Internet, virtualization, cloud.

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What’s a distributed information system?
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Geographically distributed, physical servers, sharing only part of the computing resources or peripherals.
What’s a data centre?
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Large number od servers and storage capacities in one location, server virtualization, easier management
What’s virtualization?
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Software abstraction of hardware resources (processors, memory, disk arrays and network) and their dynamic allocation to real resources.
What’s virtualization of the entire server?
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hypervisor, server emulation, full-fledged logical server (virtual processor, memory, peripherals, own OS)
What’s containerization?
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single OS, containerization software (virtual os kernel), isolated package with all dependencies for running the application (libraries, environment, configurations, files)
What’s cloud computing?
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The provision of shared computing facilities and their use as a service. Delivering various services over the internet: storage, processing power and applications, scalability, accessibility.
Cloud - deployment models?
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Public cloud, private cloud, community cloud, hybrid cloud
Whats public cloud?
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The cloud infrastructure is avilable to the general public.
Whats private cloud?
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The cloud infrastracture is used exlusively by a single client or organisation
Whats community cloud?
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The cloud jnfrastracture is shared by multiple clients/organisations with skmilar service requirements
Whats hybrid cloud?
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A combination of public and community cloud
What are the cloud service models examples
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Saas (Software-as-a-Service), PaaS (Platform as Service) IaaS (infrastracture as service), BaaS (Backup as Service), Maas (monitoring as service), CaaS (commjnication as service)
Whats SaaS
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webmail, office tools, games, google apps, office365
Whats PaaS
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runtime environment, webservers, DB, MS WinAzure, INM cloud foundry, etc.
Whats IaaS
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virtual machines, servers, storage, networks, amazon ec2 network etc.
Whats BaaS
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data backup and eventual restoration using the providers infrastracture
Whats MaaS
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monitoring and evaluating the status of customer networks, applications, servers, data and other elements deployed in the cloud
Whats CaaS
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providing the communication needs of the user or company as part of the SaaS model
Definition of internet
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the largest network in the world, using TCP/IP protocols and a packet switching mechanism and running on any infrastracture. Internet = several networks interconnected, internet = term describing worldwide network
The idea of internet data transfer
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The concept of divided responsibility. AS - autonomous system, unified admjnistration, indeoendent of the surrounding AS; ISP - internet service provider
Internet topology
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IXP (internet exchange point, peering center), Tier 1 ISPs (cover the entire planet, routers must contain information about all networks; Tier 2 ISPs (cover a continent, provide connectivity for local ISPs; Tier 3 ISPs (cover countries, connect end users)
whats NIX
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Neutral Internet Exchange - neutral hardware platform for network interconnection

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