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rub along (UK). --------- Trump's family seem to "rub along" together okay even though the flat is very small. ---------------------- rub along (UK). llevarse bien con alguien. if people rub along, they live or work together without any problems. (See also: get along, get on well). Lernen beginnen
llevarse bien con alguien. if people rub along, they live or work together without any problems. (See also: get along, get on well). rub along (UK). -------- Evaristo said, Crhist Smith and I "rub along" well enough, but we're not really close friends. ---------------------- rub along (UK).
PLAY ALONG -------- Efrain said, I wanted to find out more about their plans, so I "played along" with them for a while. ---------------------- play along. Seguir la corriente. to pretend to agree with someone, or to do what someone wants for a short time, in order to get something from them or to avoid making them angry Lernen beginnen
Seguir la corriente. to pretend to agree with someone, or to do what someone wants for a short time, in order to get something from them or to avoid making them angry PLAY ALONG -------- Melany knew that if she "played along" with Donal and cooperated, she wouldn't be harmed. ---------------------- play along.
SCRAPE ALONG/BY ------- Carmen's "scraping along" on just a few hundred dollars a month. ---------------------- scrape along/by. Sacar lo justo para vivir. to manage to live when you do not have much money. (See also: scrape by). Lernen beginnen
Sacar lo justo para vivir. to manage to live when you do not have much money. (See also: scrape by). SCRAPE ALONG/BY ------- Grandma said, money was tight at home, but we somehow managed to "scrape along". ---------------------- scrape along/by.
string along. -------- Bill Clinton "strung Monica Lewinsky along" for years, saying he'd marry her when he'd divorced his wife. ---------------------- string along. engañar, ver la cara. to deceive someone for a long time by pretending that you love them or that you will do what they want you to do. Lernen beginnen
engañar, ver la cara. to deceive someone for a long time by pretending that you love them or that you will do what they want you to do. string along. -------- Nacho's never going to give you that money he owes you Victor, he's just "stringing you along". ---------------------- string along.
TAG ALONG. -------- Every time we went out Reyes he'd "tag along" with us and it was starting to annoy me. ---------------------- Tag along. Pegarse como chicle, seguir a todas partes. to go somewhere with a person, especially when they have not asked you to go with them. Lernen beginnen
Pegarse como chicle, seguir a todas partes. to go somewhere with a person, especially when they have not asked you to go with them. TAG ALONG. -------- If you're going to town Martin, do you mind if I "tag along"?. ---------------------- Tag along.
TICK ALONG/OVER. (UK). -------- Don Pedro said, things are "ticking along" at work while the director's away. -------------- TICK ALONG/OVER. (UK). En marcha, to make progress or operate steadily but not very well without any serious problems. (British & Australian). Lernen beginnen
En marcha, to make progress or operate steadily but not very well without any serious problems. (British & Australian). TICK ALONG/OVER. (UK). -------- Ines just keeps things "ticking over/along" at the shop while the boss is on vacation. ---------------------- tick along/over. (UK).
RUN ALONG. -------- "Run along" now children said my neighbor, I've got work to do. ---------------------- Run along. Corre, vete. something that you say to children to tell them to go away Lernen beginnen
Corre, vete. something that you say to children to tell them to go away RUN ALONG. -------- Evaristo said, look little boy, just "run along" and leave me alone, will you?. ---------------------- Run along.
BRING somebody/something ALONG. -------- Sandra, when we go to the beach, why don’t you "bring some friends along" as well?. ---------------------- BRING somebody/something ALONG. Traer consigo. to bring someone or something somewhere. Lernen beginnen
Traer consigo. to bring someone or something somewhere. BRING somebody/something ALONG. -------- Hey Ceci "bring your family along" if you like. ---------------------- BRING somebody/something ALONG.
COME ALONG. -------- How is your English "coming along" Emmy?. Is it getting better?. ---------------------- come along. Progresar. to start to exist, happen, or be available. (see also: come on). Lernen beginnen
Progresar. to start to exist, happen, or be available. (see also: come on). COME ALONG. -------- The training program is "coming along" well now that Don Francisco’s running it. ---------------------- come along.
COME ALONG. -------- We’re going to see a movie after dinner said Maggy. Why don’t you and Fernando "come along" if you’re free?. ---------------------- come along. Acompañar, venir. to go somewhere with someone. Lernen beginnen
Acompañar, venir. to go somewhere with someone. COME ALONG. -------- Logan said, I’d love to "come along", but I have to visit my grandmother in hospital. ---------------------- come along.
To JERK. -------- The horse "jerked out" of the way as a snake crawled out of the bushes. ---------------------- TO JERK (always followed by an adverb, adjective, or preposition). Sacudirse. to cause (someone) to move suddenly. Lernen beginnen
Sacudirse. to cause (someone) to move suddenly.