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a piece of paper you write your vote on
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a bailot paper
the box you put your bailot paper in
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bailot box
to vote
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to cast a vote
an election where a number of parties win a similar number of votes
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a close-run election
an area/town represented in parliament by one politician
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sb who lives in a particular constituency
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an attempt (often violent) by citizens/the military to take control of the government
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a coup attempt
all the people entitled to vote in an election
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the electorate
a risk one takes which has positive result
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a gamble pays off
to hold an election
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to go to the polls
a victory in an election where one party wins many more votes than the other parties
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a landslide victory
the collected result of asking people what their opinions are
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an opinion poll
to remove a government illegally and by force
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to overthrow the government
inflation that is out of control
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rampant/ galloping inflation
very loyal to, and a strong believer
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a staunch
a set of questions asking large numbers of people about their opinions/behaviour
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a survey
to deal with/solve a problem
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to tackle a problem
to spoil the good opinion that people have of sb
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to tarnish sb's/ sth's reputation
to get business (by doing more advertising and promotional work)
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to drum up business
an opportinity to sell a particular product/service because nobody else is selling that product/service
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a gap in the market for sth
to have spent more money in your bank account
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to be overdrawn (at the bank)
to have problems
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to run into difficulties / problems
to keep borrowing money so that you make your debts bigger
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to run up a debt
to deal with sth and solve it
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to sort sth out
to take sb to court in order to get money from them
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to sue sb
small problems that sb experiences when first starting a business
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teething troubles
karta lądowania
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a landing card
form showing how much money and what goods are you carrying
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customs declaration form
paper proving you have had the necessary health injections
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vaccination certificate
restrykcje wejściowe
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entry restrictions
checks done without warning
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spot checks/random checks
psy poszukiwacze dragów;)
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sniffer dogs
take you bag through customs
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clear customs
the port on airport where you first enter a country
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port of entry
permission to stay in another country to avoid political persecution back home
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political asylum
migranci ekonomiczni
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economic migrants
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stała kara pieniężna
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fixed penalty
kara pieniężna płacona tu i teraz
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on-the-spot fine
bilety parkingowe
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parking tickets
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złożyć oświadczenie
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to make a statement
power to stop people and search them in the street
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stop-and-search powers
monitoring miejski
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surveillance cameras
nakaz przeszukania
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search warrant
siły bezpieczeństwa
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security forces
tzw., tajniacy"
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plain clothes/undercover police
police who are more like soldiers than civilian police officers
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paramilitary police
police specialised in fighting with the illegal drug trade
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drug squad
policja walcząca z korupcją
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anti-corruption squad
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adherent (of)
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przestrzegać czegoś (zwolenniczyć)
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to adhere to
zmienić swoje myślenie
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convert (to)
nawrócenie, zmienienie poglądów, strony
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zmieniać poglądy, nawracać się
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to convert
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ktoś z radykalnymi poglądami
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ktoś uparty, nie chcący zmieniac swoich poglądów
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ktoś uważający że tylko jego poglądy są słuszne
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bigoteria, zajadłość
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założenie, przypuszczenie
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has its origins in, wywodzić się z
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derives from
abolish to get rid of, wytępić, wykorzenić
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awareness, świadomość
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introduse, wprowadzić
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usher in
believeable, wiarygodny
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łatwowierny (3 synonimy)
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credulous, gullible, ingenuous,
nie chcący uwierzyć, niedowiarek
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potwierdzenie, utwierdzenie, dowód
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(nie) przekonujący
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prypisywać, atrybutować
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ascribe, attribute to sb / sth
dogmat, zasada, doktryna
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)powiedzenie) dać korzyść komuś z wątpliwości, uznać że ma rację,
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give sb the benefit of the doubt
nie wierzyć całkowicie w to co jest mówione (powiedzenie)
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take sth with a pinch of salt
powiedzonka kiedy się w coś nie wierzy:
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I don't buy it! / A likely story? What d'you take me for? / Pull the other one!? I wasn't born yesterday! / I'll believe it when I see it!
wprowadzić prawo
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pass new law
regulacje (prawne)
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ujednolicać procedury
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standardise procedure
przestrzegać standardów
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adhere to standards
przestrzegać nowych praw
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comply with new laws
mieć obowiązek
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have an obligation
wykonywać ocenę ryzyka
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carry out a risk assessment
z naruszeniem prawa
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in breach of the law
zmniejszyć ryzyko
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minimise danger
spełnić wymagania
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satisfy the requirements
dojść do porozumienia
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arrive at an agreement / reach an agreement
absolutnie niezbędny
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absolutely essential
prosić o pozwolenie
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seek permission
plan jest zaakceptowany
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plan is approved
uzyskać pozwolenie
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grant/obtain permission
wprowadzić nowe przepisy
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introduced new legislation
zaciśnić kontrole
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tighten controls
złożyć wniosek
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putting in an application
naruszać regulamin
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infringe the regulations
anonimowi biurokraci
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faceless bureaucrants
być w pozycji do czegos
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in a position of
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sprawować władzę (uprawiać władzę)
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exercise authority
ograniczyć, zminimalizować biurokrację
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cut through the red tape
intencjonalnie złamać zasady
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flout the rules

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