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Lernen beginnen
zapragnąć gorąco, zatęsknić I'm aching for some chocolate. I haven't eaten it for months.
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udawać, zachowywać się jak What's wrong with John? He's acting like an idiot.
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The babysitter had a difficult time. The children acted up all evening.
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szwankować, nie działać prawidłowo I guess I'd better take my motorcycle to the garage. It's been acting up lately.
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7 % will be added on to your bill as a service charge.
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zgadzać się, potwierdzać, trzymać się kupy His theory is hard to believe, but his research adds up.
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What's the total of those bills? Could you add them up and see?
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The bills add up to $814.63. That's more than I expected!
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zamierzać coś zrobić, dążyć do czegoś The campaign's aimed at informing the public.
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It's wrong to write things like that about people who can't answer back.
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When I asked who had broken my calculator Jerry answered me back that he didn't.
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Somebody will have to answer for all the damage that has been caused.
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I can answer for his honesty.
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Tell her I was asking after her.
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Marry has a new boyfriend. Tom asked her out last night.
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Tom was going to call the police when I told him I'd wrecked his car, but he backed down when I said I'd pay for the damage.
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Tom was ready to call the police when I told him I'd wrecked his car, but he backed off when I said I'd pay for the damage.
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być tyłem zwróconym ku czemuś The church backs onto the supermarket. Many people go shopping after a mass.
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If we sign this contract, there's no backing out.
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You missed the lines in the parking space. You'll have to back up and try again.
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You're too close! Back your car up so I can open the garage door.
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If you don't believe me, talk to Dave. He'll back me up.
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zrobić kopię bezpieczeństwa When my computer crashed, I lost many of my files. It's a good thing I backed them up.
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wyciągnąć kogoś z kłopotów It's all your fault. You've made trouble for yourself - you deal with it. I'm not bailing you out.
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He was about to leave when the phone rang.
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The police were after the thief.
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John is down with the flu.
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They are for the proposal to build a leisure centre.
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spodziewać się, oczekiwać We are in for bad weather.
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John isn't in his office. He's off for two days.
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emitować (film), być na ekranach There's a good film on at the Metro.
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być niemodnym, wyjść z mody Long skirts are out this season.
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The fire is out - that's why it's cold in here.
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wychodzić (na zewnątrz, nie interesować się jakąś sprawą) If Mike's out, I can vacuum in his room.
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The film starts at 6.00 and is over at 10.00.
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zerwać, odejść (z pracy, od kogoś) I'm through with Tom. He's so selfish.
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być w stanie (coś zrobić) Let's take the train- I don't think I'm up to driving so far.
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mieć ochotę zrobić coś zazwyczaj złego The children must be up to something - they're very quiet.
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At first Lily said she would be at the party. Later she begged off.
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powalić na kolana, zachwycić, zaskoczyć Read the book. The ending will blow you away.
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I hoped the protest would make a difference but it blew over and now we're back to square one.
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We need lots of balloons for the party. Will you blow them up?
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A: "That old building really came down quickly!"B: "That's because the construction company used dynamite to blow it up."B: "To dlatego, że firma budowlana użyła dynamitu, aby wysadzić w powietrze."
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When I told Jerry that I'd had an accident with his car, he blew up.
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If you're going to travel to Peru, you'd better bone up on your Spanish.
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We spent a lot of money at the supermarket. When we broke the total cost down, we spent more on cleaning supplies than food.
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zepsuć się Sharon will be late for work today. Her car broke down on the freeway.
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Jane's apartment was burglarized last night. Someone broke in while Jane was at the movies.
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These are nice shoes, but they're too stiff. I hope it doesn't take too long to break them in.
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zaaklimatyzować się, wdrażać kogos do pracy I hope I can learn my new job quickly. The manager hasn't scheduled much time for breaking me in.
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włamać się Somebody broke into Jane's apartment while she was at the movies.
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The prisoners have broken out this morning.
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What time did the party break up last night?
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Tim and Julie aren't going steady any more. They got really angry with each other and broke up.
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Have you heard the news? Julie broke up with Tim!
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Yes, you can borrow my pen, don't forget to bring it back to me when you're finished." "This book is due tomorrow. I guess I should take it back to the library.
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No one thought Chuck could get an A in that course, but he brought it off.
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We planned to discuss overtime pay in the meeting. Why didn't someone bring that topic up?
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Lucy's parents died when she was a baby. Her grandparents brought her up.
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I brushed the snow off my coat before I hung it in the wardrobe.
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He just brushed off all their criticism.
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If you're going to travel to Peru, you'd better brush up on your Spanish.
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spalić się, zniszczyć przez pożar Lightning struck Mr. Kennedy's barn last night. It burned down before the fire fighters arrived.
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spalić się, zniszczyć przez pożar All of Mr. Kennedy's hay burned up when his barn burned down.
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Did you hear how rudely Fred talked to me? That really burned me up!
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pałać, być trawionym przez She burned with anger when she saw them together.
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Hey, you! Don't butt in! Wait for your turn!
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nie wtrącać się; spadać, odejść She told me to butt out of her relationships.
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I guess Marty reall wants to be promoted. He's been buttering his boss up all week.
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Management called the laid-off workers back.
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Jane tried to contact you. She asked you to call her back immediately.
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The teacher called me down for disobedience.
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The situation calls for immediate action.
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wpaść z wizytą, odwiedzić She called in last Monday to see our new house.
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Has the boss called in today?
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We don't have school today. The mayor called classes off because of the snow.
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I don't know why the teacher never calls on you. You always know the answer.
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Our representative will call on your company next Tuesday.
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All firefighters were called out to save the burning building.
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powołać do wojska, rekrutować Thousands of young men were called up during World War I.
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Johnny tells the story that call up old times.
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uspokoić się/uspokoić kogoś Why are you so upset? Suzie didn't intend to spill orange juice on you. Calm down!"
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A: "Would you care for something to drink? We have coffee, tea, or orange juice."
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Amy's father got out of the hospital last week. The family is caring for him at home.
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They were all carried away by his performance.
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poradzić sobie w trudnej sytuacji She carried her speech off well.
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I have several remarks, but please carry on, I'll explain it later.
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przeprowadzić (doświadczenie, ankietę) They carried out some tests to see the effects of the new drug.
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poradzić sobie, dać rade coś ukończyć I don't think anyone but Matt can carry this project through.
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Bill had never used a computer until he took this class, but he caught on very quickly and is now one of the best students.
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podpuścić kogoś, wywieźć w pole Be careful with Jane. She's a trickster. She'll try to catch you out.
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dogonić, nadrobić zaległości Terry stopped to rest for a few minutes. He'll catch up with us later.
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zameldować się (dać znać, że już jesteśmy) My plane will arrive around 5:00 PM. I should be able to check into the hotel by 6:00 or 6:30.
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zaznaczyć (że coś już jest zrobione), 'postawić ptaszka' Here are the things you need to do. Please check each one off when you've finished it.
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I'm sorry, but you can't take that encyclopedia home. The library won't allow you to check reference books out.
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Don't forget to take your room key to the front desk when you check out of the hotel.
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Call our dear friend and ask him to check up on what Bella said - I don't think I trust her.
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zagrzewać do walki, kibicować They are the best fans in the whole world. Nobody can cheer me on as well as they do.
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pocieszyć kogoś Suzie's brother was depressed about not getting a promotion, so she sent him a funny card to cheer him up.
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I brought in some flowers to cheer up the room.
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pokrzyczeć kogoś, zganić za coś Tom's father was really angry when Tom didn't come home until 3:00 AM. He chewed Tom out and then said Tom had to stay at home for two weeks.
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I don't know what to do. We have to chew this over and come up with a solution.
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It's healthier to chew the food up before swallowing.
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Sam said he was going to ask Lulu for a date, but he chickened out.
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dorzucić się (dać pieniądze na jakiś cel) We're going to buy a birthday cake for our boss and I'm collecting donations. Do you want to chip in?
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wtrącić, dorzucić swoje trzy grosze What you're saying is very interesting, but I'd like to chip in if I may.
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You should chip off any loose paint.
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Lila wouldn't talk about the accident. When I asked her what happened, she clammed up.
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If you've finished playing with those toys could you clear them all away please.
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kazać komuś spadać/zjeżdżać Clear off before I change my mind."
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His death was cleared up soon after the gun was found.
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I've lost my extra car keys. If you come across them while your're cleaning the room, please put them in a safe place.
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What time did Monica come back home yesterday?
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I came by this painting when I was looking around an antique shop on holiday.
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Everybody wonders how he came by so much money.
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zmienić właściciela z powodu śmierci tegoż This house came down to me after my aunt died.
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George won't be at the office today. He came down with the flu over the weekend.
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dostać w spadku, odziedziczyć He came into a large sum of money after his grandfather died.
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Despite all his planning the deal didn't come off.
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Roses come out in summer.
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opublikować When does her new book come out?
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zniknąć (plama), wybawić (plamę) This wine stain will come out if you let it soak in warm water.
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wpaść z wizytą, odwiedzić Come round any time for coffee.
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dojść do siebie, odzyskać przytomność To the doctors' surprise the patient came round quickly.
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opiewać na sumę, wynosić (kosztować) Your charges come to $124.38. Will you pay by check, in cash, or with a credit card?
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dojść do siebie, odzyskać przytomność When I told Gina that she'd won a million dollars, she fainted. When she came to, I told her it was a joke and she almost hit me!
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pojawić się, być wspomnianym Your name came up in the conversation.
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Such an opportunity comes up once in a lifetime.
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A strange man came up to me and asked me for money.
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He failed to come up to his parents' expectations.
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wyjść (z pomysłem), przedstawić (rozwiązanie) He came up with a brilliant plan to save the company.
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uspokoić się Cool down, you haven't won anything yet.
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liczyć na kogoś, oczekiwać (czegoś od kogoś) I'm counting on you to wake me up tomorrow. I know I won't hear the alarm.
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trzymać kogoś z dala/keep someone out or not include them in an activity or arrangement
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Nah, don't bother. It doesn't count towards your pension anyway.
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She was crossed off the list so she can't come to the party.
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We can't afford to buy everything on your shopping list, so I've crossed all the unnecessary things out.
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Cut across this field if you're in a hurry.
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zredukować, ograniczyć spożycie (użycie) You drink too much coffee. You should cut back.
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wepchnąć się przed (o samochodzie) A car cut in and forced us to slow down.
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Would you mind not cutting in until I've finished speaking?
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odłączyć, odciąć (elektryczność) Our electricity was cut off as we didn't pay the bill on time.
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The flood cut off the village for a week.
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wyciąć, pominąć Your article is fine provided you cut out the third paragraph.
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być stworzonym do czegoś, nadawać się I don't think I'm cut out for teaching/to be a teacher -I haven't got enough patience.
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Cut up the meat for Johnny - otherwise he won't be able to eat it.
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zająć się, uporać z czymś You've no idea how many problems I have to deal with as a mayor.
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Most countries have done away with capital punishment.
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Nobody likes him because he is always doing people down.
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wykończyć (fizycznie), zmęczyć Those three games of tennis yesterday afternoon really did me in. I slept for ten hours after I got home.
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They said that the murdered man was done in between 10 and 11 o'clock last night.
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Oh, no! I forgot to save my report before I turned the computer off! Now I'll have to do it over!
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zapiąć Do up your jacket; it's cold.
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chcieć, prosić (kawę, herbatę) I could do with a cup of tea.
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obejść się bez czegoś There's no Coke left - we'll have to do without.
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przeciągać się (trwać długo) I thought the meeting would be a short one, but it dragged on for more than three hours.
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wycofać się (z obietnicy) Although he had promised to help us, he drew back at the last minute.
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On seeing the snake she drew back in terror.
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przybyć (autobus, pociąg), zatrzymać się na stacji, przystanku The train drew in and the passengers began to get off.
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He's very shy: someone should draw him out.
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He drew out some money to pay his rent.
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przedłużać (rozmowę), przeciągać I thought that speech would never end. The speaker could have said everything important in about five minutes, but he drew the speech out for over an hour!
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The Ajax and Tip-Top Banks have decided to merge. Their lawyers will drawall the official documents up sometime this month.
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The limo drew up outside the mansion and the millionaire got out.
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wpaść z wizytą, odwiedzić If you're in town next month, we'd love to see you. Please try to drop by the house.
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wpaść z wizytą, odwiedzić If you're in town next month, we'd love to see you. Please try to drop in.
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podrzucić (kogoś, coś), podwieść, zawieść Yes, I can take those letters to the post office. I'll drop them off as I go home from work."
drop out rzucić (szkołę, pracę) No, Paul isn't at the university. He dropped out. Lernen beginnen
rzuć rzucić (szkoły, pracę)
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niszczyć, pochłaniać, wyżerać The guilt has been eating me away. I need to take responsibility for my actions.
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I'm too tired to cook tonight. Why don't we eat out?
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Eat up all your greens or I won't let you play with Rusty.
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At first Bob and Chuck were just having a mild argument, but Bob's friends egged them on until they started fighting.
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I'm sorry to say this but I'm sure their marriage will end in divorce - his affair's put a great strain on their relationship.
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znaleźć się (nieoczekiwanie) We got lost last night and ended up in the next town.
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pojechać gdzieś w konsekwencji czegoś, skończyć (w szpitalu) You're working too hard. If you don't take it easy, you'll end up in the hospital!
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otaksować kogoś wzrokiem, przyglądać się Just go and talk to her instead of eyeing her up the whole night - she won't bite.
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(s)konfrontować, stawać twarzą w twarz I never watch the presidential candidates face off because it's a waste of time.
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You can't pretend that you're doing OK in this course, Joe. Sooner or later, you'll have to face up to the fact that you're failing it.
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This book is so old that it's falling apart.
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zwrócić się o pomoc, wziąć zapasy z czarnej godziny Keep some money in the bank to fall back on in case something goes wrong.
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nie powieść się, nie udać się We had originally intended to go to Mexico for our vacation, but our trip fell through when I got sick.
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I feel for Martha, losing a child and a husband in one year it's more than I could take.
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próbować uzyskać opinię o kimś, wybadać, wyczuć, rozgryźć (kogoś) ->"I need more time to feel him out - he's not an open book, you know.
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I know the accident was a terrible shock. Do you feel up to talking about it?
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She figures on quite a nice sum of money after her husband's death.
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For a long time I couldn't understand the last problem, but I finally figured it out.
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zrozumieć (czyjeś postępowanie) I can't figure Margie out. Sometimes she's very warm and friendly and sometimes she acts as if she doesn't know me.
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The office needs to know your home address and phone number. Could you fill them in on this form?
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Professor Newton is in the hospital and won't be able to teach for the rest of the term. Do you know who's going to fill in for her?
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zdać relację, poinformować I wasn't able to attend the meeting yesterday, but I understand that it was important. Could you fill me in?
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Of course I completed my application! I filled it out and mailed it over three weeks ago!
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przytyć Jerry used to be really skinny, but in the last year he's begun to fill out.
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I'm sorry that you didn't know the meeting had been canceled. I didn't find out myself until just a few minutes ago.
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'wal smiało', pytać wprost If anyone has any questions, please fire away.
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As soon as I read those disgusting lies, I fired off a furious letter to the editors.
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zezłościć/rozochocić kogoś, pobudzić Arguments like that one always get me all fired up.
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Alan is really intelligent but sometimes he has problems getting his ideas across.
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mieć dobre układy z, dogadywać się Why can't you and your sister get along?
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Teresa got around the required math classes by doing well on a math proficiency test.
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poruszać się (zmieniać miejsce pobytu) She doesn't have a car. She gets around by bicycle, bus or taxi.
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I really should wash the dishes, but I don't feel like it. Maybe I'll get around to them tomorrow morning.
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poradzić sobie w trudnej sytuacji finansowej It's going to be hard to pay the rent now that you've lost your job, but somehow we'll get by.
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wsiąść (do małego pojazdu: samochód) I don't know where Carole was going. She just got in her car and drove away.
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Do you know what time Fred's plane gets in?
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wysiąść (z dużego pojazdu: autobus) When you get off the bus, cross the street, turn right on Oak Street, and keep going until you're at the corner of Oak and Lincoln Boulevard.
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Some schools got President's Day off but ours didn't. We had classes as usual.
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wybronić (aby uniknąć kary) Everyone knew he was guilty, but his lawyer was clever and got him off.
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wsiąść (do dużego pojazdu: autobus) I'm sorry, but you're too late to say goodbye to Angela. She got on the plane about 20 minutes ago.
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wysiąść (z małego pojazdu: samochód) There's something wrong with the garage door opener. You'll have to get out of the car and open it by hand.
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uniknąć wykonania zadania Lisa said she had a terrible headache and got out of giving her speech today.
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The interview is planned to get over in 45 minutes.
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wyzdrowieć, dochodzić do siebie, przeboleć coś Katy was really upset when she failed the test. She thought she would never get over feeling so stupid.
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pozbyć się czegoś, wyrzucić na śmieci That shirt is really ugly. Why don't you get rid of it?
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pozbyć się kogoś, wyrzucić (z pracy) The treasurer of the XYZ company was spending too much money so the company president got rid of him.
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You'll have to get up much earlier than usual tomorrow. We have to leave by no later than 6:00 AM.
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oddać za darmo, sprezentować I gave away all my old records that were older than 5 years.
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Every time Marcus borrows money from me, he never gives it back.
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When the boss yelled at her, Mary finally gave in her report.
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You're doing really well. Don't give in now.
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poświęcać (się), przykładać (się) The headmaster gives of himself to improve the quality of education.
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I met Susan yesterday. She was giving out leaflets on the street.
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Yesterday when I was driving home my old car gave out.
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The president showed on the podium and gave out the bad news.
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stracić zapał, zmęczyć się Their determination finally gave out.
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pościęcić się całkowicie jakiemuś celowi Steven gave the day over to organising Jen's birthday party.
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He knows smoking isn't good for his health, but he can't give it up.
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A: "What's black and white and red all over?"
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A: "An embarrassed zebra!" Lernen beginnen
Odp.: "Zakłopotana zebra!"
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kontynuować, robić coś dalej If you go on eating like that, you're going to get fat within a year.
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You went out with Sharon last night, didn't you?
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wyjść (często po to, by się zabawić) When you work 50 hours a week, you don't really feel like going out at the weekend.
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You should buy that shirt. It will go well with your dark brown suit.
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Is Gina going with Jim? I see them together all the time.
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A: "Do you have any special plans for your vacation?"
B: "No. I'm just going to stay home and goof off. Lernen beginnen
B: "Nie. Po prostu zostanę w domu i przestanę.
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Thank you for goofing up my plans of going on holiday. Again, thank you very much!
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I hoped our friendship would last for ever but then I moved to the USA and we kinda grew apart.
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My kids grew to call my second wife 'mother', which was something I thought would never happen.
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Did you know that Frank grew up in Malaysia?
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dorosnąć (zachowywać się poważnie) A: "Lee really irritates me sometimes. He's really silly and childish."B: "I agree. I wish he would grow up."B: "Zgadzam się, szkoda, że nie dorośnie".
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You'd better get started on your report. You know that you have to hand it in at 8:30 tomorrow morning!
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Why don't you have a course description and list of assignments? The teacher handed them out on the first day of class.
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I'd like to talk longer, but I'd better hang up. My sister needs to make a call.
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This class has to do with the behavior of people in groups.
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If I can help you out in any way, please, don't hesitate to ask.
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The winner of the race proudly held his trophy up for all to see.
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zatrzymać na dłużej, opóźnić I'm sorry I'm late. There was an accident on the freeway and traffic held me up.
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zaatakować, terroryzować, straszyć Sarah is very upset. When she was walking home last night, two men held her up and took her purse and jewelry.
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rozwiązać (problem), dojść do porozumienia Yes, I know we disagree on lots of things, Susan, but we can iron them out.
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wydobywać, wypływać, dochodzić/dobiegać z czegoś A terrible scream issued from the room. Nobody knew what was going on.
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utrudniać, drażnić się z kimś Why do you always have to jack everything around? I'm so fed up with your childish games!
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rzucić/porzucać coś, machnąć ręką na coś She's jacked in her studies and she's moving to the UK.
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We'll have to jack the back of the car up before we can change the tire.
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podnieść, podbić cenę The car dealer bought my old Ford for $750 and jacked the price up to $1,500 when they sold it.
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wydrzeć się na kimś, pokrzyczeć na kogoś Arthur is really upset. His boss jumped all over him because he's been late for work three times this week.
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zgodzić się ochoczo, zaakceptować I'd jump at the chance to go and live in the USA.
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dołączyć do dyskusji, przerwać komuś Marian jumped in and explained them the problem.
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The hero jumped off the helicopter and entered the car.
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atakować, naskoczyć, krytykować Everyone jumped on me when I said what I think.
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trzymać z daleka, nie dać komuś zbliżyć się do czegoś Keep your dogs away from my children!
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I'm trying to keep off sweets but it's just so hard.
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I'm not ready to stop yet. I think I'll keep on working for a while.
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ciągle coś komuś przypominać Bill's very forgetful. You'll have to keep on him or he'll never do all the things you want him to do.
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być na bieżąco z wiadomościami When I was living abroad I found it difficult to keep up with the news as I didn't speak the language.
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Why don't we kick that idea around and see what others think about it?
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ostro sprzeciwić się czemuś, zbuntować się przeciw Why are you kicking against it so obstinately? It's only a suggestion.
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Jim's club kicked him out because he didn't pay his dues or come to meetings.
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He should go to prison for knocking his wife about.
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pracować ciężko, dawać z siebie wszystko We completed the project on time because of Chuck. He knocked himself out to be sure we didn't miss the deadline.
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The boxing match ended when one boxer knocked the other one out.
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sklecić (furniture), upichcić I need some nails - I'm going to knock up a bird house.
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wpaść, zajść w ciążę, zrobić komuś dziecko I was furious when I found out that he knocked up my daughter!
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obudzić kogoś (pukając do drzwi) I'll knock you up at 5.45.
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'zmyć komuś głowę', objechać kogoś If we don't come back on time, Ms. Winthers will lay into us, so hurry up.
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I feel really sorry for Sally's family. Her father was laid off yesterday.
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What have you done with the money you were supposed to lay out for the house?
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zapomnieć, nie wziąć czegoś Oh no, I left the files behind in my car.
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zostawić coś na miejscu, nie zdejmować (ubrania, plastra, garnka z ognia) Leave the tie on - it's very nice.
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Oh, no! When I made the list of those who attended the meeting, I left your name out!
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I know I let you down when I didn't do what I promised. I'm really sorry.
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darować komuś, potraktować kogoś łagodnie There's no chance that she will be let off for what she's done. She'll definitely go to prison.
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zdradzić sekret, wygadać się She let on about the party and we had to invite him as well.
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I'm going to let on that I know nothing about your affair, don't worry.
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It's been raining hard for a long time. Will it ever let up?
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wspomnieć, spojrzeć wstecz (czasowo) When they looked back on their many years together, they realized that their marriage had been a very happy one.
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traktować kogoś z pogardą It's not surprising that Fred has few friends. He seems to look down on anyone who doesn't like the same things that he does.
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I'm really looking forward to vacation. I can't wait for it to begin!
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odwiedzić kogoś w celu dowiedzenia się zdrowia My father just came home from the hospital. I plan to look in on him today after I finish work.
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dowiedzieć się szczegółów Someone said there was a meeting at 9:30 but I haven't heard anything about it. Shall I look into it?
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Does he look like his father or his mother?
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I think I may have some typos in this report. Could you look it over?
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sprawdzić znaczenie (słowa) (w słowniku, encyklopedii, książce telefonicznej itp.) I'm sorry, but I don't know what that word means. I'll have to look it up.
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Thanks for giving me your brother's address. When I'm in Chicago next month, I'll be sure to look him up.
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Everyone looks up to Joyce because she always makes time to help others.
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You're very naive if you think you'll luck into a modelling job and you'll become famous.
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Gloria was worried because she wasn't prepared to give a report at the meeting, but she lucked out because the meeting was postponed.
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sprawić, że coś/ktoś w cudowny sposób znika These tablets will magic your pain away.
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My aunt can magic up the best salads you've ever eaten.
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We haven't bought any cutlery yet so we'll have to make do with plastic forks.
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Her teenaged children are always hungry. As soon as they arrive home from school, they make for the refrigerator.
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powodować, przyczyniać się do Many hands make for light work. If many people work together, there's less work for everyone.
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I agree that Bob looks ridiculous since he shaved his head, but don't make fun of him. You'll hurt his feelings.
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Ruth's writing is very small. I almost need a magnifying glass to make it out.
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Judy's story is hard to believe. I'm sure she made it up.
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I'm sorry I missed the test. May I make it up?
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Jack and his girlfriend were very angry with each other, but last night they finally made up.
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These shoes were really a bargain! The store marked them down by 40%!
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Mrs. White's import shop is profitable because she buys things inexpensively and then marks them up.
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I didn't complete the assignment because I didn't know how. The directions mixed me up.
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When I pointed out that it was rude to spit on the street, he told me to naff off.
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We need to nail down the decision - the deadline's tomorrow.
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zabić (deskami/gwoździami) He nailed up the box and left it by the dustbin.
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The speech was so boring that several people in the audience nodded off before it was finished.
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Stop nosing about - there's nothing for you here.
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A good journalist always noses out the truth.
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Did it never occur to you that I might not be interested in hunting?
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otworzyć się, zacząć o czymś mówić I lived with him for 20 years but I don't think I ever really knew him. He never opened up to me, I never knew what he was thinking or feeling.
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wybierać coś, optować za czymś She wanted to eat in McDonald's but the rest opted for Pizza Hut.
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wycofać się z, zdecydować się nie uczestniczyć w czymś Did he opt out of being the chairman of the club or was he thrown out?
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Has anybody owned up to stealing the tests yet?
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I'll be here next week after all. My trip to Chicago didn't pan out.
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I was very sorry to hear that your grandfather passed away.
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I have to be at the concert and meet the band - I can't let such an opportunity pass me by.
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This ring has been passed down from mother to daughter for generations.
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zemdleć, stracić świadomość When Ella heard that she'd won a million dollars, she was so shocked that she passed out.
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Everyone in the room needs one of these information sheets. Who will help me pass them out?
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You should be ashamed of teasing your little brother, Bob! Pick on someone your own size!
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wybrać Billy's grandmother especially liked her birthday card because Billy had picked it out himself.
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Those books don't belong on the floor. Will you help me pick them up?
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odebrać (przyjechać po kogoś) Of course we can go there together. What time should I pick you up?
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The children just drank the last of the milk. Could you pick some more up on your way home this evening?
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He was feeling a little tired, so he drank a glass of orange juice. It picked him up enough to finish his work.
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We'll be finished soon if everyone pitches in.
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rzucać się na kogoś/coś, zabrać się do czegoś After returning home, they pitched into food - they hadn't had a decent meal for 2 weeks.
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He pitched up 3 hours later.
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zburzyć, rozebrać (budynek) We're protesting against pulling down the old church.
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zrobić coś/dokonać czegoś (trudnego), zdobywać coś They pulled off the biggest robbery in the history of this bank.
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When the policeman indicated that I should pull over, I knew he was going to give me a ticket.
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odłożyć na miejsce, gdzie coś jest zazwyczaj przechowywane I just took these clothes out of the dryer. Will you help me put them away?
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odłożyć na miejsce, z którego coś zostało wzięte I've finished with these books. Do you want me to put them back on the shelves?
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I can't put this work off any longer. If I don't do it soon, it'll be impossible to finish it in time.
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It's a little bit chilly outside. You'd better put a sweater on.
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nabierać (kogoś), mówić nieprawdę Don't believe a word of what Jim was saying. He was just putting us on.
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I hate to put you out, but I need a ride to the train station and hope you can take me.
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There's no need for you to check into a hotel. I'll be happy to put you up.
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It's really important to come to work on time. The boss won't put up with tardiness.
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zniszczyć całkowicie, rozerwać, roznieść His reputation was ripped apart after the tabloid published the article about his affair.
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zdzierać (żądać za dużo pieniędzy) Don't even think about buying a car there. They'll rip you off.
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Alice ripped up all photos where they were together.
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Round all prices off to the closest whole-dollar amounts. For example, round $33.73 off to $34.00.
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"You idiot!" Jessica rounded on Tim. "Why did you tell her that?!"
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dać się ponieść (np. emocjom) I enjoy reading her books - I always let my imagination run away with me, which makes the whole reading experience even better.
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wpaść na kogoś, spotkać przypadkiem Yesterday at the supermarket, Jan ran into her former roommate. Before yesterday, they hadn't seen each other for nearly five years.
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On the way home from work, Art ran out of gas.
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Oh no, I think we've just run a hedgehog over.
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I ran up against a few problems finding somebody to babysit Kim for the evening.
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sprzedać coś szybko, ponieważ potrzebujesz pieniędzy, lub nie potrzebujesz tej rzeczy I'm going to sell off the toys - my children haven't played with them for months, and they just take up space.
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I tried to get their latest CD in town but the shop had sold out.
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zabierać się do robienia czegoś I haven't set about cleaning the garage yet, I'll do it tomorrow.
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We've had some problems with the project that have set us back at least two days. We'll give you a progress report tomorrow.
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I wonder how much Bill's new car set him back?
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We set off from the railway station at 3.30 am.
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You'll see Mr. Thomas tomorrow. I've set a meeting up for 9:30 AM.
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Joe has set up a new business; he produces zips.
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She's bringing her daughter to show off her musical skills.
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Come on, let me show you round this place - you'll see how awesome it is.
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The boss was very upset when you didn't show up for the meeting. What happened?
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Everyone thought Marsha would win, but Jean did. Actually, Jean really showed Marsha up.
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I don't even know when Angie slipped away.
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wrzucić coś na siebie, nałożyć szybko Sit here and relax, and I'll slip into something more comfortable.
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pomylić się You slipped up here. The amount should be $135.28, not $132.58.
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stać przy kimś, wspierać kogoś, być wiernym Whatever you decide to do, I'll stand by you all the way.
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The chairman stood down yesterday morning.
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These letters seem to be an abbreviation. Do you know what they stand for?
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I'm not surprised that Mrs. Johnson rejected your report. She won't stand for shoddy work.
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wyróżniać się, być ponadprzeciętnym Good job, Ann! Your work really stands out!
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When the Chairperson entered the room, everyone stood up.
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wystawić do wiatru, nie przyjść na randkę Angela was supposed to go to the dance with Fred, but she stood him up and went with Chuck instead.
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Did you stay in the whole night?
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Both my sister and I take after our father.
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This book is due tomorrow. I guess I should take it back to the library.
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opiekować się kimś, troszczyć się Lois has been taking care of her father since he returned home from the hospital.
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zająć się, wziąć odpowiedzialność Will you take care of making reservations for our flight to Boston?
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Please take your hat off when you go inside a building.
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Was something wrong with Jill? She took off without saying goodbye.
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When does your plane take off?
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Susan isn't here today. She's taking today and tomorrow off.
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A: "Do you like to ski?"B: "I've never been skiing, but I think I'd like to take it up. B: "Nigdy nie jeździłem na nartach, ale myślę, że chciałbym to zrobić.
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For me all babies are the same - I can't tell them apart.
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Julie was really angry at Bob; she told him off in front of all of us.
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His heavy drinking told on his marriage.
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You shouldn't throw those newspapers away; they're recyclable.
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It took me 3 weeks to throw off that cold.
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She threw off her clothes and jumped in the shower.
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This food smells bad. You'd better throw it out.
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wyrzucić kogoś za złe zachowanie Those people are drunk and making everyone uncomfortable. The manager should throw them out.
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Paul was so nervous about his job interview that he threw up just before he left for it.
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You're sitting here, doing nothing, and time is ticking away.
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It really ticks her off when someone is late for an appointment.
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zatwierdzić, 'postawić ptaszka' Here are the things you need to do. Tick each one off when you finish it.
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starać się o coś, próbować coś zrobić I'd love to try for a place at Cambridge.
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I'm not sure that jacket is large enough. May I try it on?
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I really like the way this car looks. May I try it out?
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I know you want to be on the football team. Are you going to try out?
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Everyone turned around and stared when I entered the meeting late.
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I don't want this chair facing the window. Will you help me turn it around?
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wprowadzić korzystne zmiany The company was doing poorly until it hired a new president. He turned it around in about six months and now it's doing quite well.
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The company owner turned away the clerk.
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wbudzać niechęć, odrazę, zniechęcać The poor location of the house turned away prospective buyers.
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odpierać, odwracać(uwagę) The MP member turned away all criticism.
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When John realised that he should have taken right, he stopped on the road and turned back.
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Turn back the page's corner to save your place in the book.
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Your music is giving me a headache! Please turn it down or use your headphones!
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I thought I could borrow some money from Joe, but when I asked, he turned me down.
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I've written my report, but I haven't turned it in.
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I'm pretty tired. I guess I'll turn in.
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poddać się, oddać się w ręce prawa Two days after the robbery, the thieves turned themselves in.
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I'm cold. Do you mind if I turn the air conditioner off?
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That music turns me off. Please play something else!
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It's cold in here. I'm going to turn the heater on.
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What kind of music turns you on?
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It was late and John was sleepy. He turned out the lights and went to bed.
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przyjechać, zebrać się w miejscu publicznym The new president planned to close the factory so on Saturday many protesters have turned out to show their dissagrement.
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The rookie turned out to be the team's best hitter.
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The landlord got so mad that the party was loud and that the TV landed on the pavement. The next day the tenants were turned out.
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Mary has problems with her car. The engine turned over but wouldn't start.
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You are lying on the remote controler. Turn over so I can get it.
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I can barely hear the TV. Can you turn it up a little?
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We were all surprised when Pam turned up at the party. We didn't even know she was in town.
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coś (komuś) wypadło, coś się zdarzyło Something turned up, so I couldn't go.
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czekać, aż ktoś/coś skończy When will Kenny be finished with work? I've been waiting for him for almost an hour!
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I want to make a complaint. The person who just waited on me was very impolite.
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We are waiting on his decision.
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We have to wait out the war in the cover-up.
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zatrzymać się, aby pozostali mogli nadgonić Let's wait up for the stragglers.
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I usually wake up around 5: 00 AM each day.
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I have an important meeting tomorrow and I'm afraid I won't hear my alarm. Will you wake me up at 6:00 AM?
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uświadomić sobie, zdać sobie sprawę z Do you think she'll ever wake up to the fact that nobody likes her?
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There's a school at the end of this block. Watch out for children crossing the street.
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I know my mother watches over me from Heaven.
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I'm worn down - I need to get some sleep.
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znosić, zniszczyć(ubranie) I need a new pencil sharpener. I wore this one out.
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I had four different meetings today. They wore me out.
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She says that running helps her work off the stress.
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Instead of eating lunch on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, Sheila goes to the recreation center to work out.
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I know we disagree on many points, but I believe we can work things out.
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zdenerwować, zirytować, rozłościć She got all worked up about that news.
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It's really cold today. Be sure you wrap up when you leave the house.
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Could you tell me your e-mail address again? I want to write it down.
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You'll need to make a report on your business meetings. Be sure you write them up as soon as possible after you return from your trip.
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skoncentrować/skupić się na czymś Zero in on that dot for a minute and then tell me what you see.
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zapinać na zamek błyskawiczny Could you check if I zipped up my backpack?
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I intended to go shopping after work, but I was so tired that I zonked out as soon as I got home.