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Frage English Antworten English
1. Who's your favorite family member?
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My little Sister is my favorite because she is so funny and always me laugh.
What do you think are the best qualities of your character?
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think my best character qualities are honesty and punctuality, because I never lie to anyone and I'm never late
Do you ever shop online, why?
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don't buy online, I prefer to go to the store and not wait for delivery
What is your favorite dish?
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my favorite dish is toast because it's very quick to make and I love cheese
Have you ever taken part in a sports event?
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took part in football tournaments and more so many times
Do you prefer studying on your own or with other people?
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I prefer to study alone because I like peace and quiet, then I can focus
Tell me about a day at school you really enjoyed?
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Monday was such a day, I got good grades in history and mathematics and the lesson ended quickly
Some people don't enjoy going to classical music concert, why do you think it is so?
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not everyone is a fan of classical music and I think it is not popular music
How can young people be encouraged to participate in culture more actively?
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maybe if artists advertise on social media, they will reach more young people

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