Introduction to Measurement

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levels of measurement
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ratio, interval, ordinal, nominal
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absolute zero exists
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on a scale, distance is meaningful
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measuring using ranking, attributes can be ordered
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only named
quality of measurement
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reliability + validity
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consistency of measurement
true score thoery
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observed score = true ability + random error
measurement erros
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random error, systematic error
random error
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randomly affect measurement
systematic error
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consistently affect measurement
reducing error
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pilot test, train interviewees, observers etc., double-check data, use statistical procedures to adjust for measurement error, triangulate
pilot test
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feedback from respondents
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combining multiple independent measures
inter-rater or inter observer reliability
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Agreement or correlation between the ratings or codings. Two independent raters or observers of the same phenomenon
test-retest reliability
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the same test or measurement, two successive time periods
parallel-forms reliability
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two versions of the same test or measure that were constructed in the same way
internal consistency reliability
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the degree to which items on the same multi-item instrument are interrelated
internal consistency methods
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inter-item correlation, average item-total correlation, split half correlation, Cronbach’s Alpha
construct validity types
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translation, criterion-related
translation validity
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how well is the idea of measure translated into operationalisation?
types of translation validity
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face, content
face validity
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“on its face” good translation of the construct
content validity
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check organisation against the relevant content domain (traits of your construct)
criterion-related validity
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based on its relationship to another independent measure as predicted by your theory
types of criterion-related validity
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predictive, concurrent, convergent, discriminant
predictive validity
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predict what it theoretically should be able to predict
concurrent validity
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able to distinguish between groups it should theoretically be able to
convergent validity
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how similar the operationalisation to ones it should theoretically be similar
discriminant validity
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how not similar the operationalisation to ones it should theoretically not be similar
threats to construct validity
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not defined well construct, mono-operation bias, mono-method bias, interaction of different treatments, interaction of testing and treatment, restricted generalisability across constructs, confounding constructs and levels of constructs
mono-operation bias
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when you rely on only a single implementation of your independent variable, cause, program, or treatment
mono-method bias
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because you use only a single method of measurement
interaction of different treatments
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when participants take part in several programs
interaction of testing and treatment
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does the testing make groups more sensitive to treatment?
restricted generalisability across constructs
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side effects or negative consequences on other not measured outcomes
confounding constructs and levels of constructs
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results found only for e.g. one dosage of drug and not for range of different doses
hypothesis guessing
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participants in a study guess the purpose of the study and adjust their responses based on that
evaluation apprehension
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many people are anxious about being evaluated - may perform poorly
researcher expectancies
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researcher can bias the results both in conscious and unconscious ways
social threats to construct validity
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hypothesis guessing, evaluation apprehension, researcher expectancies

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