kurs 17

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Tell me the exact date.
do północy
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till midnight
It will take them almost till midnight to get here.
od ... do...
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from... to...
You will be work from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
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I am very precise.
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At work I often help the commander to complete documents.
Czyje one są? Czyje to jest?
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Whose are they? Whose is it?
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I get a payrise last month.
wyrzucić, wykopać
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kick out
Her parents kick her out of the house.
co 4 lata
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every 4 years
The olympic takes place every 4 years.
z nas wszystkich
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out of all of us
... najbardziej odpowiedzialny z nas wszystkich.
He is the most responsible out of all of us.
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Unemployment is a serious problem in my country.
grupa, bukiet
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He gave her a bunch of flowers. I saw a bunch of teenagers.
W czym on jest dobry?
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What is he good at?
Na kogo on czeka?
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Who is he waiting for?
Z kim teraz rozmawiasz?
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Who are you talking to now?
Gdzie byłeś wczoraj po południu?
Lernen beginnen
Where were you yesterday in the afternoon?

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