Months and seasons in Spanish

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Frage Antworten
months and seasons
Lernen beginnen
meses ( y las estaciones ( del año
Lernen beginnen
enero (m.)
Lernen beginnen
febrero (m.)
Lernen beginnen
marzo (m.)
Lernen beginnen
abril (m.)
Lernen beginnen
mayo (m.)
Lernen beginnen
junio (m.)
Lernen beginnen
julio (m.)
Lernen beginnen
agosto (m.)
Lernen beginnen
septiembre (m.)
Lernen beginnen
octubre (m.)
Lernen beginnen
noviembre (m.)
Lernen beginnen
diciembre (m.)
Lernen beginnen
primavera (f.)
Lernen beginnen
verano (m.)
Lernen beginnen
otoño (m.)
Lernen beginnen
invierno (m.)

Months and seasons in Spanish

Improve your vocabulary in Spanish and start with Months and seasons! VocApp uses the multisensory flashcards to teach you Months and seasons in Spanish in the shortest time possible! Audio recordings help you get the right |correct pronunciation of the word, and images will get Months and seasons in Spanish into one's head for good! Do you know the spelling of Months and seasons in Spanish too? Look up the answer in our lesson Months and seasons in Spanish and learn other wordsin Spanish language!

Motivation to learn Spanish

Studying Spanish language will give you access to numerous books, movies or even memes, created in Spanish. Speaking Spanish will allow you to travel more freely, meet new people and have a new entry in your CV! Or simply use this new knowledge to impress your family by speaking in Spanish! If that's not enough for you, think about it as a challenge or Speaking a new language is surely not so widespread. You could obtain a commendable result "almost" alone!

How to learn Spanish quickly

Our language learning app will take care of your Spanish vocabulary by scheduling repetitions of the flashcards in Spanish you didn't know making you remember more in less time.

Learn Spanish fast and efficiently!

Save time thanks to the VocApp Spaced Repetition System! It will expand your active vocabulary in the most time-saving way! You can also polish your pronunciation in Spanish with our audio recordings!

Other Flashcards on Spanish language that will interest you!

Start with our lesson on Months and seasons in Spanish! You are going to love it! Why don't you take a look at our Spanish language courses and don't forget to check our other flashcards on Spanish language.

With us you can learn Spanish with multiple language courses written by professionals.

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