Medley #2

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Frage English Antworten English
explain: teething problems
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small early problems of new company, product etc
dobrze się zapowiadać
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promise well OR hold promise (e.g. His latest idea holds promise.)
dobrze się zapowiadać, lecz być rozczarowaniem
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flatter to deceive
explain: pride oneself on sth (or take pride in sth)
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to take satisfaction in, be proud of, or highly value something one owns, has done, or is renowned for.
unikać, stronić od czegoś
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to keep off sth (e.g. My brother doesn't keep off alcohol.)
rzucić kogoś na głęboką wodę
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throw somebody in at the deep end [idiom]
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zawód deficytowy
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shortage occupation
rozpamiętywać coś
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dwell on sth / dwell upon sth
kredyt ze zmiennym oprocentowaniem
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variable interest rate loan OR variable rate loan
kredyt hipoteczny ze zmiennym oprocentowaniem
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adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM)
what's self-flattery?
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the glossing over of one's own weaknesses or mistakes and the exaggeration of one's own good qualities and achievements
what does it mean to gloss over sth?
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to treat or describe (something, such as a serious problem or error) as if it were not important (e.g. He glossed over the accident.)
to co się liczy/ to, co najważniejsze [idiom]
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the name of the game
rachunek powierniczy
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escrow account
kredyt hipoteczny
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mortgage loan / mortgage credit
what's mortgage term?
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the length of your mortgage (okres hipoteki / kredytu hipotecznego)
rynek pierwotny
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primary market (it consists of new properties, which include new launches and ongoing projects from the developer.)
rynek wtórny
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secondary market (it's made up of secondary or sub-sale properties, previously owned houses in matured locations and established residential areas.)
wkład własny (w kredyt)
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own contribution (the amount of money you will be paying to the builder or property reseller from your own pocket to be eligible for a home loan)
pośrednik organizujący pożyczki hipoteczne / ekspert kredytowy
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mortgage broker
zakończyć działanie, dokończyć rozpoczęty proces
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follow through
wniosek kredytowy
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loan/credit application, credit request
rzeczywista roczna stopa oprocentowania (RRSO)
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annual percentage rate of charge (APR)
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overpay / make an excess payment
kredyt mieszkaniowy
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home loan
kredyt hipoteczny
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mortgage loan/lending/credit
zaznaczony czymś
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marked by sth
podstawowe informacje na temat czegoś
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(to get) the lowdown on something
prowincja, zaścianek, dziura (o małej miejscowości) / rozlewisko, stojąca woda
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explain: make it a rule
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to act according to a principle, e.g. I make it a rule not to eat fatty foods
explain: be par for the course (= do przewidzenia)
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if a type of behaviour, event, or situation is par for the course, it's not good but it's normal or as you'd expect, e.g. The school budget is going to be cut again this year, but then that's par for the course.
explain: shit or get off the pot
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= either act now or accept that you'll never do something / used to convey that someone should stop wasting time and get on with sth
spaczony, wypaczony (np. charakter, umysł)
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swoboda działania w czymś
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leeway in something
uciskań, gnębić kogoś
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grind somebody down
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grind OR grind up
naczynie żaroodporne
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casserole dish, ovenproof dish, oven dish
drobno- / gruboziarnisty
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fine-grained / coarse-grained
papier do pieczenia
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parchment paper, bakery paper
wymowny, znaczący / celny, skuteczny
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błędna, wybrakowana edukacja
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zaniedbujący (np. obowiązki) / niedbały, niestaranny w wykonywaniu czegoś
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doskonale wiedzieć
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know full well / know perfectly well
odgałęzienie (np. w firmie lub roślinie), boczna linia (w rodzinie)
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w języku potocznym / być powszechnie używanym
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in common parlance / be in common parlance
nasze czasy, obecne czasy
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our times
ubolewać nad czymś [idiom]
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be troubled by something
twierdzić, orzekać
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stwarzający/powodujący podziały
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explain: let the chips fall (where they may)
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to let a situation unfold without worrying about the consequences. (= niech się dzieje co chce)
wpraszać się [phrasal verb]
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barge in
zdolność przewidywania / ostrożność, przezorność
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nie mający szacunku
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mieć wątpliwości
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to have second thoughts
zastanawiać się nad czymś
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give sth a second thought
złudna nadzieja
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false hope
explain: boilerplate [adjective]
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refers to standardised text, copy, documents, methods, or procedures that may be used over again without making major changes to the original
to be at a premium
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to be not common and therefore valuable (e.g. Free time is at a premium for working parents)
mów za siebie
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speak for yourself [spoken]
zmniejszać się, ustępować, zelżeć (np. o deszczu)
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ease off OR ease up
zwolnić, odpuścić sobie
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to ease off
trajkotać, paplać
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rabbit on [BrE][informal]
wyrastać z czegoś (np. ubrań ale też metaforycznie - z dawnych zachowań) / wywodzić się skądś
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to grow out of something
explain: to chalk out
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to sketch or plan something
explain: to lowball
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to deliberately underestimate a price, cost, rate etc. in order to deceive
explain: monkey work
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Useless miscellaneous tasks or duties assigned to someone capable of more challenging work. These tasks are usually boring and require very little brain activity.
zdystansować się (od czegoś)
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step back (from sth) / distance oneself from sth
explain: glib
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a glib person speaks easily and confidently. This word shows that you do not trust the person or what they are saying
trudne zadania / ciężka sprawa
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a tall order [informal]
powierzchnia użytkowa
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usable area
uboczna korzyść
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side benefit
metraż kwadratowy
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square footage
explain: jaded
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no longer enthusiastic or excited about things
złota rączka
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handyman / fixer-upper / jack of all trades
domator / domatorka
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homebody / stay-at-home OR home bird [idiom]
śpiewać inaczej (zmienić zdanie lub stosunek do czegoś)
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to sing a different tune / song [idiom]
zła karma / złe wibracje
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bad juju
explain: get back to the grind
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to go back to the job at hand, doesn't matter if it's the corporate grind or you're an MC working on an album
explain: to double back
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to turn around and return on the same path (e.g. I'm going to double back to see if I dropped the ring on the way here.)
to take the stage [idiom]
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to walk onto a stage, as to begin a performance, deliver a speech, etc. OR to be or become the main or central focus.
explain: restrict yourself to sth
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to limit yourself to one particular thing or activity (e.g. If I'm driving, I restrict myself to one glass of wine)
explain: money talks [spoken]
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pieniądze mają siłę przekonywania
what does 'racket' mean informally?
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an illegal activity that makes money
explain: on the off chance
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if you do something on the off chance, you do it even though you think it is unlikely to succeed
What's an off-chance?
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a small and unlikely possibility
explain: to face redundancy
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to lose your job
explain: oner [BrE][Informal]
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podejście, próba LUB rewelacja LUB cios, plomba
odzyskać kontrolę nad sobą / uspokoić się
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to regain one's composure
explain: keep the lights on
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to make sure that a business, system, etc. continues to operate, even if it does not make much progress
skłonność do kłamstw / zakłamanie
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stan wojenny
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martial law
czekać aby coś zrobić
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wait to do sth
żarty / strojenie sobie żartów
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kidding [noun]
explain: the new kid on the block
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a newcomer to a particular place or sphere of activity
explain: be in limbo [idiom] być w zawieszeniu [idiom]
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in an uncertain or undecided state or condition (= być w zawieszeniu)
explain: rough it
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Do without the usual comforts and conveniences
ustępować, zelżeć (np. o deszczu)
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ease off / ease up
explain: ring the changes (on sth)
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to do something in a different way in order to make it more interesting
zabudowany (np. obszar)
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built-up (e.g. area)
zaprzyjaźnić się z kimś (phrasal verb)
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get in with somebody
ograniczać, redukować coś
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to cut back on sth
resztę historii wszyscy znają [idiom]
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the rest is history
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child support / maintenance / alimony
przyjść do głowy / na myśl
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cross one's mind
nadawać się, sprostać wymaganiom LUB dać radę (coś zrobić), odnieść sukces [idiom]
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cut it [idiom]
explain: to go back a long way
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1. to have existed for a long time, 2. to have known each other for a long time
zawody w udowadnianiu swojej wyższości nad innymi
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pissing contest
explain: timeliness
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the fact or quality of being done or occurring at a favourable or useful time.
roboty / prace wykończeniowe
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finishing works
stan surowy / deweloperski
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shell and core
z wyższej półki (o produkcie)
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upmarket [BrE] / upscale [AmE]
nieostrożny, nieroztropny
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pospać sobie, wylegiwać się
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lie in [BrE] / sleep in [AmE] (noun: a lie-in | to have a lie-in)
konik (sprzedawca biletów po zawyżonych cenach)
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tout / ticket tout [BrE] or scalper [AmE]
notoryczny, zatwardziały
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rozsądny, roztropny / pełen reflekcji
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nieustraszony, dzielny
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ślęczeć nad czymś, studiować coś uważnie (np. mapę)
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pore over sth
explain: uncongenial
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1. (of a person) not friendly and pleasant, 2. (of an activity/place) not enjoyable, acceptable, or welcoming
explain: enervating (adjective)
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causing one to feel drained of energy or vitality
przybity, przygnębiony
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explain: get someone's goat
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to irritate someone
explain: toe the line on sth [idiom]
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to conform to a rule or standard, especially unwillingly (podporządkować się)
explain: to fork out
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to pay money for sth, esp. reluctantly
explain: dead set on/against [idiom]
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firmly determined
1. She was dead set on [=completely certain about] going to college. 2. The mayor was dead set against [=strongly opposed to] the plan.
explain: thumb a lift/ride
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stand by the side of the road holding out your thumb until a driver stops and gives you a lift.
wziąć na siebie ciężar
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shoulder the burden
zdjąć brzmię z czyichś pleców [idiom]
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lift the burden from somebody's shoulders
explain: stomach the idea
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to tolerate doing sth
Jenny couldn't really stomach the idea of moving to a big city, so she turned the job down.
zapłacić rachunek, uregulować rachunek
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foot the bill OR pick up the tab
zmienić swoje nastawienie do czegoś / zmienić zdanie [idiom]
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have a change of heart
odnawiać, odrestaurować (np. dom)
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refurbish [BrE]
pełen szacunku
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explain: to be out for something
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To be very eager to or intent on achieving or obtaining something.
You can tell the young legal aide is out for a promotion, judging by the amount of time and energy he keeps putting into each case.
explain: warm up to something
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to begin to like or enjoy someone or something
She was not a person who was easy to warm up to.
explain: weather lore
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the accumulated proverbs and superstitions relative to the weather, especially in its relation to man, animals, the stars, the moon, and plants.
dawać i brać (np. w związku)
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give and take
kompromis, wzajemne ustępstwa
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a situation in which people or groups who want different things each give some things to the others and get some things from the others
explain: leave someone high and dry
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to put someone in a very difficult or unpleasant situation that they cannot escape from
By switching to cheaper overseas suppliers they have left us high and dry.
na dobre i na złe [idiom]
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through thick and thin
I'll stay with him through thick and thin.
explain: touch-and-go
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not certain and with a risk of death or serious failure
It had been touch-and-go for him in the hospital, but he had eventually recovered.
z krwi i kości [idiom]
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flesh and blood
być duszą towarzystwa [idiom]
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be the life and soul of the party
explain: to play catch-up [idiom]
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to try to reach the same position, score, etc., as a competitor after one has fallen behind
The team fell behind in the second inning and has had to play catch-up ever since.
skłonność do kłamstw, zakłamanie [official]
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explain: time after time / time and again
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many times, usually so often that you become annoyed (raz za razem)
Time after time I’ve told him not to touch my computer.
nadejście pełnoletności, dojrzewanie
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coming of age
wydobywać, wycisnąć (np. prawdę) [phrasal verb]
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to winkle out
explain: fastidious
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1. caring a lot about small details and wanting everything to be correct and tidy, 2. keeping your clothes, possessions, and property very clean and tidy
1. She was fastidious about her teeth., 2. When it comes to personal hygiene, the man is extremely fastidious.
być w modzie
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be in vogue / be the vogue
naruszenie (prawa), wykroczenie
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taca (do serwowania potraw, napojów)
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żłopiący piwo [informal]
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przepłukiwać lub opróżnić za pomocą wody [phrasal verb]
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swill out
explain: to tamper with sth
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to touch something that you should not touch, and to change it in some way, often because you want to spoil it
The possibility that evidence might be tampered with.
słodki (w smaku), soczysty / przepyszny (np. danie)
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przejrzały (o owocu)
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uczynić bardziej znośnym, osłodzić [idiom]
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sweeten the pill / sugar thep ill
wisienka na torcie [idiom]
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the icing on the cake
stawiać wszystko na jedną kartę [idiom]
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put all one's eggs in one basket
mieć ważniejsze/inne sprawy do załatwienia [idiom]
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have bigger/other fish to fry
Don't take it personally, but I have bigger fish to fry. OR He said he had other fish to fry and couldn't help me.
wychodzić na durnia, błazna [idiom]
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have/get egg on one's face
zapakowany w kurczliwą folię
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explain: cut to (someone or something) [in film]
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In film, TV, or video editing, to abruptly interrupt a sequence in order to show something else.
I was watching the football game when they cut to breaking news about the wildfire.
data określająca do kiedy towar może być wystawiany na półce sklepowej
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sell-by date
Remove from the shelves these products which are past their sell-by date.
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skrzynka na kwiaty (w oknie / na poręczy balkonu)
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window/railing box
złowieszczy, złowrogi, ponury
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There was something sinister in his eyes.
wprowadzenie / wprowadzać
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lead-in / lead in
kosz wiklinowy
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wicker basket
mieć łeb na karku
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be on the ball [idiom]
spód, dolna część (czegoś), dół
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I fitted a new skid plate to protect the underside of my Volvo.
oczerniać, uwłaczać / umniejszać (wartości lub znaczenia czegoś)
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stadny (o zwierzęciu), towarzyski (o człowieku)
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recently formed and still developing OR young bird that has learnt to fly
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odpuścić komuś
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let someone of the hook
szczęśliwy (o okolicznościach), fartowny
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explain: be a godsend [idiom]
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spaść z nieba (nieoczekiwane w momencie, gdy potrzeba jest pomoc)
życzę Ci powodzenia!
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best of luck!
pozbawiony złudzeń, rozczarowany
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explain: out of the frame
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not involved in something, or not being considered for something
With Steve out of the frame, I knew I had a chance with Sarah.
upominać, ochrzaniać kogoś
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tell somebody off
explain: to link [slang]
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To connect with friends or people and chill.
A: Yo are you free to link tonight? B: Yeah let's link up.
to become free of negative attitudes, thoughts, or feelings that limit what you can achieve
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to transcend
źle potraktować / źle wydać resztę
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to short-change
expressing criticism or disappointment in a way that is intended to make someone feel ashamed [adjective]
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szklanka bez ucha
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zgodnie z prawem (j. mówiony)
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by rights
explain: make the right noises/make all the right noises
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showing concern or enthusiasm about something because you feel you ought to rather than because you really want to.
explain: within one's rights [idiom]
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in the position or situation of being morally or legally allowed to have, get, or do something
You are within your rights to demand a refund.
upodabniać się do siebie
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Our ideas seem to be converging now.
przejść na wcześniejszą emeryturę
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to take early retirement
przymykać na coś oko [idiom]
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turn a blind eye to sth
nie zgadzać się z kimś/czymś
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to take issue with sb/sth (over sth)
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wyrazić pogląd (na jakiś temat)
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express / take the view that
w centrum zainteresowania opinii publicznej
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(be) in the public eye
zagadkowy, enigmatyczny
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balustrada, poręcz, bariera, gzyms
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chytry, podstępny, przebiegły
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wily (or wiley)
budzący emocje, silnie zabarwiony emocjonalnie
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prawdomówność, wiarygodność
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szybko myślący/reagujący (o osobie)
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marzenia ściętej głowy [idiom]
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pie in the sky / a pipe dream
work/do overtime
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robić nadgodziny
udogodnienia, wyposażenie
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zakończyć, doprowadzić do końca / zaokrąglić (np. liczbę)
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round off
członek sekty / sekciarski
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powszechnie występujący, przeważający
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pojąć, zrozumieć
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explain: in tune with someone/something
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having a good understanding of someone or something
He is more in tune with his players today, because he has asked them for their opinions.
wart zauważenia / odnotowania
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(be) of note
dręczyć, dawać się we znaki / natrętnie narzucać się
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poczuć się czymś urażonym/dotkniętym
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take exception to something
explain: electrical fault
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a fault caused by something electrical [fault = usterka]
The fire was believed to have been caused by an electrical fault.
grać komuś na nerwach (denerwować kogoś)
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get up someone's nose
explain: outlay
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an amount of money spent on something
That's a modest outlay on local advertising.
trzymać się z daleka od czegoś/kogoś
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steer clear of sth/sb
robić to, co do kogoś należy [idiom][informal]
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come up with the goods / deliver the goods (in other words, do what is expected or required of one.)
otrzymywać coś (np. nagrodę, krytykę)
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come in for something
przekonać się do czegoś
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come round to something
He finally came around to my views.
samodzielny lokal mieszkalny
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self-contained flat
system ABS w samochodzie (zapobiegający blokowaniu się kół)
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anti-lock braking system (ABS)
nagła odmiana, zaskakująca odmiana [idiom]
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a turn-up for the book(s)
żywy, pełen życia (np. osoba)
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explain: acquisitive
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trying to get things, especially because you want them, rather than because you need them (= zachłanny)
bezczelny, jawny, rażący
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done in an obvious way that shows you are not embarrassed or ashamed to be doing something bad or illegal
szlachetny, prawy [formal]
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upstanding (= honest and deserving respect)
1. fabrykowanie, 2. wymysł
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1. Fabrication of evidence is a crime. 2. The latest fabrication of city officials is absolutely ridiculous.
nadawać się do czegoś, pozwalać na coś [idiom]
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lend itself to sth
1. Does your method lend itself to this particular case? 2. My busy life doesn't lend itself to taking vacations.
sposób wyrażania się
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turn of phrase (e.g. to have a nice turn of phrase)
na przełomie wieków
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at the turn of the century
nawet nie mrugnąć [idiom]
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not turn a hair
Maria did not turn a hair when we told her the awful news.
explain: toss and turn
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to be unable to sleep, or to sleep badly, especially because something is worrying you
I was tossing and turning all night.
pod wrażeniem, podekscytowany czymś [idiom]
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taken with/by sth/sb
błyskotliwy (np. osoba, rozmowa)
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explain: be at the top of your game
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to be performing extremely well in a sport, job, etc. so that you could not perform any better
I want to beat Andy when he's at the top of his game.
rozmokły, błotnisty (np. teren) / ckliwy (np. film)
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breja (z błota i rozmokłego śniegu), błoto pośniegowe
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explain: perverse [adj]
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having the effect of being, or intended to be, the opposite of what is usually expected or considered reasonable
Sometimes I think he refuses to cooperate just to be perverse.
jednomyślny, jednogłośny
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After a lengthy discussion we reached a unanimous decision on the proposal.
nieokreślony, niewyraźny, niejasny
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Ten samochód jest zdecydowanie lepszy od poprzedniego.
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This car is decidedly better than the previous one.
wietrzny, nieosłonięty od wiatru (np. obszar) / potargany (np. o włosach)
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Lernen beginnen
moor OR heath
pozbyć się pozorów, przestać udawać
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drop all pretence / give up all pretence / abandon all pretence
odeprzeć atak
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fend off (sb/sth)
dusić/tłumić coś w sobie (np. żal, złość)
Mój terapeuta powiedział mi, abym nie tłumił moich emocji.
Lernen beginnen
bottle up something
My therapist told me not to bottle up my emotions.
explain: cast your net wide
Lernen beginnen
to include many people or things when you are looking for something
explain: cast sb adrift
Lernen beginnen
to stop supporting someone, or to leave someone without any support or purpose
The company was absorbed into a large conglomerate and most of its employees cast adrift.
grom z jasnego nieba
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a bolt from the blue
nadawać ton, grać pierwsze skrzypce
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to call the tune
kto płaci, ten wymaga [przsłowie]
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he who pays the piper calls the tune
kochać kogoś bez wzajemności
Lernen beginnen
carry a torch for sb
Terry has been carrying a torch for Liz for years, but she seems not to notice.
explain: carry a tune
Lernen beginnen
to be able to sing the correct musical sounds of a tune
Neither of my brothers can carry a tune, but my sister is a good singer.
podły (zamiar), plugawy (czyn) / obskurny, zapyziały (budynek)
Lernen beginnen
odsłaniający (np. fakty), ukazujący wszystko (np. całą prawdę)
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pójść po linii najmniejszego oporu LUB ciąć wydatki
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to cut corners [idiom]
rozwiać wątpliwości
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resolve doubts [idiom]
taki, w którym wszystkie chwyty są dozwolone / bez ograniczeń (np. dyskusja)
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no-holds-barred [idiom]
stać po czyjejś stronie LUB trzymać z kimś
Lernen beginnen
side with sb
You're siding with mum, it's not fair. OR You shouldn't side with this boy. He's shady.
explain: goings-on
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events or activities that are strange, dishonest, or illegal
nazywać rzeczy po imieniu
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to call a spade a spade
ostatni gwóźdź do czyjejś trumny
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final nail in somebody's coffin
go down the tubes/drain
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to fail completely OR to be wasted
This company is going down the tubes OR Theresa could see all her good work going down the tubes.
wpaść w szał, wściec się
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to blow a fuse
explain: shoot your bolt
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to use all your money or energy in doing something OR to waste your only chance to do something
explain: get/click into gear
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to start working effectively or making progress
Suddenly my brain clicked into gear and I realised what was happening.
dobijać/kopać leżącego [idiom]
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twist/turn the knife in the wound
zawór, zasuwa
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You open the first valve, I'll take care of the other.
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nożyczki do paznokci
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nail scissors
pilnik do paznokci
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nail file
explain: in the vanguard
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in the leading position
Microprocessor technology is in the vanguard of modern production techniques.
działać komuś na nerwy
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set one's teeth on edge
explain: run rings round someone
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to do something much better than someone else
explain: run the risk of sth
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to be in a situation in which something bad could happen
The President runs the risk of assassination with every public appearance.
explain: to run a tight ship
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to control something such as an organization or institution in a very strict and effective way
być niezgodnym z czymś
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run counter to sth
The outcomes run counter to your premises.
przykładać się do pracy [idiom]
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pull one's weight
If you don't start pulling your weight, you will never succeed.
explain: pull your socks up! [informal][BrE]
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used when you are telling someone that they are not doing a job well enough and that they must do better
explain: precedent
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an action or event in the past that is used as an example or reason for a present action or event
Arab states condemned the plan, regarding it as setting a dangerous precedent.
wydzielać, wydawać coś (np. zapach, dźwięk)
Lernen beginnen
give off sth
Your car is giving off a funny smell.
explain: lose sight of sth
Lernen beginnen
to forget an important fact, or to forget what your main aim is, because you are thinking too much about other things
I think he has lost sight of the origins of the company.
jednorazowy LUB bardzo tani, o niskiej jakości
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throwaway (e.g. earphones or insults)
wysyłka, partia towaru, przesyłka
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We ship up to 300 consignments a year.
sposób wyrażania się
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turn of phrase
powstrzymywać coś (np. emocje)
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choke sth back (e.g. tears)
złapać byka za rogi
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grasp the nettle OR take the bull by the horns
pokrzywa zwyczajna
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nettle (or Urtica)
nie do utrzymania, nie do obrony (np. stanowisko, decyzja)
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wspólny, uzgodniony (np. atak, trud)
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concerted (e.g. concerted effort)
involving a lot of people or organisations working together in a determined way, e.g. He called for concerted action against terrorism.
explain: untold
Lernen beginnen
existing or present in an amount that is too large to be measured
Their policy of high unemployment caused untold misery for millions.
robić coś na zmianę
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take turns (doing sth) OR take it in turns
z rozdrażnieniem, z irytacją
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wstępnie, niezobowiązująco
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tentatively (e.g. suggested)
odcinać się, odparować, ripostować (w rozmowie)
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to retort (also a noun: retort)
explain: fall foul of sb/sth
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to get into trouble with someone or something
explain: tithe
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a tax that people paid to the church in the past
explain: disconcerted
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feeling worried, confused, or surprised
Victoria looked disconcerted for a moment.
explain: spur OR spur on
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to encourage someone to do something
His comments spurred me on to success.
explain: overreach (oneself)
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to try to do more than your ability, authority, or money will allow
He has overreached himself financially.
pouczać, prawić kazania
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to harangue (also functions as a noun)
szarpać, wyrywać
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She yanked the plug too hard.
zlekceważyć (prawo, zasadę, zwyczaj, tradycję)
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You flouted our tradition and you have to suffer punishment. OR If you flout the rules, you'll be fired.
płacić za swoje czyny, ponosić konsekwencje, dostawać za swoje (idiom)
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pay the piper
wysępić, sępić
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scrounge or mouch
Can I scrounge 5 EUR from you, do you think?
zmazać coś (np. winy, złe uczynki), sprawić, że inni zapomną o czymś złym lub wstydliwym
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to live something down
No one will live down my tennis skirt falling down.
przeżyć dzięki sprytowi, zarabiać na życie dzięki sprytowi
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live by one's wits [idiom]
własny interes, osobisty interes
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vested interest
Some businesses have a vested interest in promoting health scares.
margaryna (pudełko margaryny)
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margarine (a tub of margarine)
There was a tub of margarine in the fridge.
osłupienie, oszołomienie, zdziwienie, konfuzja
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kadzidło (używane w kościele)
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A substance that creates a strong but pleasant smell when burned. Incense is often used in religious ceremonies.
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uczęszczać (odwiedzać często jakieś miejsce)
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to frequent
He frequents this club, he's here almost every weekend.
przygnębiony, smutny
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twarzą do ziemi
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face downwards (e.g. to lie face downwards)
postawić gdzieś nogę (pojawić się w jakimś miejscu)
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set foot on/in sth
I will never set foot in this house again.
szczera rozmowa, rozmowa od serca
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pod rękę (np. chodzić)
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arm in arm (e.g. to stroll)
explain: to walk hand in hand
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To hold hands while walking alongside someone.
They walk everywhere hand in hand.
explain: nose to tail
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if cars are nose to tail, they are moving slowly in a long line with not much space between them (zderzak w zderzak)
explain: to come face to face with sth/sb
Lernen beginnen
To confront or encounter sb or sth directly.
what's a health scare?
Lernen beginnen
A social phenomenon whereby the public at large comes to fear some threat to health, based on suppositions which are nearly always not well-founded.
zawzięcie walczyć
Lernen beginnen
to fight tooth and nail
poddawać się (czemuś), pogodzić się (z czymś)
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reconcile to sth
It's hard to reconcile myself with the loss of my friend.
explain: growing pains
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early problems that an organization experiences when it is first starting in business
od zera do milionera / od pucybuta do milionera [idiom]
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from rags to riches
poparzyć się (wrzątkiem lub gorącą parą) / oparzenie
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dla zabawy [potocznie]
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for kicks
I'm not gonna persuade you, but I'd really do it, just for kicks.
explain: to riff off (noun: riff-off)
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to use an idea as a basis for a new variation.
człowiek godny zaufania i uczciwy [idiom]
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straight shooter
I need a straight shooter for this job.
krótka drzemka [idiom]
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I can sleep anywhere and be fresh with half an hour's catnap.
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cut teeth (also means: to get your first experience in a particular job by doing something)
actors who cut their teeth on low-budget films
explain: progress up the rungs
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to go up the (career) ladder
mieć swoje plusy i minusy [idiom]
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be a mixed blessing
bezpardonowa walka [idiom]
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dog eat dog
It’s dog eat dog in the television industry.
ruszać się, streszczać się
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snap it up!
mieć udowodnioną listę osiągnięć
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to have a proved track record
nie wychylać się (nie robić czegoś, co jest nietypowe) [idiom]
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to keep one's head down
explain: make a quick buck
Lernen beginnen
to earn money quickly, especially without making much effort
All they care about is making a quick buck.
explain: red ink
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a business loss
The line between red ink and profitability is so thin.
explain: a golden hello
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a large amount of money given to someone for accepting an important job
duże AGD
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white goods
large pieces of electrical equipment used in people’s homes, for example washing machines and fridges
explain: austerity
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a situation in which economic conditions are bad and people’s living standards fall
lalunia, dzidzia, dziunia [potocznie]
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The bimbo is pretty but not really intelligent.
dylemat, kłopot, trudne położenie
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I'm in a predicament and I completely don't know what to do.
tak czy inaczej, tak czy owak
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be that as it may
explain: ingratiating
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done in an attempt to get someone’s approval
an ingratiating nod/smile
pełen szacunku
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Lernen beginnen
I could hear the contempt in her voice.
drobiazgowo, skrupulatnie
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She was painstakingly prepared for future relationships.
przeszkadzać w czymś [idiom]
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put a crimp in something
przywiązywać do czegoś wielką wagę [idiom]
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set/lay great store on/by something
I've never set much store by money and possessions.
zrogowacieć (o naskórku)
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to callous
bezduszny, bezwzględny, bezlitosny, nieczuły, bezuczuciowy
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callous (synonym: heartless)
apatyczny, obojętny
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jasno wysławiający się, elokwentny
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rozmowny, gadatliwy
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The shop assistant was clearly a garrulous woman who enjoyed chattering to her customers.
niedający się wyprowadzić z równowagi, opanowany [potocznie]
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bojaźliwy, bez charakteru (o osobie)
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ażeby nie, w razie gdyby
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rozdzielić, rozdzielać (np. pożywienie, pieniądze) [phrasal verb]
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dole sth out
zaabsorbowany czymś, pochłonięty czymś
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engrossed in sth
domyślać się, snuć domysły
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to conjecture
szeleścić, szumieć / szelest, szmer, szum
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zwieńczenie (historii), scena finałowa (filmu), rozwiązanie (przebiegu akcji)
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zamiłowanie, upodobanie (do czegoś)
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penchant (for sth)
robić coś, a nie tylko o tym mówić; poprzeć słowa czynami [idiom]
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put one's money where one's mouth is
ślepa uliczka, ślepy zaułek [idiom]
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cul-de-sac (both literally and metaphorically)
trafność, stosowność
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robić kogoś w konia, nabierać kogoś [idiom]
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pull someone's leg
explain: a big hitter
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a person, company or product that is very successful
łagodny, potulny
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osoba uszczęśliwiająca innych na siłę
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nie spisywać się, nie sprawdzać się
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do no good
nie ma sensu czegoś robić
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it is no good doing sth
przechylać szalę
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tip the scales (or tip the balance)
dziwaczny, cudaczny
Lernen beginnen
You've got an outlandish hairstyle!
wg mnie, moim zdaniem [potocznie]
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in my book
osoba, która nie umie przegrywać
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sore loger OR bad sport
drwiący, szyderczy (np. śmiech)
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po zastanowieniu, po namyśle, po rozważeniu (kwestii)
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on balance
This job offer had some advantages, but on balance he thought he was better off where he is.
dotychczas, do tej pory
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przelotny, krótki (o uśmiechu, spojrzeniu)
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Lernen beginnen
momentary / brief
There was a momentary silence between us.
pojawiać się jak grzyby po deszczu ALBO odbić się w górę
Lernen beginnen
spring up
1. He sprang up from the ground, standing up immediately. 2. In this city, problems spring up everyday.
wydzielać, wyciekać
Lernen beginnen
to ooze
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leak OR seep OR drip (drop by drop) OR ooze out
beczeć, meczeć (owce, barany) / biadolić (potocznie)
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to bleat (also works as a noun)
cętka LUB pokrywać plamkami
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zabarwienie, lekki odcień LUB domieszka, nuta (np. żalu)
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tinge (noun)
1. His hair is ginger with a tinge of brown. 2. I heard a tinge of bitterness in his voice.
explain: take to sb/sth and doing sth
Lernen beginnen
1. to begin to like sb or sth, 2. to start doing sth as a habit
1. I took to John immediately., 2. Recently he’s taken to wearing a cap.
znaleźć się w kłopotliwym położeniu
Lernen beginnen
find yourself in a predicament
explain: to be at odds with (oneself)
Lernen beginnen
Holding conflicting opinions, beliefs, or intentions.
I've been at odds with myself as to what is the best course of action.
zwłaszcza, szczególnie (formalnie)
Lernen beginnen
not least
He shocked many, not least when he set up his own school.
stawiać sobie za cel zrobienie czegoś
Lernen beginnen
set your sights on doing something
określenie zbiorowe, określenie zbiorcze
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umbrella term (or word)
wysiedlać / wykorzeniać / wyrwać z korzeniem (w ogrodnictwie)
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uproot OR disroot
explain: keep one's head above the water
Lernen beginnen
To (barely) avoid being consumed by a stressful or unpleasant situation (often related to work or finance).
If credit cards are the only thing keeping your head above water, then your situation is more dire than I thought.
ciężkie przejścia, ciężkie chwile [idiom]
Lernen beginnen
rough ride
I've had some rough ride but everything is OK now. OR He helped me through my rough ride.
przekroczony limit konta
Lernen beginnen
overdrawn account
przekroczyć limit konta
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go overdrawn
sprawa (przydzielona komuś), kompetencja, zakres odpowiedzialności [BrE][Official]
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pod czyimś patronatem [idiom]
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under the auspices of sb/sth
The whole exhibition, under the auspices of the National Organization for Women, aims to draw attention to the injustices women all over the world face every day.
domena, specjalność (czyjaś)
Posiadanie sportowych aut jest domeną bogaczy.
Lernen beginnen
a preserve
Owning sports cars is the preserve of the rich.
nadać czemuś/komuś rozgłosu
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to raise sb's profile
chronienie, zagwarantowanie (np. praw)
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enshrinement (verb: to enshrine in)
The right of free speech is enshrined in the Constitution.
wtajemniczyć kogoś w coś
Lernen beginnen
let sb in on sth
He let me in on his project but I had to promise not to tell anyone.
na równej stopie z kimś/czymś
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on an/the equal footing with/as sb/sth
zakręt, przecznica [BrE]
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a turning
Turn left on the next turning.
wchodzący, przybysz
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wpatrzony w siebie, zorientowany na własne cele
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not interested in other people or things that do not affect you
naiwny, prostoduszny
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ingenuous, blue-eyed
pogardliwy, wzgardliwy
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dzwonienie (np. dzwonka), dźwięczenie, brzęczenie
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Lernen beginnen
chrzęst (np. szkła albo kamieni)
Lernen beginnen
You always know when the postman comes because he crunches across the gravel.
piszczeć (o hamulcach), zgrzytać (o zawiasach), mówić wrzaskliwym głosem
Lernen beginnen
screech (also works as a noun)
The brakes screeched as he tried to stop the car.
przemęczać się
Lernen beginnen
strain oneself
Don't strain yourself so much.
w każdym razie
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in any event OR in any case
explain: to have second sight
Lernen beginnen
to be able to know what will happen in the future
dowiadywać się prawdy o czymś
Lernen beginnen
get at the truth about sth
He got at the truth about his parents.
szczery do bólu, mówiący bez ogródek
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For a moment, she thought she had been too outspoken.
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dismissive (of sth)
podatny na wpływ (emocjonalny, moralny), łatwo ulegający wpływom
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Children of primary school age are very impressionable and tend to believe what they are told.
piętnować (kogoś), napiętnować (czyjeś zachowanie), stygmatyzować
Lernen beginnen
explain: level-headed
Lernen beginnen
somebody who is not controlled by emotions and typically exhibits good judgement and decision making skills
Anna is a very level-headed person.
explain: unnerve
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to make someone nervous or frightened
All this attention is unnerving. I hate being on display.
explain: gung-ho
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very enthusiastic, especially about something that might be dangerous
niezaprzeczalnie, nieodparcie
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zmieniać temat [idiom]
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go off at a tangent
His mind had gone off at a complete tangent.
uderzać do głowy (np. alkohol, sukces, woda sodowa)
Lernen beginnen
go to somebody's head
When the wine went to my head I told him all of my secrets.
mający anielską cierpliwość, wytrzymały
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He has a long-suffering wife who tolerates his excesses.
konik, ulubiony temat LUB konik na biegunach
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w całym tego słowa znaczeniu, w najwyższym stopniu [idiom]
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par excellence
explain: protege
Lernen beginnen
sb you have under your wings
wcale, ani trochę
Lernen beginnen
not in the least / not the least bit

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