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Lernen beginnen
withstand something to be strong enough not to be hurt or damaged by extreme conditions, the use of force, etc. synonym resist, stand up toThe materials used have to be able to withstand high temperatures. They had withstood siege, hunger and deprivation.
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Lernen beginnen
to buy a whole load of books
pomimo tego, że jestem przykuty do łóżka Lernen beginnen
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a room or rooms in a building, partly or completely below the level of the groundKitchen goods are sold in the basement. a basement flat/apartmentShe lives in a two-room basement flat.
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fall down or fall in suddenly, often after breaking apart synonymThe roof collapsed under the weight of snow. a Man collapsed in the street
plan, znaczenie w biznesie Lernen beginnen
a plan for getting money or some other advantage for yourself, especially one that involves cheating other peoplescheme to do something an elaborate scheme to avoid taxes it's a good scheme to invest in
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plan or system for doing or organizing somethinga training scheme
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strange and difficult to explain synonym weird . The twins look the same, wear the same. It's uncanny!
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showing signs that the future will not be good or successfulan inauspicious start
trzymać się czegoś ze strachu Lernen beginnen
hold somebody/something tightly
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man’s tie that is tied in the shape of a bow and that does not hang down
odwołać, skreślić z uwagi na uznanie za nieistotne Lernen beginnen
to decide that somebody/something is not important and not worth thinking or talking about synonymdismiss somebody/something to dismiss a suggestion/a claim/an idea I haven't dismissed your suggestion entirely. I just need more time to think about it.
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We made a series of logical deduction, and this is is the conclusion we reached This is the conclusion we reached
wstępny, próbny, niezobowiązujący Lernen beginnen
of an arrangement, agreement, etc.) not definite or certain because you may want to change it later we made a tentative arrangement to meet on Friday.
doprowadzający do wściekłości, wkurzający Lernen beginnen
making you extremely angry
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Zobacz, która godzina! (używane gdy chcemy, aby ktoś się pospieszył)
Lernen beginnen
It has been under assault for more than two weeks.
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She is the victim of a brutal assault.
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Lernen beginnen
I'm incapable of forgetting about what he has done to me.
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you may transcend all fear This film transcended everyone's expectations.
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tribute, pay homage This sculpture is a homage to all the hard-working people of this city.
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morning noon eve night Easter Eve Wielka Sobota, Christmas Eve Wigilia
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On the contrary we want to protect them.
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even the smallest insects experience fear of dying and want to live.
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Nie ma miejsca na współczucie w tej walce!) There is no room for compassion in this fight!
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I have something that can help you with your affliction."I have something that can help you with your affliction."
Mój trawnik błyszczy się rosą.) Lernen beginnen
My lawn is shining with dew.
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Lernen beginnen