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(figuratively, by extension) A monotonous, repetitive, unfulfilling activity, especially one in which no progress is achieved.
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a hamster wheel
The boss has me on a hamster wheel at work, doing the same mind-numbing data-entry jobs day in, day out. I know you all feel like you're on a hamster wheel at the moment
(idiomatic, meiosis) To speak to someone, usually and especially in private, often in order to admonish
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have a word
She knew she was in big trouble when the teacher asked to have a word with her after class.
(idiomatic) Exactly noon; midday (when the sun is at its highest).
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high noon
Mom, why are you gardening at high noon? You're gonna get heatstroke!
trafić w sedno/idealnie podejść (idiomatic, informal) To be particularly pleasing or appropriate; to be just right.
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to hit the spot
Some ice cold lemonade would hit the spot on a warm afternoon. You really hit the spot with that answer—good job. I can't decide between sweet and salty, so chocolate-covered pretzels should hit the spot.
(idiomatic) To be patient; to wait.
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to hold one's horses
Hold your horses, OK? Don't accuse her of anything until you've got solid proof.

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