Ketrin 10th Jan 2022 (60 min)

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a piece of furniture with doors, and sometimes shelves, used for storing clothes, plates, food etc
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a fairly slow dance with a regular pattern of three beats
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cloth used for making clothes, curtains etc
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a written or spoken request to someone, inviting them to go somewhere or do something
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an invitation
a place in a factory, school etc where meals are provided, usually quite cheaply
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a canteen
I've got something more important to do.
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I've got a bigger fish to fry.
someone who enjoys not wearing any clothes because they believe it is natural and healthy
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a nudist
a nudist beach
People say that this book is...
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This book is said...
Mike is said to be an asshole.
Mike is said to be an asshole.
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I like him THOUGH.
to arrive
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IN + Poland / AT + the train station
I suggest THAT he SHOULD go now.
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I suggest he go now.
Are you suggesting THAT I SHOULD lose on purpose?
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Are you suggesting I lose on purpose?
They suggested THAT she SHOULD not give them the money back
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They suggested she not give them the money back
every two weeks
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every other week

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