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Direct Object
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Phrase that complements a transitive verb is said to function as its direct object
Indirect Object
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A noun, pronoun, or noun phrase that occurs in addition to a direct object after some verbs and indicates the person or thingthat receiveswhat is being given or done
Subject Predicative
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Characterise the subjects of their sentences and do not mention distinct individuals
Object Predicative
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The predicative characterises the direct object
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It's a kind of adverbial that it can realize PP, then adverbial phrases and noun phrases. They express a wide range of ideas. On the tree diagramyhey are sisters of the whole phrases
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It's a kind of adverbial which express the speaker attitude towards what she or he says. It can be realized by adverbial phrases or prepositional phrases. On the tree diagram it is a sister of the whole sentence
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It's a kind of adverbial that indicates what kind of relation holds between the sentence and its linguistic context. It is realized by AdvP and PP. On the tree diagram they are sisters of the whole sentence
Gradable Adjectives
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Accept the -er/-est inflection or modification by degree adverbs
Non-Gradable Adjectives
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Do not accept the -er/-est inflection
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Main function is to modify adjectives
Degree Adverbs
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Words having the same function as rather and extremely. They can't themselves be modified - there is no direction between a degree adverb and a degree adv phrase
General Adverbs
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Formed from adjectives by the addidtion -ly. They specify a wider range of concepts than DEGREE ADV, GENERAL ADV can themselves be modified by degree adverbs
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They are sub-categorized according to what other elements must appear with them in VP, in other words, they are sub-categorised in terms of their complementation types
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The omission from sentences of required elements capable of being understood in the context of their use

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