przeszlosc - wish/if only + past perfect simple, terazniejszosc - wish/if only + past simple, wish/if only + would (wyraza irytacje i jednoczesnie pragnienie aby sytuacja ulegla zmianie)
0 - if + present simple, present simple, 1 tryb warunkowy - if + present simple, future simple (will, won't + czas 1 forma), 2 tryb warunkowy - if + past simple, would + czas 1 forma, 3 tryb warunkowy - if + past perfect, would + have + czas 3 forma
1. the opponents of... claim that... /an additional drawback of... is... 2. however, from the point of view of the opponents - kontrargumenty / albo pwolanie sie na badania it is often claimed that.../ the numbers indicate that / according to
I totally support the view that... / i have to express my dissaproval of... 2. even tough they seem to have a few serious advantages/disadvantages 3. i strongly believe that all things considered 4. they cause more good/bad than bad/good