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building trade
Lernen beginnen
branża budowlana
year in, year out
People's standard of living is falling year in, year out.
Lernen beginnen
każdego roku, rok w rok, rok po roku
level off
The company expects growth to level off at 5%.
Lernen beginnen
wyrównywać się
fanatical about something
She was fanatical about cleanliness.
Lernen beginnen
fanatyczny na punkcie czegoś
enquire about something
You should also enquire about the back-up team, should you need repairs whilst on charter.
Lernen beginnen
zasięgać informacji o czymś
research on something
She has been doing research on cancer for twenty years.
Lernen beginnen
badania nad czymś
famous for something
Although he paints, he is most famous for his poetry
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znany z czegoś, słynący z czegoś
absorbed in sth
I got so totally absorbed in the film, I forgot the cake!
Lernen beginnen
pochłonięty czymś
flooded with something
We have been flooded with requests to show the programme again.
Lernen beginnen
zalany czymś, zasypany czymś
turn one's life around
Lernen beginnen
zmieniać swoje życie na lepsze
be reminiscent of something
His views are reminiscent of the old Labour Party.
Lernen beginnen
przypominać o czymś, coś
be convinced of something
Nobody is certain the future but some are convinced of the past.
Lernen beginnen
być o czymś przekonanym
be suspicious of something
She was suspicious of his motives from the start
Lernen beginnen
być podejrzanym o coś
protest against something
They are protesting against the funding cutbacks.
Lernen beginnen
protestować przeciwko czemuś
content with something
I am content with the progress she has made
Lernen beginnen
zadowolić się czymś
be amazed at something
I am amazed at the progress she has made.
Lernen beginnen
być czymś zdumionym
concerned about something
I am concerned about her poor progress.
Lernen beginnen
zaniepokojony czymś
be linked with something, be linked to something
His frustration is linked to his family problems.
Lernen beginnen
być powiązanym z czymś, być powiązanym z czymś
have a reputation for doing something
He has a reputation of arriving early.
Lernen beginnen
słynąć, być znanym z (robienia) czegoś, mieć reputację, opinię
blame somebody for something
Lernen beginnen
obwiniać kogoś za coś
blame something on somebody
Everybody blamed the accident on her.
Lernen beginnen
obwiniać kogoś za coś
congratulate somebody on something
I congratulated Sue and Tim on their decision to get married.
Lernen beginnen
gratulować komuś czegoś, winszować komuś czegoś

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