Lekcja 27

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przepłacić coś, zapłacić za dużo
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pay through the nose for sth
powolna obsługa
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sluggish service
1. unosić się 2. wahać się, wynosić około
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The number of boys in the kindergarten hovers around 70.
wzbogacić coś, wzmocnić coś, zasilić coś
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beef up
to make something stronger or more important:
We need to find some new players to beef up the team. The company has plans to beef up its production.
uciążliwy (np. zadanie, odpowiedzialność) uciążliwy (np. warunki, zasady)
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difficult to do or needing a lot of effort: Synonyms burdensome formal
the onerous task of finding a peaceful solution She found the duties of motherhood onerous.
ubiegać się o zwrot pieniędzy
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claim a refund
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There’s no point in rushing – she’s invariably late. High blood pressure is almost invariably accompanied by high blood cholesterol.
przywoływać miłe dzieciństwo
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evoke the fond childhood
[before noun ] happy and loving:
Many of us have fond memories of our childhoods. We said a fond farewell to each other (= we said goodbye in a loving way) and promised to write.
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having or showing reason and good judgment in making decisions:
We should make judicious use of the resources available to us.
działać zgodnie z sugestią
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act upon a suggestion
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up to date
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abilities and experience that make someone suitable for a particular job or activity:
business/educational/professional credentials He is keen for people to know his business credentials. excellent/impeccable/impressive credentials She possesses impressive credentials and practical experience in both state and federal court.
siła wyższa
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force majeure
w umowach / an unexpected event such as a war, crime, or an earthquake which prevents someone from doing something that is written in a legal agreement:
They might now activate the force majeure clauses that will allow them to demand their money back.
Entropia jest miarą stopnia nieuporządkowania układu i rozproszenia energii. Zgodnie z drugą zasadą termodynamiki, jeżeli układ termodynamiczny przechodzi od jednego stanu równowagi do innego, bez udziału czynników zewnętrznych, to jego entropia rośnie.
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