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W biurze tbscg nigdy nie cofamy się przed wyzwaniami
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Here at the tbscg Office we never shy away from challenges
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wind up, finish, end, complete, terminate, closure, consummate
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złapać przynente
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Take a bait
a short period of time
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spurt, a while
They played well for a brief spurt but then started loosing again.
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A person who earns money to support a family.
In nutshell
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In few words
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to help (something, someone) to grow developx, or succeed
Teacher should nurture their students creativity
leisure activities (for kids)
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not hurried, slow and relaxed
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to make (sth) better or like new again
The company has revamped the design of its best-selling car
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certain not to fail
He came up with surefire solution
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A state of confusion or disorder
The country has been in turmoil for the past 10 years
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said or done in a such Way that other know exactly what you mean
we'll need a definite answer by Tuesday
relating to pregnant woomen and their unborn babies.
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act of making one not get sick
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to give a person a weakened form of a disease in order to prevent infection by the disease
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All the children have been inoculated against smallpox
show that a thing is not true
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debunk a myth
The articles debunks the notion that life exists on Mars
outweight sth
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able to spread with contact
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A condition where a person can Sleep 12 - 15 hours but still wake up feeling tired
to bad to be accepted
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honing skills
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to make sth better
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to become pregnant
lack of sufficent amount
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excursion, trip
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A short trip especially used for pleasure, leasure trip, a fishing excursion
covered with clouds
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overcast day, the sky was overcast
consider getting some insect netting to drape over the stroller
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protection against bugs
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A balance state
Yoga is said to restore one's inner equilibrium.

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