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Our shower gel contains special substances that reduce undesirable body odour. no undesirable side-effects
Lernen beginnen
her beauty captivated him. they were captivated by his eloquence |ˈeləkwəns|
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captivation with the climate of movies from the 1960s.
szeroki uśmiech, szczerzenie zębów
Lernen beginnen
a grin |ɡrɪn|
A smile in which the lips are parted to reveal the teeth. to break into /to give/ a (broad) grin
szczerzyć zęby, szeroko się uśmiechać
Lernen beginnen
to grin |ɡrɪn|
Why do you grin? Did I say something funny?
Lernen beginnen
an actress known for her goofy charm. She was making goofy faces at us in class.
przyspieszyć coś
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to hasten |ˈheɪsn|
The illness hastened his death. to hasten the reaction. He hastened his step.
spieszę poinformować/dodać
Lernen beginnen
I hasten to inform/add
pośpieszyć (dokądś)
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to hasten |ˈheɪsn|
to hasten into the house. We hastened away to not miss the train (wyszliśmy w pośpiechu). to hasten back → wrócić w pośpiechu
pośpieszyć, ponaglić kogoś
Lernen beginnen
to hasten |ˈheɪsn|
the mother hastened the children to school
praw. furtka, luka w prawie, luka prawna
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a loophole
to find a loophole in the law. to close a loophole. She took advantage of a loophole in the tax law
otwór strzelniczy
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a loophole
Ballistic loophole shooting.
nieprzeźroczystość, nieprzejrzystość, mętność
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opacity |əʊˈpæsətɪ|
We could not see the sandbar due to the opacity of the muddy water. Critics have noted the opacity of her writing style. The opacity of these decisions is troubling.
nieprzezroczysty, nieprzejrzysty
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opaque |əʊˈpeɪk|
somehow listeners seem to connect with the songwriter, despite his deeply personal, often opaque lyrics. opaque glass
położyć kres czemuś, zakończyć, ukrócić
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to put an end to
He put an end to the loud music by pulling the plug. put an end to the arms race - wyścigowi zbrojeń
odłożyć na miejsce
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to put away
I put the clothes away. Please put away the tools when you are finished.
Lernen beginnen
a bark beetle
Lernen beginnen
a fir |fɜːr|
Korean fir

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