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sztuka rządzenia państwem Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
niemrawy, ociężały, ospały (o osobie) Lernen beginnen
moving or operating more slowly than usual and with less energy or power: 1. A heavy lunch makes me sluggish in the afternoon. 2. Something is wrong with the car - the engine feels sluggish. 3. The housing market has been very sluggish these past few years.
Lernen beginnen
(MORAL) moral in an honest, brave, and kind way: a noble gesture His followers believe they are fighting for a noble cause.
małomówny, powściągliwy w słowach Lernen beginnen
unwilling to speak about your thoughts or feelings: He is very reticent about his past. Most of the students were reticent about answering questions.
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existing very commonly or happening often: These diseases are more prevalent among young children. Trees are dying in areas where acid rain is most prevalent.
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used to describe a product, service, or financial arrangement on which no taxes have to be paid: The poorest families pay no tax on food because their food stamp purchases are tax-exempt.
1. element, część składowa, element 2. wyborca (z danego regionu) Lernen beginnen
constituent noun [C] (PART) Add to word list one of the parts that a substance or combination is made of: constituent of What are the basic constituents of the mixture?
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(REMOVE PEOPLE) Add to word list [T ] to get rid of people from an organization because you do not agree with them: Party leaders have undertaken to purge the party of extremists.
czynić dygresję, odbiegać (od tematu) Lernen beginnen
to move away from the main subject you are writing or talking about and to write or talk about something else: 1. But I digress. To get back to what I was saying, this poem reflects the poet's love of nature and his religious beliefs. 2. digress from The lecturer temporarily digressed from her subject to deal with a related theory.
rozłożyć coś rozłożyć w czasie Lernen beginnen
Spread the blanket out to dry. If you have a lot of work, you can spread it.
Lernen beginnen
wrogość, niechęć, nienawiść, uraza Lernen beginnen
strong dislike, opposition, or anger: Of course we're competitive, but there's no personal animosity between us. In spite of his injuries, he bears no animosity towards his attackers.
demaskować (oszustwo), obalać (np. teorię, mit) Lernen beginnen
to show that something is less important, less good, or less true than it has been made to appear: debunk a myth The writer's aim was to debunk the myth that had grown up around the actress.
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paper or plastic that covers or protects something: cellophane wrapping The new chairs were covered in protective plastic wrappings.
traktuj ograniczenia jako funkcję, a nie błąd Lernen beginnen
treat constrains as a feature not as a bug
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to act as judge in a competition or argument, or to make a formal decision about something: He was asked to adjudicate on the dispute. He was called in to adjudicate a local land dispute.
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someone who is sent as a representative from one government or organization to another: a United Nations special envoy
1. nadawać (np. atmosfery), dodawać (np. smaku), przydawać (np. elegancji) 2. udzielać (np. informacji), przekazywać (np. wiedzę, mądrość, informacje) Lernen beginnen
to communicate information to someone: 1. to impart the bad news 2. I was rather quiet as I didn't feel I had much wisdom to impart on the subject.
Lernen beginnen
1. szalejący (np. o zarazie), niepohamowany 2. bujny (np. roślinność), obficie krzewiący się (chwasty) 3. szerzący się (np. o inflacji), 4. rozprzestrzeniający się (np. przestępczość) 5. nieokiełznany, gwałtowny (wzrost czegoś) Lernen beginnen
(of something bad) getting worse quickly and in an uncontrolled way: rampant corruption Rampant inflation means that our wage increases soon become worth nothing. He said that he had encountered rampant prejudice in his attempts to get a job. Disease is rampant in the overcrowded city.
wyobrażalny, możliwy do pomyślenia Lernen beginnen
possible to imagine or to believe: Books on every conceivable subject lined one wall. It's just conceivable (= possible although difficult to imagine) (that) the hospital made a mistake.
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zwężać się, zmniejszać się (stopniowo) Lernen beginnen
to become gradually smaller or weaker, or happen less often Her voice tapered off as she realized everyone was listening. Sales have gradually tapered off.
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in a way that lasts only a short time: 1. I glimpsed her fleetingly through the window. 2. The subject was mentioned only fleetingly.
biadolić, jęczeć, skomleć, łkać Lernen beginnen
(especially of an animal) to make a series of small, weak sounds expressing pain or unhappiness: A half-starved dog lay in the corner, whimpering pathetically.
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impossible to prove wrong: an irrefutable argument irrefutable evidence of health risks
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a strong personal interest in something because you could get an advantage from it: have a vested interest in As both a teacher and parent, she had a vested interest in seeing the school remain open.
twierdzenie, zapewnienie, obstawanie (przy czymś) Lernen beginnen
a statement that you strongly believe is true: I certainly don't agree with his assertion that men are better drivers than women.
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ustępować pod presją, poddawać się Lernen beginnen
to agree to something that you would not agree to before, after someone has persuaded you or threatened you: After protests from customers, the company caved and removed the item from its stores. I knew he'd cave if they offered him more money.
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strange and unusual and difficult to accept or like: an outlandish hairstyle/outfit
sprecyzować coś, określać coś Lernen beginnen
to discover the exact details about something: The fire department is trying to pin down the cause of Wednesday’s fire.
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to (cause to) move far apart in different directions: The protesters scattered at the sound of gunshots. The soldiers came in and scattered the crowd.
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napastnik, napastniczka, agresor, najeźdźca (na kraj) Lernen beginnen
a person who attacks another person: Can you describe your assailant?
1. smaczny (np. wino, ser) 2. do przyjęcia (np. pomysł) Lernen beginnen
acceptable: I'm afraid the members won't find all these changes very palatable.
Lernen beginnen
encapsulate your thoughts to express or show the most important facts about something: encapsulate something in something 1. It was very difficult to encapsulate the story of the revolution in a single one-hour documentary. 2. She encapsulates the stereotyped image that the British have of Americans.