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The level at which a price is set. (poziom cen) /The act of setting a price. (wycenianie)
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I don't understand your pricing strategy. Why is everything you sell so expensive?
w odpowiedniej cenie, za odpowiednią opłatą (że drogo)
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at a price
You can get goat's cheese at the local delicatessen — at a price! False passports are available, at a price. I will give you the secret plans, but at a price.
za wszelką cenę (nieważne ile by to kosztowało, wymagało)
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at any price
Please, save my husband at any price—I can't live without him! I hope my foot heals quickly—I try to avoid going to the doctor at any price.
przyspieszony, bez sądu
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a summary arrest/execution.
prowadzić, kierować (np. eksperyment) dowodzić dyrygować
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to conduct /kənˈdʌkt/
Who will be conducting the meeting? He conducted us to the palace.
Behaviour; the manner of behaving
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conduct /ˈkɒndʌkt/
Good conduct will be rewarded and likewise poor conduct will be punished. There is no name for such conduct.
przewodzić prąd, ciepło
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to conduct /kənˈdʌkt/
Many metals conduct heat.
zachowywać się (prowadzić się)
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to conduct oneself /kənˈdʌkt/
He did not know how he should conduct himself at the meeting. They conducted themselves well during these difficult times.
oszczędzić komuś czegoś. избавить от. to prevent someone from having to experience something unpleasant
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to spare
I will spare you the trouble and do it myself. I'll spare you from having to apologize formally. I was spared the embarrassment of having to sing in front of everybody.
czas wolny
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spare time/free time
She spends her spare time gardening. I enjoy gardening in my spare time.

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