I think it is overstating matters to say that an hour online is spending all night on the computer. The importance of a child's early years cannot be overstated - nie da się przecenić. It's an overstatement to say that the man's a fool.
przekroczyć dopuszczalną granicę. (transitive) To go too far beyond (a limit); especially, to cross boundaries or exceed norms or conventions.
The principal overstepped her authority in ordering everyone to remain in the unheated school. - przekroczyła kompetencje. I really feel like you overstepped the bounds when you started criticizing John's ability as a parent.
It is dangerous to overtake another car on a bend. - na zakręcie. Demand may overtake the supply. - popyt może przegonić podaż. The car was so slow we were overtaken by a bus.
spaść na kogoś, zaskoczyć gdy nie ma się jak przed tym obronić. To come upon unexpectedly; take by surprise