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wpaść na coś (uderzyć)
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to bump into
He bumped into the wall. I bumped my car into the car in front of me.
trafić na kogoś (spotkać przypadkiem). to meet someone you know when you have not planned to meet them
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to bump into
We bumped into each other at the library yesterday. We bumped into Amy when we were in town last week.
rozsprzedać, wyprzedać. to sell all of the supply that you have of something
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to sell out of
They sold out of concert posters yesterday and won't get another shipment until next week. We sold out of the T-shirts in the first couple of hours.
skierować się w stronę Move or travel towards.
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to head for
I headed for the door. He headed straight for the fridge.
zwymiotować, wyrzygać
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to throw up
The baby threw up all over my shirt. That cat is always throwing up hairballs.
ustatkować się. (intransitive) To establish a settled lifestyle for oneself, especially by marrying.
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to settle down
After years of partying and drinking, she finally got married and SETTLED DOWN.
uspokoić się. (transitive, intransitive) To make or become quiet and calm after a period of disturbance or restlessness.
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to settle down
It took John a while to settle down after the phone call. The children finally settled down and started to play quietly.
przejechać, rozjechać (np. kogoś samochodem) (transitive, idiomatic) To drive over, causing injury or death
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to run over
Can you believe somebody would just run over a cat like that? I think we've just run a rabbit over.
nie dojść do skutku, nie wyjść, nie ziścić się (intransitive, idiomatic) To be unsuccessful, come to nothing; to be cancelled; not to proceed.
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to fall through. fell fallen
We found a buyer for our house, but then the sale fell through. The plan fell through when it proved too costly. Oh, we're not going away next week after all—our vacation plans fell through.
zakochać się w kimś
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to fall for sb. fell fallen
He really fell for the attractive waitress at his favorite restaurant.
dać się nabrać, zrobić. (idiomatic) To be fooled by; to walk into (a trap) or respond to (a scam or trick)
Lernen beginnen
to fall for
I can't believe how many people still fall for the coin glued to the sidewalk. He FELL FOR my story.

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