility for something
Lernen beginnen
take over
(pv) to get control of or responsibility for something
They've recently been taken over by a larger company. Who'll be taking over from Cynthia when she retires?
rezygnować, wycofać się
(pv) to choose not to be part of an activity or to stop being involved in it
Lernen beginnen
opt out
(pv) to choose not to be part of an activity or to stop being involved in it
He's decided to opt out of the company's pension scheme.
(adj) clever at getting what you want, especially by tricking people
Lernen beginnen
(adj) clever at getting what you want, especially by tricking people
a cunning plan/ploy
ostrożny, uważny
(adj) giving a lot of attention to what you are doing so that you do not have an accident, make a mistake, or damage something
Lernen beginnen
(adj) giving a lot of attention to what you are doing so that you do not have an accident, make a mistake, or damage something
warto spróbować
Lernen beginnen
worth a try
zrobić z czegoś użytek, wykorzystać coś
Lernen beginnen
make use of something
odtąd, od tego czasu, od tej pory
Lernen beginnen
from then on
oprócz, z wyjątkiem
~except for
Lernen beginnen
apart from
~except for
Apart from Jodie, who hurt her leg, all the children were fine.
zabrać się za coś, przejść do czegoś
(pv) to start doing something seriously and with a lot of attention and effort
Lernen beginnen
get down to sth
(pv) to start doing something seriously and with a lot of attention and effort
Before we get down to business, I'd like to thank you all for coming today.
Lernen beginnen
ice skates
Lernen beginnen
ice rink
Lernen beginnen

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