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 0    6 Datenblatt    patrycjabulgajewska
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get a move on
Lernen beginnen
hurry, be quick
rusz się
We need to get a move on if we're gonna catch that train.
take it in turns
Lernen beginnen
to do or use something one after another in order to share the responibility or opportunity of doing or using it
na zmianę
We take it in turns cooking / to cook, me and my boyfriend.
Lernen beginnen
without looking it up or asking someone
od ręki, na poczekaniu, natychmiast
I can't answer the question off-hand. I have to check.
a short cut
Lernen beginnen
a quick way
I know a short cut to town.
small talk
Lernen beginnen
social talk, not about serious things
I always make small talk if I make a cup of coffe.
make it
Lernen beginnen
I can't go to the party on Saturday, because I have to work.

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