Irregular verbs part 2

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The dog dug a hole in our garden.
The dog dug a hole in our garden. Did the dog dig a hole in the garden? What did the dog dig?
Lernen beginnen
Pies wykopał nam dziurę w naszym ogrodzie.
He grew tomatoes in his garden.
He grew tomatoes in his garden. Did he grow tomatoes in his garden? When did he grow tomatoes?
Lernen beginnen
Uprawiał w ogrodzie pomidory.
I woke up only at 10 this morning.
What time did you wake up? Did you sleep until 10 this morning? Why did you wake up 10 this morning?
Lernen beginnen
Wstałem dzisiaj dopiero o 10.00.
I brought you some clothes.
Which clothes did you bring me? Why did you bring me some clothes?
Lernen beginnen
Przyniosłem ci ubrania.
He held the wallet tight in his hand.
What did he hold tight in his hand? Did he hold the wallet tight in his hand?
Lernen beginnen
Trzymał portfel mocno w dłoni.
I forgot to turn off the lights, so we had to go back home.
Why did we have to go back home? Did you forget to turn off the lights?
Lernen beginnen
Zapomniałem wyłączyć światła, więc musieliśmy wracać do domu.
He taught chemistry at a local school.
Did he teach chemistry at a local school? What did he teach at a local school?
Lernen beginnen
Uczył chemii w miejscowej szkole.
They kept me waiting one hour.
How long did they keep me waiting?
Lernen beginnen
Kazali mi czekać godzinę.
He forgave her only 3 years later.
Did he forgive her? When did he forgive her? Did he forgive he only 3 years later?
Lernen beginnen
Wybaczył jej dopiero po 3 latach.
He understood question, but didn’t answer just left.
Did he understand the question? Why did he just leave? Did he answer the question?
Lernen beginnen
Zrozumiał pytanie, ale nie odpowiedział, po prostu wyszedł.
He spoke French and Dutch.
What languages did he speak? Did he speak French and Dutch?
Lernen beginnen
Mówił po francusku i niderlandzku.
She told me she felt relief.
What did she tell me? Did she feel relief?
Lernen beginnen
Powiedziała mi, że czuje ulgę.
He found a wallet and took it to the police station.
What did he find? What did he do with the wallet?
Lernen beginnen
Znalazł portfel i zaniósł go na komisariat.
The temperatur increased by 5 degrees Celsius.
By how many degrees did the temperature increase? Did the temperature increase?
Lernen beginnen
Temperatura wzrosła o 5 stopni Celsjusza.

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