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tracić panowanie nad sobą
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to lose one's temper
I'm usually a pretty calm person, but whenever I start driving, I find I lose my temper at the slightest inconvenience. When my dad found out I had failed the exams, he completely lost his temper.
(idiomatic) To be explosively angry. To become extremely angry or upset.
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to hit the roof
My parents are going to hit the roof if they find out we had a party here! The boss hit the roof when he saw that we'd already blown through the budget.
(slang, idiomatic) To begin traveling in an automobile or other road vehicle./(slang, idiomatic) To leave a place; to go away.
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to hit the road
It's time for me to hit the road and walk home. We better hit the road before traffic gets even worse.
(idiomatic, by extension) A horrifying, appalling, or sickening experience, set of events, or visual spectacle.
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a horror show
I can't have anyone come over right now—I just got back from a business trip, and my house is a horror show!
(figurative, idiomatic) A structure or argument built on a shaky foundation.
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a house of cards
Greg decided against investing in the new technology company because he got the feeling that it was a house of cards.

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