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Frage Antworten
Nie rozumiem tego
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I don't get it
Samotność, osamotnienie
Wszyscy walczymy ze samotnością najlepiej, jak potrafimy.
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Loneliness, Solitude
We all fight solitude the best we can.
Udaremniać, pokrzyżować
Plany Kremla pokrzyżować może jednak zmiana administracji w USA.
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However, the change of administration in the United States may thwart the Kremlin's plans.
kijowy, obciach
Myślę, ich pierwszy album był kijowy.
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I think their first album was wack.
wyrzucić kogoś (podrzucić na miejsce)
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Drop off sb
zatrzymać się (samochód)
Nie mogę zatrzymać samochodu!
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Pull over
I can't pull over my car
znieść, wycierpieć, przetrzymać
Ten człowiek zniósł wielką ilość cierpienia.
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This man endured a remarkable amount of abuse.
To był wspaniały sukces.
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It was a terrific success.
Pewnie, no pewnie że tak zrobiłem
No pewnie że tak zrobiłem.
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You bet I did
You bet I did
ciężki okres
Cóż, liceum to ciężki okres, Meg.
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Tough time
Well, the high school's a tough time, Meg.
Mój brat jest... przebiegły niczym wilk.
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My brother is crafty as a wolf.
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runt, peanut
First, that runt steals my daughter; now he makes a grandpa out of me.
pęknięty, przerwany
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The homeowner says cable installation ruptured the sewer line in her yard, causing a flood
serdeczne, szczere
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Heartfelt condolences for your husband's senseless execution.
kiepski mąż
Byłem kiepskim mężem i fatalnym tatą.
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Lousy husband
I've been a lousy husband and the worst dad.
Dokąd to?
Dokąd to idziesz całkiem sama?
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Where are you off to?
Where are you off to all alone?
Daj spokój, przestań
Wiem o czym myślisz, więc przestań.
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Knock it off
I know what you're thinking, and knock it off.
Pobrudziłem się, zmoczyłem się (siku)
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I've soiled myself
dorastający, młodociany
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She doesn't understand the emotional problems of adolescents.
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They desperately wanted a child.
Wydaj napoje.
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Dispense the refreshments
skończyć coś lub się wyprzedać
having just finished or sold all of something
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Fresh out of sth
We're fresh out of oranges. Would you like an apple?
przedwczesna śmierć
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Untimely death
He was knighted almost immediately after his master's untimely death.
(a state of having) pleasant dream-like thoughts:
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He was lost in reverie until he suddenly heard someone behind him.
a series of pleasant thoughts about something you would prefer to be doing or something you would like to achieve in the future
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I was just enjoying a daydream about winning the Nobel Prize for literature.
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flatware (US), cutlery (UK)
Spójrz na godzine
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Look at the time
Look at the time, it's five past three.
an expression of surprise or enthusiasm
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gee whiz
Oh, gee whiz, she is just now realizing... how precious every moment of that life really was.
lokal, budynek firmowy
the land and buildings owned by someone, especially by a company or organization:
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The company is relocating to new premises.
bad or very unpleasant:
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She has a nasty habit of picking on people in meetings.
Moje dziąsła bolą
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My gums are sore
either of the two areas of firm pink flesh inside the mouth that cover the bones into which the teeth are fixed:
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