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Lernen beginnen
to allow air from the stomach to come out through the mouth in a noisy way
Lernen beginnen
biting and grinding food in your mouth so it becomes soft enough to swallow
Lernen beginnen
to force air through your throat with a short loud noise; often because you are sick
Lernen beginnen
sudden catching of breath with a spasmodic contraction of the diaphragm
Lernen beginnen
to shake because of cold or fear
Lernen beginnen
to shake
Lernen beginnen
to breathe in a very noisy way while you are sleeping
sprawić, by jedzenie lub picie przeszło przez gardło i trafiło do żołądka
Lernen beginnen
to make food or drink go down your throat and towards your stomach
Lernen beginnen
to take a deep breath with your mouth wide open, because of boredom or being tired
Lernen beginnen
CLENCH your fist
Lernen beginnen
to curl your fingers very tightly, usually because you’re angry
SNAP your fingers
Lernen beginnen
to make a short&sharp sound by moving one of your fingers quickly against your thumb (for example in order to get somebodys attention or to mark the beat of music)
SHRUG your shoulders
Lernen beginnen
to move your shoulders up and down
RAISE your eyebrows
Lernen beginnen
to show surprise by moving your eyebrows upwards
FOLD your arms
Lernen beginnen
cross one arm over the other close to your body
CLAP your hands
Lernen beginnen
to applaud
PAT themselves on the back
Lernen beginnen
well done
NUDGED ME on the arm
Lernen beginnen
to wake up
BECKON OVER with a finger
Lernen beginnen
come here
WINK at somebody
Lernen beginnen
closing one eye quickly as a signal
NOD the head
Lernen beginnen
to agree
SHAKE head
Lernen beginnen
to move head from side to side meaning NO
PULL your leg
Lernen beginnen
PUT their foot down
Lernen beginnen
use authority to control a situation
PLAY it by ear
Lernen beginnen
to improvise
neck and neck
Lernen beginnen
let her hair down
Lernen beginnen
relax; have fun
all ears
Lernen beginnen
fully listening
KEEP you on your toes
Lernen beginnen
make you concentrate

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