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Lernen beginnen
behaving in an angry threatening way, as if you want to fight or attack someone
Lernen beginnen
a small insect that lives in large groups
Lernen beginnen
the hard pointed mouth of a bird
Lernen beginnen
a large strong animal with thick fur, that eats flesh, fruit, and insects
Lernen beginnen
an insect with a round hard back that is usually black
Lernen beginnen
to use your teeth to cut, crush, or chew something
Lernen beginnen
a type of insect that has large wings, often with beautiful colours
Lernen beginnen
the baby of a cow, or of some other large animals, such as an elephant
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sharp curved nails on an animal, bird, or some insects
Lernen beginnen
a very intelligent sea animal like a fish with a long grey pointed nose
Lernen beginnen
a lot of rain that falls in a short time
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weather that is a combination of light rain and mist
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beautiful, attractive, or graceful
Lernen beginnen
resulting in someone’s death
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the thin body parts that a fish uses to swim
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
a tall African animal with a very long neck and legs and dark spots on its yellow-brown fur
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an animal that has horns on top of its head and long hair under its chin, and can climb steep hills and rocks. Goats live wild in the mountains or are kept as farm animals.
Lernen beginnen
a small furry animal with short ears and no tail, which is often kept as a pet
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a sudden strong movement of wind, air, rain etc
Lernen beginnen
frozen raindrops which fall as hard balls of ice
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a small animal that looks like a mouse with no tail
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the plural of hoof, the hard foot of an animal such as a horse, cow etc
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if a dog, wolf, or other animal howls, it makes a long loud sound
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a storm that has very strong fast winds and that moves over water
Lernen beginnen
a small creature such as a fly or ant, that has six legs, and sometimes wings
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a thick tropical forest with many large plants growing very close together
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a large animal of the cat family, with yellow fur and black spots, which lives in Africa and South Asia
Lernen beginnen
a small flying insect that sucks the blood of people and animals, sometimes spreading the disease malaria
Lernen beginnen
a tropical bird with a curved beak and brightly coloured feathers that can be taught to copy human speech
Lernen beginnen
if a bird pecks something or pecks at something, it makes quick repeated movements with its beak to try to eat part of it, make a hole in it etc
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a large black and white Antarctic sea bird, which cannot fly but uses its wings for swimming
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a grey bird with short legs that is common in cities
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Lernen beginnen
a type of animal, such as a snake or lizard, whose body temperature changes according to the temperature around it, and that usually lays eggs to have babies
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any small animal of the type that has long sharp front teeth, such as a rat or a rabbit
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to cut someone's skin slightly with your nails or with something sharp
Lernen beginnen
to shout loudly in an unpleasant high voice because you are angry, afraid, or excited
Lernen beginnen
a large sea fish with several rows of very sharp teeth that is considered to be dangerous to humans
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to suddenly appear or start to exist
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to make a short high noise or cry that is not loud
Lernen beginnen
a small animal with a long furry tail that climbs trees and eats nuts
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if an insect or a plant stings you, it makes a very small hole in your skin and you feel a sharp pain because of a poisonous substance
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the part that sticks out at the back of an animal’s body, and that it can move
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a slow-moving land animal that can pull its head and legs into the hard round shell that covers its body
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a very large animal that lives in the sea and looks like a fish, but is actually a mammal
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the long stiff hairs that grow near the mouth of a cat, mouse etc
Lernen beginnen
the parts of a bird's or insect's body that it uses for flying
Lernen beginnen
to destroy, remove, or get rid of something completely
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a wild animal that looks like a large dog and lives and hunts in groups