New generation

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be comprised of
Lernen beginnen
consist of
Lernen beginnen
the process of officially counting something, especially a country’s population, and recording various facts
Lernen beginnen
to hate sth, especially for moral reasons
to forage for something
Lernen beginnen
search widely for food or provisions
staple foods
Lernen beginnen
a food that makes up the dominant part of a population's diet
Lernen beginnen
lower in rank, status, or quality.
Lernen beginnen
(of land or a climate) having little or no rain; very dry
Lernen beginnen
almost or completely surrounded by land
to converge
Lernen beginnen
to move towards a place from different directions and meet
arable land
Lernen beginnen
used or suitable for growing crops.
Lernen beginnen
seriously damaging or harming somebody/something
Lernen beginnen
absolutely necessary; essential.
Lernen beginnen
a state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty.

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