A pair of new gloves were lying on the table. A pair of shoes was on display in the window. Lernen beginnen
A pair of things are two things of the same size and shape that are used together, such as shoes. You can use a singular or a plural verb with this meaning.
She put on a pair of glasses. Lying on the bed was an old pair of trousers. Lernen beginnen
You also use a pair of to talk about something with two main parts of the same size and shape, such as trousers, glasses, or scissors. You use a singular form of a verb with this meaning.
There are a couple of police officers outside. On the table were a couple of newspapers. Lernen beginnen
You can say that two people or things are a couple of people or things. This is slightly informal. You use a plural form of a verb with a couple of.
The couple have two children. Lernen beginnen
You say that two people are a couple when they are married or are in a romantic relationship. You usually use a plural form of a verb with couple.
The students will all be given pencils and paper. Lernen beginnen
Paper is the material that you write things on or wrap things in.
He wrote his name at the top of a blank sheet of paper. Rob picked up the piece of paper and gave it to her. Lernen beginnen
In this meaning, paper is an uncountable noun. For one piece, say a piece of paper, or if it is a whole piece you can also say a sheet of paper.
I read about his death in the papers. The Daily News is the country's largest daily paper. Lernen beginnen
Newspapers are often called papers.
Oh, I beg your pardon -I didn't realise you were sitting there. Lernen beginnen
You can apologize to someone by saying I beg your pardon.
How old is she? -Pardon? -I said how old is she? Lernen beginnen
In British English, you can say Pardon? when you did not hear what someone said and you want them to say it again. pardon: when you have not heard
In the past, most babies with the disease died. Lernen beginnen
The past is the time before the present.
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In British English, when you are telling the time, you use past to say how many minutes it is after a particular hour.
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American speakers usually say after.
He walked past Lock's hat shop. People ran past laughing. Lernen beginnen
Past is also used as a preposition or adverb to say that someone goes from one side of something to the other. past: going near something
As she passed the library door, the telephone began to ring. Lernen beginnen
Don't use past as the past tense form or past participle of the verb pass. The word you use is passed.
Willie paid for the drinks. Lernen beginnen
If you pay for something, you give someone money for something you are buying. pay: the past tense form and past participle of pay is paid. You must use for after pay in sentences like these.
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If you pay for a meal or a drink for someone else, don't say that you pay them the meal or the drink. Say that you buy them the, eal or the drink.
There were 120 people at the lecture. Hundreds of people were killed in the fire. Lernen beginnen
People is used to talk about a group of men, women and children. people: people is a plural noun. You use a plural form of a verb after it.
There was far too much meat for one person. Lernen beginnen
Person is a countable noun. A person is a man, woman, or child.
This is an additional payment for persons responsible for a child. Lernen beginnen
The usual plural of person is people. Persons is used only in formal or official situations.
I went back to the hotel to phone Jenny Lernen beginnen
When you phone someone, you dial their phone number and speak to them by phone.
He phoned the police station. Don't use to after phone. Lernen beginnen
You can also phone a place.
Richmond is a beautiful place. Keep your dog on a lead in public places. Lernen beginnen
A place is a particular building, room, town, or area. place used in descriptions
I decided to try Newmarket. I soon found a job there. Lernen beginnen
Don't use that place to talk about somewhere that has just been mentioned. You say I drove my car into a field and left it there.
There's not enough room in the bathroom for both of us. Lernen beginnen
Don't use place to talk about space for someone or something to fit into. You use room instead.
The kids played on the swings. Lernen beginnen
When children play, they spend time using their toys or taking part in games.
Ray and I play tennis three times a week. Do you play chess? Lernen beginnen
If you play a sport or game, you take part in it regularly.
She played her CDs too loudly. Lernen beginnen
If you play something like a CD, DVD or video, you use a piece of equipment to listen to it or watch it.
Nina was playing the piano when I arrived. Can you play the guitar? Lernen beginnen
If you play a musical instrument, you produce music from it, or you are able to produce music from it. play: musical instruments
From a medical point of view he did everything wrong. Lernen beginnen
When you are thinking about one part of a situation, you can say that you are thinking about it from a particular point of view.
We understand your point of view. I tried to see things from Frank's point of view. Lernen beginnen
A person's point of view is the way they feel about something that affects them.
The police's view is that it was an accident. If you want my honest opinion, I don't think it will work. Lernen beginnen
Don't call what someone thinks or believes about a particular matter their point of view. Use view or opinion.
He always asked for her opinions on his work. She has strong views about politics. Lernen beginnen
You talk about someone's opinions or views on or about a matter.
He's not being very helpful, in my opinion. In his view, this proposal would be unsuccessful. Lernen beginnen
You can use phrases such as in my opinion or in his view to show that something is someone's belief, and is not necessarily a fact.
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The police are the official organization responsible for making sure that people obey the law.
The police were called to the scene of the crime. Lernen beginnen
Police is a plural noun. You use a plural form of a verb after it.
He has been a police officer for six years. Lernen beginnen
A single member of the police is called a police officer, a police man, or a police woman.
She is well qualified for the post. Lernen beginnen
In formal English, someone's regular job is called their position or post. When a job is advertised, it is often described as a position or post.
He's afraid of losing his job. Lernen beginnen
In conversation, you use job.
If it is possible to find out where your brother is, we will. Lernen beginnen
Possible is an adjective. If something is possible, it can be done.
Please make your decision as soon as possible. I like to know as much as possible about my patients. Lernen beginnen
Possible is often used in expressions such as as soon as possible and as much as possible.
It is possible that he said these things. Lernen beginnen
You also use possible to say that something may be true or correct.
We are looking for a new office, possibly in California. Lernen beginnen
Possibly is an adverb. You use possibly to show that you are not sure about something.
Could you possibly check if Mr Dayton has arrived? Lernen beginnen
You also use could you possibly to ask someone to do something in a very polite way.
... the price of sugar. The cost of petrol has gone up. Don't use any preposition except of after price or cost in sentences like these. Lernen beginnen
The price or cost of something is the amount of money you must pay to buy it.
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The plural noun costs is used to talk about the total amount of money that you need to do something such as run a business
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You use cost to talk about the amount of money that you must pay for something.
The holiday cost me $800. Lernen beginnen
To say how much someone paid for something, you use cost followed by the name of the person, followed by the amount of money. The past tense form and participle of cost is cost.
The distance to work is a problem for me. They have financial problems. Lernen beginnen
A problem is a difficult situation. problem: a difficult situation
They are having problems sending emails. Don't say that someone has problems to do something. Lernen beginnen
You can say that you have problems doing something.
That is the reason why I find her books boring. The reason why he couldn't come is that he is ill. Lernen beginnen
Don't use problem with why when you are explaining the reason something has happened.
He was Professor of English at Strathclyde University. Lernen beginnen
In a British university, a professor is the most senior teacher in a department. professor. In an American or Canadian university or colledge, a professor is a senior teacher, but not necessarily the most senior teacher in a department.
I'm a qualified French teacher. Lernen beginnen
Don't use professor to talk about a person who teaches at a school. The word you use is teacher.
Have you been to a proper doctor? Lernen beginnen
You use proper in front of a noun to show that someone or something really is something. proper used to mean "real"
What's the proper word for those things? Lernen beginnen
You also use proper in front of a noun to say that something is correct or suitable. proper used to mean "correct". suitable: adequado, apropriado.
I want to have my own business. Lernen beginnen
Don't use proper to mean that something belongs to someone. The word you use is own.
He was able to prove that he was an American. Lernen beginnen
If you prove that something is true, you give evidence that shows that it is true.
I will test you on your knowledge of French. The drug was tested on mice. Lernen beginnen
When you do something to find out how good or bad someone or something is, don't say that you prove the person or thing. Say that you test them.