Moja lekcja

 0    25 Datenblatt    janb2
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Lernen beginnen
the act of failing to fulfil a professional duty by behaving incorectly or illegally
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sth that is important or significant to the subject under discusion.
maternity leave/ paternity leave
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time period when woman/ man is not work before and after the birth of her/his baby.
maritime law
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the area of law that governs everything connected with the sea
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to attempt to make the 2 parties to a dispute reach an agreement without the need for lkitigation.
Lernen beginnen
o combine or join together top form one thin
minutes of meeting
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the official record of what took place at a meeting
memorandum of association
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document which establishes a company
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statemenr that gives someone a false impression of sth.
mitigate damages
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to limit the amount of damage cause by an injury ora a breach of contract.
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an agreement to lend money to someone to buy a property. That property is used as security for the loan.
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lender under mortgage agreement
mortgagor / Mortgage debtor
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the borrower under morgage agreement
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proposal taht is discussed in a meeting and a vote is taken on it
in the event of
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if something happens
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Lernen beginnen
level amount
until such time as
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due to the fact that
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in effect
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in force in operation
not less than
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at least
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in spite of despite
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when something is true in a limited way to a certain extent
inadmissible evidence
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evidence that scooting be used in court
prior to
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