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a system of arbitrary vocal symbols by which members of a social group interact
arbitrary language
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language that relies on abstract connections between words and their meanings
onomatopoeic language
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language that sues words that mimic the actual sounds of what they describe
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typically refers to anything related to the voice or sound produced by the human voice. It can refer to spoken communication or the use of vocal cords in producing sounds
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consistency in which sounds and their combinations are put together in a language
synchronic study
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study that focuses on language as it exists at a specific moment in time
diachronic study
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study that examines language's historical development over time
constructive analysis
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analysis that refers to the study and comparision of two or more languages to identify differences and similarities between them
vocally auditory channel
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in this channel person produces spoken language through the vocal apparatus and receiver interprets these sounds through the auditory channel by listening and processing the information
broadcast transmission and directional reception
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sound goes in all directions
rapid fading
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the fact that when you say something it disappears
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concept where multiple words or structures can be used to express the same idea
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means that in a given language, specific words or linguistic elements have agreed upon meaning and when used in combination they can create complex meanings and messages
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there is no inherent connection between the form of a word and the meaning it conveys
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refers to the property of a language where it is composed of distinct units that can be combined to form meaningful messages. "cat" is a discrete unit that can be combined like this "the cat runs" and now it forms a meaningful message
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we can use potential and produce something new "unbreak my heart"
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means we not only can speak about now and then but we can move in time and space
traditional transmission
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you can learn a language by being in the environment that speaks in this language
duality pattern
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is when we use basic sounds or symbols to build words and those words create meaning
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is when words or grammar in a language show that two or more people are doing something to each other, like "they help each other" or "they share with each other"
micro-psychological function of language
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function of language that refers to biological process that enable humans to produce and comprehend speech
phatic function of language
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function of language which is all about using words to keep a conversation going and be friendly rather than just sharing information
ideational function of language
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it helps us describe reality, express our thoughts and communicate about our experiences, making it a fundamental aspect of human language
interpersonal function of language
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function of language that focuses on how language is used to establish and manage social relationships, express feelings and emotions
poetic function of language
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it focuses on the aesthetic and creative aspects of language and communication with an emphasis on how language is used for artistic, expressive and imaginative purposes
textual function of language
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it focuses on how language is structured and organized to create coherent texts whether in written or spoken form

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