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free trade
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a situation in which goods come info and out of the country without any controls or taxes
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to take away barriers to trade, to remove things which stop people trading freely
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companies can compete freely without government controls or subsidies. / no restrictions no barriers to trade
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taxes on imported goods (so that imports cannot compete so well against domestic products)
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money paid to domestic producers so they can sell their goods more cheaply than foreign competitors
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limits to the quantity of a product which can be imported / limits od goods that can be imported
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the price is power than cost of producing it
infant industry
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certain industries need to be protected until they can stand on their own feet. / not develop enough to be Independent
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government departament responsible for collecting taxes on goods
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to bring smthg into a country from abroad usually in order to sell it
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a generał word which covers all things which stop people trading freely

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