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pomost, molo (do wsiadania i wysiadania z jachtów i łodzi) Lernen beginnen
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sourdough bread / sour bread
pokryty pleśnią, spleśniały Lernen beginnen
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gentryfikacja, podniesienie statusu (np. sąsiedztwa, okolicy) Lernen beginnen
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forcible art appreciation
1. opalarka 2. lampa lutownicza Lernen beginnen
blowlamp British English blowtorch American English
obręcz, a ring of wood, metal, or plastic Lernen beginnen
The dogs had been trained to jump through hoops
a brand name for a large ring, usually made of plastic, that children play with by putting it around their waist and moving their body so that it spins Lernen beginnen
kolczyki w kształcie obręczy Lernen beginnen
very expensive and fashionable, in a way that is intended to attract people's attention and admiration Lernen beginnen
We stayed in a swanky hotel.
Włożyłem list do skrzynki pocztowej Lernen beginnen
I popped a letter into a letterbox.
zaległy, nieuregulowany (np. rachunek) / not yet paid, solved, or done Powinieneś zapłacić wszystkie zaległe rachunki. Lernen beginnen
$450 million in outstanding debts. There are still a couple of problems outstanding. I was tidying my outstanding emails I thought I would check. You should pay all outstanding bills.
wyścig eliminacyjny / a less important race or competition in which it is decided who will compete in the final event Lernen beginnen
Laura Muir says she’s "more prepared than ever" after easing through the 1500m heats in her pursuit of a first Olympic medal. There are 22 gold medals up for grabs and heats are taking place for some events.
przesunąć się powoli i ostrożnie Byłem ranny, więc przesunąłem się ostrożnie na łóżku. Lernen beginnen
I was hurt so I eased carefully on the bed. Laura Muir says she’s "more prepared than ever" after easing through the 1500m heats in her pursuit of a first Olympic medal.
szykować się do boju, zbierać się w sobie Lernen beginnen
gird one's loins / gird up one's loins Please take the time to reflect on what has been an exceptional and amazing year, and give yourself a well-earned pat on the back, before girding your loins, ready to go again. We need to celebrate this achievement and I hope we can do so somehow soon.
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Can you pop sometime in the diary with Joel, Daniel and Marek to introduce yourselves and give them an overview of your role/markets?
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znak & (znaczący i czytany jako"and") Please note the importance of using the ampersand “&” in the name and avoiding abbreviations like CUPA. Lernen beginnen
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Schematyczny przekrój poprzeczny księzyca pokazuje różnice w grubości pokrywy. Lernen beginnen
A schematic cross-section of the Moon shows the difference of crust thickness.
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dwuczłonowy (np. nazwisko) Lernen beginnen
First time I’ve been thankful for a double-barrelled second name otherwise me and Daniel would have the same initials, too.
błędnie (np wysłane zaproszenie) Lernen beginnen
Emails from Leanne about salesforce have been sent in error. Please ignore and do not accept meeting invitations.
słabnąć, zanikać, zmniejszać Słabnaca odporność i rosnące zachorowania - czas by się martwić? Lernen beginnen
Waning immunity and rising cases - time to worry?
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zanikający, ubywający (o fazach księżyca) Lernen beginnen
Dzięki. Bardzo interesujące. Muszę biec. Lernen beginnen
Thanks everyone. Very interesting. Have to dash
układać naprzemiennie (np. zmiany w pracy, dni wolne) John i Amy biorą wolne na zmiany. Lernen beginnen
John and Amy stagger their days off. Some countries have staggered school holidays so that holiday resorts do not become overcrowded.
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first come, first served / FCFS Current arrangements for free access to car parking on a first come, first served basis will continue for the time being. Free tickets will be given out on a first come, first served basis.
kruchy (twardy, ale łatwo łamliwy) Żelazo jest twardsze od brązu, ale jest kruche. Lernen beginnen
Iron is harder than bronze, but it's brittle.
teczka (kartonowa, plastikowa, ze skóry) Lernen beginnen
przeszkoda, utrudnienie, szkopuł Wesele udało się bez przeszkód. Lernen beginnen
The wedding went off without a hitch. There were some hitches with the opening the webinar.
włączać, nastawiać (np. radio) On próbował nastawić radio. Dlaczego nie nastawisz telewizora? Lernen beginnen
He tried to pop the radio on. Why don't you pop the TV set on? Pop your mic on and ask your question verbally.
Już minęła godzina (wykładu). Lernen beginnen
1) przypuszczać, domyślać się 2) snuć domysły SYN speculate Lernen beginnen
We'll never know exactly how she died; we can only conjecture. He conjectured that the company would soon be in financial trouble.
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There's been a lot of conjecture in the media recently about the marriage.
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multiplication table / times table
to immediately work hard and successfully at a new activity / 1) przystąpić do robienia czegoś bez ociągania się 2) zacząć odnosić sukcesy Lernen beginnen
In October 2019 we were delighted to have Niamh join the Delivery Team in CLS as a Project Manager, hitting the ground running with Global Perspectives 7-9, which she managed to produce ahead of schedule.
a person who loves expensive things and pleasure / compare: hedonist (hedonism) Lernen beginnen
stajnia, stajenka, też w znaczeniu produktu (grupy produktu) Lernen beginnen
redeveloping some of the principal properties in our IB stable
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Perfect plans can go awry.
1) ciekawostka 2) smaczny kąsek, łakomy kąsek / a small piece of interesting information, or a small dish of pleasant-tasting food Grandma always has a few titbits for the children if they're visiting at lunchtime. Lernen beginnen
Our guide gave us some interesting titbits about the history of the castle. This magazine is full of juicy titbits (= small pieces of interesting information, especially about other people's private lives).
bluza (z kapturem lub bez), bluza sportowa, górna część dresu / a piece of informal clothing with long sleeves, usually made of thick cotton, worn on the upper part of the body On nosił ciemną bluzę z kapturem. Lernen beginnen
He was wearing a dark hooded sweatshirt. She was dressed casually in jeans and a sweatshirt.
krótka bluzeczka odsłaniająca brzuch, krótki top Lernen beginnen
spodnie nad kostkę, spodnie 7/8 Lernen beginnen
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koszulka z krótkim rękawem, koszulka Lernen beginnen
T-shirt also tee shirt also tee
1) podszewka (np. w kurtce, sukience) 2) futrówka (w bucie) Lernen beginnen
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1) mankiet (na końcu rękawa) 2) mankiet (spodni) Lernen beginnen
Poszukiwane: Czy ktoś ma bagażnik rowerowy, który można zamontować na haku holowniczym, który mógłby mi pożyczyć w ten weekend (18/19 września)? Lernen beginnen
Wanted: Does anybody have a bike rack that can be mounted on a towbar they would be able to lend me this weekend (18/19 September)?
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1) psioczyć, narzekać 2) plotkować Lernen beginnen
We’ve all encountered backbiting, bitching, and inappropriate comments in the workplace.
praca z biura vs praca zdalna Lernen beginnen
working from my regular workplace vs working remotely
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What's the most cringe that's ever happened to you. / most cringe moment
luksusowy, kosztowny, elegancki On zaprosił mnie do luksusowej restauracji. Lernen beginnen
He invited me to a fancy restaurant. dress fancily
powściągliwość, delikatne ujęcie (czegoś), umniejszanie, niedopowiedzenie Zmęczony to delikatnie powiedziane, jestem wyczerpany! Lernen beginnen
Tired is an understatement, I'm exhausted!
skrajny, przesadzony, naciągany, wyolbrzymiony / too extreme and not suitable, or demanding too much attention or effort, especially in an uncontrolled way Lernen beginnen
I thought the decorations were way (= very) over the top. The speech was a bit OTT. He realized he'd gone over the top with the seating arrangements.
banalny, wyświechtany, oklepany / often said, used, or done, and therefore not original and not interesting To banalna i nudna historia. Lernen beginnen
It's a clichéd and boring story. He made some clichéd remark. It might sound clichéd, but knowing that you're doing something worthwhile makes a big difference.
(informal) smarkający się, zakatarzony, zasmarkany / covered with mucus from the nose Lernen beginnen
You could have told me I had a snotty nose! I don't want to use your snotty handkerchief!
(informal) zadzierający nosa (o osobie) /rude and behaving badly, especially by treating other people in a way that shows that you believe yourself to be better than them Lernen beginnen
I hate having to deal with snotty customers. a snotty teenager She was so snotty to me!
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Not bringing germs to the office. I don't want to pass on my germs.
Jego obowiązkiem jest pomagać przy dziecku. Chcę pomóc w kuchni. Lernen beginnen
It's his responsibility to help out with the baby. I want to help out in the kitchen.
szyjka macicy / relating to the cervix (= the narrow, lower part of the uterus) Lernen beginnen
cervical cancer cervical screening
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badania przesiewowe szyjki macicy Lernen beginnen
cervical screening / used to be called a 'smear test'
wymaz (krwi, wydzieliny jakiegoś narządu) Lernen beginnen
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Zewnętrzna część pochwy zawiera wiele zakończeń nerwowych. Lernen beginnen
The outer part of the vagina contains many nerve endings.
skracać się, dzień w porze zimowej Lernen beginnen
They chat about how terrible the weather has been and how soon the nights will be drawing in and there hasn't been much of a summer.
rutyna, utarte sposoby postępowania Lernen beginnen
She seems to have got herself into a bit of a rut.
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She was supposed to be meeting up to go to the cinema with an old work colleague but at the last minute was let down. The outing was planned some time ago and so Fiona felt very disappointed by this and spent the evening at home alone.
obniżka (cen) / a reduction in the price of something Lernen beginnen
We're offering a ten percent markdown on selected items.
kundel / a dog, especially one whose parents are of different breeds Lernen beginnen
zmienić coś (na lepsze), przeformułować coś / to cause a situation or organization to change in a positive direction Lernen beginnen
They were losing badly but they turned things around in the second half of the game. We become the guilty pleasure of the publishing world and that is how we turn it around.
wstydliwa przyjemność, przyjemność, która wywołuje poczucie winy Lernen beginnen
sprzeniewierzenie się (wartościom, ideom), odstępstwo (od zasad), zdrada (np. lojalności) / the act of leaving a country, political party, etc. to go to another one Lernen beginnen
Over the years there were hundreds of defections to the West/defections from the East. Recent changes in policy have resulted in large-scale defection from the party.
podnosić, wciągać, dźwigać Lernen beginnen
Lift, swing, hoist (about lifting a canoe), turn, march.
opieszałość, powolność, opóźnienie, spóźnienie, spóźnialstwo / the quality of being late or slow Lernen beginnen
Tardiness will result in a detention. I know how frustrating it can be to get behind schedule because of one person's tardiness.
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wyczerpujący, wymagający wysiłku, ponad siły Lernen beginnen
najwyższy / najnizszy punkt w historii / An all-time high, low, best, etc. is the highest, lowest, best, etc. level that has ever been Lernen beginnen
Real estate prices are at an all-time high. After three years of drought, the water in the lake had reached an all-time low.
wiele, dużo, cała kupa (slang) Lernen beginnen
The my boss dumped a Butt Load of work on my desk for me to finish. After that I quit.
1) N bryła, gruda, kawałek 2) V: grupować, wrzucać do jednego worka / to consider or deal with as a group Lernen beginnen
Children of various abilities are lumped together in one class. I'm sick of Mary lumping me into the same age category as him.